10 21 "NPC/Monster" "NPC related covering conversation, monsters, AI, etc..." 29 "Improved Conversation" "There still isn't that much outright conversation per say, save with only a few select people. It still boils down, mostly, to the same where is... or tell me about stuff, with far too much of a little response from the people. Have a NPC Designed contest? If you talk disrepectfully to a king you must face the consequences (prison for a few days). Gossip about recent events etc... Bribe monsters not to attack if you speak their language. NPCs have truly relevant information." 26 "More/Harder Monsters" "I want to see monsters that make Daedra Lords look like rats! These extra monsters will only occupy the hardest dungeons, and only the most powerful, high level characters will ever run into them. Oh, and some should have very high resistance to magic attacks, so all the cast-absorb technique won't work on them. Dragons with non-magical breath. Ninja/Assassin/Swordmaster types with a supernatural ability with swords. ELEMENTALS, no magic but physical elemental attack. Unicorns (read the EDWARD parts I and II - unicorns are UNPARALLELED fighters). Angels, Avatars, Champions, Dwarves. Goblins and Trolls. Arial monsters, Sea monsters. Lizard, Griffin. Golems. Ride a winged beast (giant eagle). Dragons, more lycanthrocopes, goblins, a race of intelligent tree. Beholder, Mind Flayer, the dreaded Rust Monster, Ogres, a Fachan. Monsters that can't be fought merely with brute force (slimes and molds). Monsters that are dangerous to touch. Dwarves, golbins, halfings, trolls, minotaurs. Nymphs are supposed to be shy and kind. Monsters on horseback. Wererats." 23 "NPC Allies" "Many have requested that Chapter 3 have the ability to have NPC's join the character's party to fight and adventure alongside. These NPC's should have there own agenda for joining the adventurer, whether they are a disguised assassin who wants to bump the character off for another faction or a young adventurer who is in search of fame and fortune. One could incorporate a 'Summon' spell to summon a creature (caster's choice) to fight for the caster. Similiarly, a familiar for mages/spell casting classes would greatly enhance the game (could be added as a class advantage during character creation). A lawful, upstanding citizen could have the ability to call for help if attacked in a city, thereby rewarding good reputation with the law. Hire guards/mercanaries on dangerous missions. Possibly even create a monster! Befriend a monster. Add an animal handling skill. Then add a variety of animals which one could have as a companion. Hounds that will make noise when you near your querry. War horses, riding steeds, stallions and mules could all be killed. Attack dogs you can unleash into combat. Falcons your knights can un-hood. Panthers who will follow your cat burglar. Familiars for your wizards such as cats, monkies, and fairy dragons. Perhaps each animal would require a minimum number of handling points--i.e. a panther requires a 70% handling rating while a small terrier only needs a 15%. Then limit the number of animal companions to three or four--if it's within a characters handling ability." 17 "No Unkillable NPCs" "Make it so people in houses can be interacted with the same way as peasants, similarily with monsters. Make it capable to kill a king/queen and observe the effects (make royalty be above level 20 NPC with nasty spells). Kill a shopkeeper and then rob the store (being caught would result in a stiffer sentence). Have common people be affected by spells. Bodies of peasants should remain like those of monsters instead of disappearing. Peasants should try to beat you if you insult them. Ie. you disagree with a noble, he'll call his guards to kill ya. Peasants maybe try to beat you bare knucle, or maybe there should be duels!!! In duels, someone chooses the weapons and rules." 15 "Effect of Apperance" "When i go see the king and queen naked (or otherwise inappropiately dressed) I get some reaction besides the usual canned answers. Similarily have clothing affect health, wear little cloths in winter and you are bound to catch a cold. NPC's should dress for the occasion (furs in winter, robes in summer, etc...) Damage if clothing is too hot/cold for current climate.Ability to get ill when you stand in the rain too long or when you get out of the water in a cold dungeon etc. Clothes should have a function (in addition to appearance). " 12 "NPCs That Do Something" "Instead of just sitting there or walking from point A to point B the NPC's should have some sort of lives. Make all NPC's mobile (like the king, barkeep, etc...). They should be out planting crops. That's what peasants did, they planted crops. Don't always have NPCs stop and stare at you. See NPCs working in fields, walking along roads etc... between towns." 12 "Monster AI" "Some serious optimization of monster AI. The damn things need to be able to chase you through a dungeon without getting stuck because they have to go around a corner....some sort of basic knowledge of their surroundings. Also,to increase complexity and variety of monster reactions to PC. Monsters are rated for phobias,desires, obssessions, needs and so on.For example,you meet a predator.The game determines that it is hungry (if not,it may ignore you unless it feels threatened). The game checks if you look tasty to it.As you're a human in this example (dark elven meat smells terrible to this animal) it prepares to attack.But then it notices your torch. As it is terrified in the extreme of open flame,it slinks away with it's tail between it's legs.But if it's hunger rating at that moment was higher than it's fear of open flame rating then it would still attack,but maybe more cautiously. Monsters should have unique nests they return to (collect treasures at, bring food to their young), feeding patterns, sleeping/hunting cycles (times), territory protection (with perhaps an attemp to scare the intruder rather than attack outright), hunt in packs, ambush/stealth/chase tactics (with some quiet approaches) rather than making a beeline for their