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ESO: Viewing Quest: ID#730177

id 730177
internalId 6467
zone Western Skyrim
name The Gathering Storm
level 4
type None
repeatType Not Repeatable
displayType 10
backgroundText When I approached the gates of Solitude, a wounded man stumbled out, fleeing for his life. He left me a bundle of papers and told me to keep them safe before he died.
poiIndex 294967291
goalText Talk to Lyris Titanborn
endDialogText Reach witches summoning magical storms to create feral vampires? That's horrible, but to what purpose? Well, that's the next puzzle to solve. First, we need to get this information to the queen. Here. This was for Brondold, but it's yours now.
endJournalText Fennorian and I learned a lot here at the Kilkreath Temple. I should talk to Lyris and see if she thinks we have enough to take to the queen so she can convince High King Svargrim now.
endBackgroundText When I approached the gates of Solitude, a wounded man stumbled out, fleeing for his life. He left me a bundle of papers and told me to keep them safe before he died.
isShareable 1
numTools 1
hasTimer 0
timerCaption The Gathering Storm
timerDuration 1.5
numSteps 3
numRewards -1
count 1
uniqueId 575816
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Data last updated on 2024-May-18 17:30:16

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