target, multi-direction attacks when in packs, call for help from their kind etc. Most of the above would go for NPCs too (commuting to work, doing shopping, sharing time with their families, long distance travels, waiting for audience with the royalty, banding together to perhaps gang on the PC if they are pissed etc) Why does a npc thief try to kill your barbarian? He should just try to mug the barbarian. Monsters that run away would be fun too. When a Burglar sees your plate armor and HUGE sword, he should run for his life... not stay there and fight like the brave guy he isn't. " 6 "NPC Speech" "Maybe only for more important encounters, or just for the greeting. Battlespire did speech nicely, keep it like this." 6 "Accurate Corpse Contents" "Have monsters depicted with the weapons/armor that are actually found as treasure. How many times have I fought and Archer who shoot arrows at me then switched to a sword and the treasure was an axe?? Similary, have the ingrediants match the body. I would expect to find spider's venom in a dead spider 90% of time, orc's blood on an orc, etc... (not 100%...there would be a certain chance of destroying something during the fight). Perhaps if the body is destroyed with a powerful spell (like fireball) they would be no ingrediants as the body is burned to a crisp (as well as cloths etc..). Why did I fight a barbarian to find he had steel armor? His class prevents him from using that. When you get hit as a werewolf, you should find a silver or better weapon in the corpse. Sometimes you can be asked for a quest object by a killable mobile. If I give it to them and then immediately kill them you do not find it on the body. " 5 "Cultural NPCs" "TES 3 needs people from different cultures. This could mean a Redhammer wielding a scimitar and High Elf who is a samurai. This would add flavor to the game and prevent the same weapons and classes from continuing to reappear. The scenery and diversity of people (jugglers, acrobats, beggars, herb sellers, ...) in Arena was great. Put it back in! I haven't seen any people of different races as NPCs. Am I the ONLY Argonian in the Iliac Bay? No dark elves (or elves at all)? No Khajiit? No other Argonians? Maybe there are and I haven't found them yet, but... " 3 "Fighting Strategies" "Allow Some of the more powerful NPC's or monsters to use some more human stratagies . Such as allow some NPC's to use magic items that a person would make. This would also go for spells. But again AI is complicated and can slow things down. Dodging, Ambushing/Lying in Wait, Hitting and Running, Picking up and Using stuff, Circling, Chasing, Strafing... Flee when damaged, heal, and come back smarter and pissed off. Flee when spotted to go get friends. Back up and parry if being beaten. Offer you a surrender option, stealing some gold/eq and dissapearing. (Except for quest monsters) Less pitful monsters and more equivilantly armored/skilled foes. Beg for mercy. Coordinate attacks as a group" 2 "Random Encounters" "Random encounters on sea or overland, or even air (riding on a griffon, dragon or pegasus) that have coordinated attack patterns. " 2 "No Contradicting NPCs" "Have the NPCs not contradict themselves. In one quest I had to find an individual at some Superior Supplies store. So I asked someone if they knew where the Superior Supplies was, and they had no clue, so I asked them if they knew where whats-his-name is, and they replied I believe you will find him at the Superior Supplies. It's a bit to the Southwest if you don't mind the walk . I ask where the store is, they don't know. I ask where the guy is, they suddenly know where the store is. I've had a few NPCs do this to me." 1 "Different NPC Types" "Go through each town and put in a few characters that differentiate(sp) the towns from each other. An example would be to make a town with a corrupt army, and to have there be resistance from an underground (not literally) group of townspeople, with a leader that is an intelligent NPC. Tribes of Grippli (frog-men) in the swamps, possible deep-forest thieves encampments. " 1 "Change Greetings" "The greeting these people have. Either get rid of them or change them. I went to a town that I had never been to before in a kingdom I had been to once. I picked a conversation with someone on the street and they say Hello, Darshue. Good to see you again. I seriously doubt I had seen this person before, yet he seemed to think so." 1 "More NPCs" "Add beggers, pickpockets." 1 "Threaten NPCs" "Threaten option to scare people who don't like you into giving up information. Interrogate people and have branching conversations. Have to take right track to get information. " 1 "Vary NPC/Monster Level" "Make the level of humanoid characters vary-so that you meet a very tough thief or a wimpy barbarian. also some of the normal townsfolk should be, occassionally, tougher i.e. the peasant who is a high level ranger. " 1 "Non-Combative NPCs" "Add scenery creatures that dont figure in combat but add to immersiveness of the game world. Rats (normal kind), farm animals, game, fish etc " 0 "Different Looking Clerks" "DON'T have all the store clerks look alike or tavern people in the taverns." 0 "Conversation Engine" "Hypertext driven for truly unique conversations." 27 "Hardware/Software" "Graphics, music, and anything related to the games interface and effects." 20 "Automap" "I'm not quite sure how to implement an effective 3d automap (with layered floors, etc...). This might be the best possible - but the automap in Daggerfall is almost more confusing than not having one at all. I'm developing some skill with it, but this kind of automap could easily scare away many newcomers to the genre, which would be the ultimate tragedy. Make the entry marker a cube instead of a square. Be able to write on the dungeon automap. Show switches. Some sort of large scale automap for outside (give us something!). Make it like a book where you can flip pages to different areas. Would be arranaged in chapters and sub-chapters. The automap in Battlespire looked great, but could use some improvements in 3D. The names of places on the city map shouldn't overlap. Improve the map search routine, perhaps using wildcards and showing any location that matched your criteria. See the whole dungeon at once option, not just a little bit of it." 14 "Super VGA" "High resolution, High color, like in Battlespire, with optional low-res mode." 12 "Polygon Objects" "Enemies, NPC's, and objects (no 'cutout' trees)." 8 "Scenario/Expansion Packs" "How about an add on scenario package that would have short adventures on them for more than one player. More quests, monsters, items, etc... Make the usual upgrades that would be expected in a sequel...better combat engine, more spell effects, enhanced movement, better graphics, more locations (not necessarily a requirement, all things considered), and more variety of quests. Quest editor and character editor. Release _unsupported_ editors or file specs to allow hordes of 3rd party (free) addons. Such a feature, or even the possibility of it, MUST be implemented from the very beginning of the project... else, you won't get it to work! A scenario editor." 7 "Autopilot" "Do an autopilot - that is, one can look on the map, click on where you'd like to go and the autopilot feature will take you there. This would be good for navigating large cities. Make the maps in towns scroll much faster. In a large town it takes forever to look around. When in town, bring up the map, click where you want to be, and your there (allowing for sufficient time and checking for any hostile encounters). Make it so you must have been there first for it to have worked (ie: for dungeons)." 4 "Inventory Screen" "The treasure/item/inventory screen is cumbersome. Having to select INFO prior to clicking on an item, then clicking EQUIP and then clicking the item again is silly. Have right click be info and left click be equip or something more user-friendly. Allow actual scrolling, not just down click one item at a time. Also, wouldn't it be possible to have a counter with the object? Instead of 12 different clovers, you would have 12 clover . This would be identical to the way arrows are stored. " 3 "Music" "Keep the music as MIDI since it takes much less space than digital. A game such as DF needs a large variety of music. More variety of music." 3 "Notebook" "To be able to write and edit in your own notebook, not just save comments people make. " 3 "3D Accelerator Support" "Preferably in Win95 so Direct 3D can enable all the extras to be on if you have the hardware. 3DFX! Make use of transparencies." 2 "Climbing Mode" "Make climbing mode require a separate keystroke. It is annoying to be navigating a dungeon and enter climbing mode when you get too near a wall (I've been thrust into the void a few times because of this). Climb down key." 2 "Customizing Gameplay" "If I do not want characters to speak, or I do not want to worry about falling off a cliff or being harangued because I am an ugly Argonian, let me set these in a master options screen along with Opponent Reflex Speed and other Global Parameters. Make more speed-setting options (like turn off sky, turn off ground, etc...). More choice in game-play difficulty." 2 "Sleeping" "Sleep at your own risk. Drop the Enemies are nearby --more realistic. If you do get caught let the monster get a free attack like a backstab. Have a 'rest' mode where you regenerate health/stamina/sp more slower but will notice if a monster is close enough to attack you. Do a more advanced check to see if monsters are all behind locked doors etc..." 1 "Thunder" "The rain and storms are great, but where's the rumbling and snap of the thunder? Have an option to turn the thunder on/off." 1 "Win95" "Windows95 native mode, with full SVGA, using the Win95 enhanced DirectX drivers (DirectSound, DirectAudio, etc..)." 1 "ChildGuard" "Childguard is a great idea (kids should be able to play a great game like this too) but it need work. How about turning of gore and nudity separately? And why couldn't they replace nude people with some other person instead of just hacking them out with a daedric claymore? (i.e. naked women with yellow towel = woman in gold dress playing flute).Require the purchase of a patch to see any nudity, or access any brothels. The child guard could be to easily circumvented. " 1 "Saving Games" "Only allow saving once per day, encouraging people to continue rather than reload. " 0 "Save Games" "Allow more than 6 save game slots. Perhaps have different directories for different characters. " 0 "Screensaver" "A built in screensaver. Boss screen for playing at work...:)" 0 "Polymorph" "More polymorph possibilites, like in ShadowCaster." 0 "Shadows" "I noticed that in daggerfall you could not see your own shadow. I think it would be cooler if you could at the right time of day and if the houses also have shadows (Note: If it supports 3DFX items can have shadows)." 0 "Pixelation" "The bitmaps are far too coarse, especially when at close distances. If I walk too close to someone, I should NOT be able to see squares on their forehead (Note: Something that 3DFX would fix). " 0 "Redbook Audio" "Would be very cool, but also very hard to do." 0 "3D View" "It would be cool if there was a 3D view from the outside...something like Die by the Sword and you could see the damage being dealt. (as in Redguard I believe)." 0 "Cinematic Clips" "More and better cut scenes between major parts of the game. " 0 "Movement Keys" "Allow these to be turned off." 0 "Travelling Map" "When playing the game and travelling the overland map, it has a crosshair to let you know where you were. But when you zoom in the cross hair is gone. Also, the zoom mode should be enhanced, ie, better graphics and the ability to scroll around the province." 0 "Updates" "Bethesda should keep potential morrowind players interested by giving regular updates about the game now that redguard has gone gold. " 21 "Dungeons/Towns/Landscape" "Improvements to dungeons, towns, and the outside landscape including houses." 55 "Better Designed Cities/Dungeons" "More unique cities and dungeons. More detail. Cut down on the paper cities/npcs and random maze-like dungeons. Daggerfall and some one street town should be more different than Daggerfall just has more buildings. Add 3rd party dungeons, dungeon editor. Give cities back their function... give port cities docks, border cities soldier barracks, etc... I remember Arena having cities with docks... put them back in! Dungeons that have a purpose, and that have a layout corresponding to their purposes (Castles, Towers, Guard towers, Mage tower). Monsters that have a reason to be where they are. Less size, more detail. Flying cities and higher worlds (like caves in high cliffs etc...) Stables, Boathouse, Blacksmith (Take Repair out of shops) Hotels/Brothels, Tailors (custom cloths). Smaller world to travel in, but with increased role playing and more game stability. Instead of 10,000 cities how about 25 major cities and 200 smaller villages with hidden spots to be discovered, and maybe some roving tribes to spice things up. There will be 5 Kingdoms each containing 5 major cities and a roughly 20 fiefdoms. The King can set the player up as ruler in one of the fiefdoms if the player is of high enough reputation with the king and the player has enough money to pay for the land. Dark dungeons. Burning buildings. Witness a crime, or a royal possesion in towns, something to spice it up a little. Dead cities, populated by zombies. Need ports back! Have the inside of castles match their outside shape (like in Wayrest, Daggerfall etc...). Make cities fully dynamic, so they grow shrink and can even be set up. Better designed entrances to dungeons (more of them, variety, realistic, etc...).. " 17 "Houses" "The ability to have a say in the building of your own house. Maybe the architect could show you drawings of different designs, styles, extras, and maybe even traps and defenses. Have more than one house (fortress in one province, nice summer cottage in another, boathouse by a lake...:) Buyable furniture for your house/boat. Ability to decorate and furnish your house, set books on bookshelf put armor on mannequins. Chance of robbery and quest to get your stuff back. Rent apartments, better/larger than inns. Own a castle in the wilderness. Own more than own house at a time. Own a dungeon (as a lair for those vampires)! Own a store. Make the house maps be included in the town map, ie, open doors, see in windows etc... Lights in houses can be turned on an off (why are they always on? people in Tamriel must be rich). Better, larger, custom designed houses. Plant flowers and trees around it. Buy palaces in smaller towns and become major of the city. The houses seem small in comparison to their insides. Should be able to buy multiple houses and to actually see what houses are for sale in a town on the map " 16 "Dynamic and Varied Landscape" "Changing landscape (volcanoes erupting, settlements being built mages tearing up the land etc). Let the terrain be a risk factor, If I am wandering aimlessly in the Dragontail mountains, make it possible to fall off a cliff and die. Mountanous terrain and cliffs (big!). More interesting, less random (run into a town of orcs, a harpy nest etc...) Fires, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes. We need deep, dark forests, deserts, lakes and seas to explore, caves to wander into. Thicker forests. Deeper seas. Taller world features. True wars with realistic consequences. A better designed landscape. See birds flying in the air and animals in the wilderness (not just monsters)." 6 "Remember Dungeons" "I hate it when I clear out a dungeon and exit, then immediately enter and everything has respawned. Have this as an option, to save or not save the dungeon map when exiting. Have dungeons remain empty for a week before resetting. Have dungeons _slowly_ repopulate the monster population...not all at once." 6 "Object Interaction" "Make all the eye-candy in dungeons and town homes so that it can be interacted with. Pick up that shield lying on the dungeon floor, look in that bookcase/shelf. Similarily in town, make the people, trees, etc... real. You should be able to lock doors, hit walls and leave marks, throw items, use keys, use candles find scrolls in different languages and write on paper that you buy. Basically your enviornment should be smaller, but more interactive and realistic. Be able to torch buildings. Not just with magic but be able to use lanterns / tinder and flint. " 5 "Dungeon Puzzles" "In dungeons, provide more clues to how the tricks and traps work in those dungeons - sometimes I've given up after getting stuck. This could be anything like scrolls/maps left lying around, or inset bronze plates describing clues, a myriad of possibilities here... More variety of puzzles. Have the riddles again, they made the dungeon fun to go through-" 3 "More Varied Buildings" "Add Casinos, Battle Arenas (like a boxing ring for fighting), Homeless shelters (possibly outlawed), Farms, Masonry/carpentry guilds, Clustered squares (stop randomly spreading shops, doesn't happen), Ports and shipyards Grocery stores, Hotels and Taverns seperate. Better designed towns. " 2 "Shop Loitering" "If you loiter around a shop until it closes, have the shop keeper kick you out, but only if they find you (check stealth skill, hide skill?). " 2 "Buying Maps" "In real life, when I go to work in a new town, the first thing I do is buy a street map. So why not in DF have a street map seller just inside the city gates of every major town? Perhaps even buy guild books to places of interest (dungeons, covens, etc...) Buy a guidebook at the entrance to towns. Let the book list all the shops, guilds, etc, their hours, and their quality/prices ranges e.g. Emperor's Weapons--...not fit for a king...but skillfully crafted. This would save us from a great deal of boring running around the towns. The book should be cheap e.g. 5 gp." 1 "Airborne Settlements" "Have airborn settlements, like cliff caves, treetops, or air castles." 1 "Reduce Number of Towns" "If neccesary reduce the number of towns to make each more memorable. " 1 "Wonders" "Add WONDERS. Manmade and Natural. I like the mountains, but I want waterfalls, cliffs, collossal statues, obelisks, canyons, mesas, buttes, geisers, and volcanos. The more remote, harder to navigate regions create new potential for quests more suited to Magic Users and the like. Ruins of Lost Civilizations." 1 "Houses, Ships, and Towers" "Purchasing a house in the town increases the players status in the area and gives the player a place to store his or hers goodies. Players can buy houses in the villages and main cities. The player can purchase security for his house from the local fighters guild. The more security, the less of a chance of a break in while out on an adventure. The player can also purchase a ship. Ships require a minimum crew but are harder to steal from. The player can also use his or hers ship as a trade vessel and can transport merchandise from cities to help support his or hers ship. Finally, especially wealthy players can build a small fortress or tower. Towers are the hardest to infiltrate compared to housed and ships, have the greatest staff costs and offer increased chances of recruiting retainers. Player with fortresses and large houses can hire staff to research new spells and possible artifact sites. Players with high enough skills in weapon smithing (new skills), and armor smith (new skill) can use large houses or towers to create a smithy and create armor and weapons for personal use. Players with high enough skills in magic, hobbler (new skills), weapon smithing, armor smithing and a tower can create magic items. If players don't have said skills, the player can higher retainers who do to create the items. " 1 "Guard Towers" "I like the idea of having guards centralized in a few guardhouses (# based on size of city). This would make for Good/Bad nieghborhoods. Some would still go on patrol. Don't make them all seeing. Resting invisibly/on a roof top/in an abandoned building should be relatively safe. They should come to my rescue when they see me getting attacked! The city walls of Daggerfall are totally worthless. The walls should be guarded by archers and it should be unlegal to climb them, this would mean that assassins will have to caution when entering a town at night. " 1 "Traps" "Dungeons need them. Crushing walls, trapped chests, acidic water, falling spikes, magical cages , poisoned darts, concealed pits. Need I say more? " 0 "Retainers" "Allow the player to hire retainers to defend their holdings, land and to support the adventurer in adventures. Retainers take a percentage of any treasure acquired on any adventures and require monthly pay based on retainer skill level. The player character can only have 6 retainers at one time. The player generally attracts characters similar to themselves in ability and race. Occasionally the player can rescue a retainer on a mission. That retainer would charge less for monthly pay. The player can take at most 2 other characters into the dungeon. " 0 "Libraries" "Rare libraries where you can find (or buy) rare books from which you learn about new artifacts, groups of people etc. (e.g. learn about a Paladin who can teach you different skills if you find him etc.) " 0 "The Void is Good" "Of course we've all been in the void...but I think that Bethesda can capitalize on this. Make maneuverability easier here, and you can make it a part of the game! You are in the Void. It is 8:32 on the 13th of Morning Star. In the eyes of the law of the Void, you are nothing. You are healthy. Maybe make hidden rooms only accessible through the Void, Void monsters... the possibilities are endless! " 0 "Forests" "The trees should be solid, when standing below a tree and looking up, one should see the tree crown and not the sky, this would shadow the ground and many solid trees put together would form vast forests and the atmosphere in a forest should be quite eerie. " 0 "Underwater" "In open sea (when you at ship) you can jump to water and sharks will eat today... or you can swim like in dungeons. Chests with treasures underwater. " 0 "Underworlds" "Some deep dungeons can access the great underworld,an underground realm to challenge the size of the largest empire under the sun.It could house some interesting civilizations and monsters.(It was great in ultima v)." 34 "PC/Skills/Class" "Anything related to the Player Character itself such as new skills, attributes and class options." 10 "Races" "Give each race its own custom class and forbidden classes. Each race has strong points, reflect this in weapon+armour bonuses (elves - bows, orcs - blunt weapons, etc..) Each race must have its own unique set of advantage AND disadvantage. Don't give one race a few bonus points in one or two skills because with the experience system it limits the max level you can attain (imagine a wood-elf archer that could not raise above level 28-29 whereas a human one could reach 31-32) More races to choose from (orc, dwarf, etc...) Orcs, minotaurs, and other not-so-powerful two legged beasts. Dwarfs, gnomes, and hobits. Argonians should be able to breath underwater. Half-Orcs. Daedra races. Were-rats." 7 "Custom Class" "Have the ability to save defining parameters of custom classes so they can be shared between DF owners. Also, give the custom class editor the ability to edit existing classes. (Ie. a dark night might replace ettiquitte with Backstabbing) It will enhance replay. When Customizing a Class you should be able to just ADD some special abilities without bad effects. Such as you start with like 20 special ability points. Regeneration General costs 100 but Acute Hearing costs 10. " 6 "Levels" "No limit to character level. What's the use in playing if you can't get anymore hp's, etc... Don't have primary skills stop at 100%. Removing leveling all together...statistics (hp, mp, atrributes) would be related to each other and automatically increase over time. Extend the skill idea one step furthur and get rid of levels all together. Skills (weapons, spells, etc...) and attributes (strength, hit points) increase gradually over time through use. Don't allow 'pratice' spells to be used to increase skills. Bring back experience points except not for just killing things." 5 "Attributes" "More attributes to build up, ie strength, willpower, agility. Have attributes slowly increase with use (like skills). If you swing a 10kg sword several 1000 times you are bound to get stronger. After reading many books you should get smarter etc... Get jobs e.g. work for the blacksmith and therby increase strength, get a discount on weapons/armor in the shop, and earn gold. Similarly for going to school (INT), a spa (END), ballet class (AGI), and so on. Have attributes have a much larger effect in the game (ie, personality, luck etc...)." 5 "Thieving Skills" "Make it so if the Odd Blades or some other store is robbed every night for a month, the owner would hire some guards, or try to stop you. More realistic restocking of stores after a theft. Can break into windows of buildings, not just doors. Make it a challenge to sneak up an backstab them. Why can you steal things from an NPC that has nothing when you kill it?" 4 "Language Skills" "Actually have the language skills do something. I have my Daedric about 65% and yet none of them are willing to talk to me in my dungeon crawls." 4 "Detect Secrets" "Make a skill/spell so that when you pass a secret door or switch you have the possibility of seeing a message like 'You notice something funny about the south wall', or 'You notice scrape marks on the floor'. Hidden doors are more obvious to the TRAINED Eye of a thief or Elf. Hidden doors shouldn't be visible on the automap." 3 "Lockpicking" "The ability to try to pick a lock more than once. If at first you don't suceed... Have more options for using the theiving type skills. Be able to buy lockpicks, various qualities and correspondingly various chances at picking a lock. Fix the Pick Lock skill. I have a character that has LockPicking as a Miscellaneous skill at 11%. Either because I have 80 intelligence or a bug, but I can pick any lock. That just shouldn't be happening. I should be having to bash down some doors or use open on others. " 3 "Powerful Classes" "Certain combinations of abilities unbalance the game as well such as a character with increased magery 3X, spell absorbtion, Immunity to magic, and inability to regen spell points. This character can go up fairly fast, and with an item enchanted with fireball (or something similar) can pretty much have an unlimited supply of spell points. Limit advantages and disadvantages then when the character gains a certain level have him recieve a note from some wise old man saying I have been watching you and I feel you are ready. When you go to him you can add ONE more advantage. If I am level thirty I should be able to have a castle, raise an army of the dead an of demons and carve my own province. Obviosly others would oppose. If this was integrated into the spell maker with v. high costs it would provide a whole new aspect. " 3 "Face Builder" "Would really be cool if it had a face-builder (something to completely customize your character's face...ie. these eyes with this nose, etc.). Would be optional in the character creation process. Randomly build a face if you don't wish to. The system in Battlespire is a good start. More faces to choose from. It would be nice if appearance depended on stats (ie, str, int, etc...)." 2 "Infravision" "Have a skill or racial characteristic like Infravision. It would be great to go with out the light spell or torches which do not work anyway. " 2 "History" "Should be able to write your own History without Hacking the file. Make certain events in your history unavoidable. Like meeting the Emporer or something. But the rest can just be typed in or take the default histories. I just want to check my abilities sometimes, not hear my entire life story. Not having these is especially annoying with vampire-lycanthrope characters. It might also be useful if you were told the abilities currently bestowed upon you by an item. " 1 "Become a Lich/Daedra Prince" "Like becoming a vampire or werebeast, allow your character to be a lich. Find an ancient map deep in the bottom of a dungeon that leads you to the hiding place of a secret potion/spell that would make your mortal wizard into an undead magician. Effects might be a higher number of spellpoints, always full stamina, damage from holy places, weakness against anti-undead measures, bad reaction from living things. Similarily with a Daedra Prince." 1 "New Skills" "Animal handling (less likely to be thrown and faster travel), change medical to be more a regenerative type healing, hunting (if food is implemented), religion/praying (controlling undead, gaining temporary favours, summoning daedra/gods etc...). Weapon Smith: Basic ability to repair damaged weapons away from a smithy. Armor Smith: Basic ability to repair damaged armor away from a smithy. Hobbler: Basic ability to repair all items other than armor and weapons. Foraging: Ability to find specific materials. Researcher: Increases choices in available spells and increases chance of player finding out location of an artifact site or precious metal deposit." 1 "New Races" "A good way to introduce the dwarves would be that they were at war with the orcs. Recently, a truce has been called. The dwarves have reemerged from their mountain fortresses to be a presence in Tamirel. The dwarves and orcs therefore would have a strong dislike for each other. Dwarves: They are in the game. Dwarven weapons and armor abounds. Due to their small nature, they can't use two handed weapons, but are harder to hit (+10% to dodging). Dwarves have increased endurance and strength due to their year in the mines and fighting the orcs. Dwarves well known for their fighting abilities. Skill bonuses (+10% axe, +10% short sword, +5% critical strike, +10% armor smith, +5% weapon smith ). Finally dwarves are more resistant to magic than the other races, second only to the Bretons. Orcs: Same reasons as above why they should be player characters. Due to their large size and warlike culture they have increased strength and endurance. Further, orc's, due to their physiology, innately have a rush of adrenaline near death. Orcs are natural fighters and assassins, trained from a young mage in battle. Those who are too weak die before reaching adulthood or learn more subtle ways to kill their opponents, thus enhancing their warlike abilities. Skill bonuses (+10% axe, +10% long sword, +5% missile, +5% back strike, + 5 % stealth, +5% street smarts). Orcs suffer a strong reputation penalty with most races due to their warlike nature. When entering settlement, an Orc is best off being in robes and avoiding most peasants save the residents of the more seedier parts of town. Insted of just being a Humanoid character you could be another race! Imagine being a daedra and going around to wreak havoc on an un-suspecting town, or to become an orc and join to Ornsinium. This would allow for many different storylines, skills, and races to use and become." 1 "Fighters" "The warrior at latest stages is much weaker than Mage? Warrior just can swing his club (or sword, not matter) when Mage can fly.. summon daemons.. launch nuke-spells.. etc. I (and not I alone, that was not my idea, really) think that Warrior at high levels must gain some extra-abilities, which can be compared to spells like.. VERY fast running. Catching arrows. Stealth movement. Resisting some type of spells. Ability to throw knife in eye of his foe and slay him." 1 "Import Character" "Be able to import your character from Daggerfall if you wish." 0 "Mastering a Skill" "Skills shouldn't stop advancing at 100% and shouldn't prevent other skills from advancing past 95%. It's slow progress past 100% that it wouldn't matter too much." 0 "Travelling Skill" "Add a travelling skills which would affect travel times." 0 "Levelling Increases" "Let the number of points that you increase in going up a level be fixed. I routinely save and reload until my bonus increase is 6, and my health points increase(which I sadly set as only 10, max, before I caught on) is 10 on each level increase." 0 "Rapid Advancement" "Let there be very rare, and very difficult quests/encounters where your character can advance very rapidly (either in level, skills, attributes, reputation, etc...). Either the character fails, possibly losing stats, or dying, or succeeds with great rewards." 0 "Shield Block" "Your ability to block an attack should be based on a skill. A skill such as successfully using a shield to block an attack." 0 "Disguise" " Add disguise kits and make-up kits as well as a disguise skill. (this would only be useful if NPC's took a character's appearance into consideration.) " 0 "Alignment" "Add the effect of alignment somehow (the classic evil/neutral/good)." 0 "Bounty Hunting" "Bounty hunting, would be a good Idea also. Make bounty hunting into a class, make bounty hunters guilds, and hunt and track people in outdoors environments instead of always in dungeons. " 0 "Singing Skill" "Bards should have singing skill and chance to use it for money or magic. Sing for your supper or sing up a spell." 0 "Character Disadvantages" "How about some obvious problems associated with the gender or race you choose. It would be interesting (and perhaps educational) to play a PC who is cast out, arrested and otherwise hassled because they are an upright lizard or highly attractive (or ugly) man or woman. The dialogue engine could make this an important thing in gameplay, making the experience more rich. " 0 "Sneak/Run/Climb" "Make sneak / run / climb a toggle-mode. To avoid those annoyng unwanted actions, and to lessen strain on fingers. " 0 "Scars" "SCARS on body!!! You been hit by nasty orcish blade! Critical hit (2 hitpoint remains), but you win. After that you rest and healed, but SCAR will remain forever (Switchable) " 0 "Priests" "A priestly option, there's no way to play a cleric, paladin, religious monk, etc... All they are now is mages attached to a church." 0 "Inventory Sheet" "The character portrait should be more heroic. The bodies and faces in Daggerfall were to real. Should be more like comics, with real strong guys, and girls with really big bra size and no space for internal organs!! Would be more interesting if you could choose your body in character generation - really thin and wimpy, real strong or medium. It's kinda strange to do mages with real strong bodies. The faces should be a little more variated. From batiful girls, to really old mages, with big noses and beard. " 0 "Druids" "First Polymorph, this spell is in all the stories where either a druid has one shape they change into at will or they have multiple shapes ie Eagles Bears Wolf (tried the werewolf not quite what I was looking for) etc. Another thing is that there were are no druidic places of worship (stone circles) in Daggerfall ( if someone has seen one I would like to know where it is) And maybe the most important though most looked over is the Stories about Druidic Healing of plants and animals...Too bad no animals plants are easy to walk through and i always feel that some insane wizard created the forest of Illusion...Anyway do not Druids spend a huge amount of time turning wasteland into forest? I feel as a woodelf or some other species this would be great I mean don't they love the forest? " 0 "Secret Classes" "I think that in the next game, there should be some hidden classes that are obtained through doing specific things. For example, there could be a secret Paladin class that you could get by increasing your reputation to revered, and getting over 75 reputation with a temple, this would eliminate your previous class and your old advantages/disadvantages, but you would keep your level and other stats. " 0 "Professions" "PC professions as in Ultima, hunter, blacksmith -there are loads that would be cool. " 9 "Multi-Player" "Anything related to the multi-player part of the game." 19 "Multi-Player" "Internet, LAN, IPX, Modem, Direct Connection. MPlayer" 1 "Online Guilds" "There would be a limited number of guilds available for players to join. With less guilds available to join, there is a better chance that you can join up and play online with someone online from your own guild. As many computer controlled guilds as possible to make things interesting. Players can advance online in levels and guild status. Players can join only one player guild but many computer run guilds. Have quests that must be solved online as well as some that can be done offline." 0 "Online Game Goals" "For each player character to get as big and strong as possible, advance in guild membership and make as many online friends as possible. Game time: every real month equals 6 months of game time. The ultimate goal will be for a Player Controlled Guild or Mercenary Group to gain control over a majority of Tamirel's 25 major cities by political, military and espionage by the end of six real months. All Guild Derived political influences, finances and special abilities are then reset to normal values. The winning guild's members get to keep a portion of the guild derived abilities. All player characters, including the winners keep their: levels, personal wealth, personal reputation in the land and land holding status." 0 "Guild Security" "More guards for the guilds and less of a chance for guild goods to be stolen and secrets exposed. The guild that has greater influence over local rulers and can get increased troop support from that ruler in times of war." 0 "General Considerations" "Learn from the success of MUDs. Replace fast-travel with teleportation, perhaps a portal in each town you must touch to travel. Player killing is completely optional. Players must join a clan organized by PCs in order to player kill. Anyone not in a clan cannot be attacked or attack themselves. Make it server based so one can set up an online server (as in Quake) for people to connect to at will. Online character is saved to disk when quitting so you can transfer between sites. Save game is encrypted to prevent cheating (even a simple one works well). Player killing in clans is restricted by level prevening a level 30 powerhouse from demolishing that puny level 6 mage." 0 "Customizing" "Use the internet to develop (background information not code) small portions of the game such as send out emails,containing forms or application moudules to compile information, to all participants to populate information about a certain NPC or a guild. This would make the world more detailed and allow individuals bragging rights for customizing their little corner as well as save Bethesda some money on development. " 0 "More General Ideas" "What I would like to see in elder scrolls 3 is an option like in Diablo where you can log on to a server ( controlled by Bethesda soft perhaps? ) and then play it over the net vs people all over the world. Face it, they can only make the NPC's so smart and they will never compare to a real live person for unpredictability. Also make sure that there is no cheating like there is in Diablo ( not that its not fun to have two people in god mode hit each other for hours without doing anything ) and make sure that there is no stupid chat line where someone can shoot off their mouth but refuse to fight anyone. Make it so that you have to talk to them in person or yell to everyone in the room or whatever. Also I would like to see more customized characters like being able to pick a chubby PC or a short PC or giving your char a mohawk if you so desired. And being able to do stuff like paint designs on your armor ( doesn't it make sense if your a member of the knights of the to have a dragon on your shield? ) " 0 "Non-Combat" "I think that you should be able to do more than just fight. After all, this is a role playing game. For example, in Ultima Online, you are able to make a living as a baker or non-combat professions. You should be able to do the same. A blacksmith, for example, would be cool" 0 "Computer/Player NPCs" "You need some AI routines for computer controlled NPCs. The 3d engine now knows what to do when NPCs are around (ie. collisions, moving, trading stuff). The game operates in single-player mode with the option of having computer-controlled NPCs fighting on your side. When more people want to join in (ie. on a network or over the internet), your engine replaces the computer-controlling AI routines with the other players network connection. You could meet in a tavern, for example, then go out and fight in a dungeon. You could get separated and explore various parts, rejoin at a pre-determined time (and place) and combine maps and swap treasure. Lots of posibilites!" 28 "Item/Artifact" "New items including weapons, armour, artifacts and related topics." 19 "More Weapons" "Different medival weapons. There are a lot more if you do a little researching. (eg. Crystal Halbred, Gold Dragon Shield of Summoning). Lance, whip, brass knuckles, a chain. Where are the spears? Use rocks and sticks as a last resort. Crossbows, halberds, spears, slings. The chakram, a round razor sharp disc used by Xena to attack enemies from afar, or use it as a useful tool. " 8 "Appearance of Weapons" "Weapons that look different from the players POV and not just in inventory. Improve weapon graphics in inventory screen (SVGA). " 7 "More and Better Materials" "I'd like another material put in that's better than ebony/daedric (diamond perhaps?) , or just plain more materials with different properties. More interesting properties like good against undead, bad against humans, powerful but weak, etc... Make the better materials much harder to come by. Wearing all Daedric armor should make you invulnerable to Iron through Steel weapons(Or something to that effect). Dwarven axes are the best, elven bows, etc... " 7 "More Artifacts" "Make sure artifacts can't simply be armor/weapons that can be made in the item enchantor or duplicated elsewhere (such as the hircine ring, azura's star etc...). More ways to get artifacts. Summon a daedra prince more than once. Special arrow artifact. Sanguine Rose was GREAT, need more variations! An artifact that, when equipped, turns all the armour/weapons you are wearing/wielding into some special substance. E.g. Diamond-Coated. " 6 "Dual Weapons" "A decent double-handed fighting engine, the overriding important characteristic of which is that both weapons are displayed, on either side of the screen. A simple algorithm whereby one hand is designated as 'lead' and that one is the one which is controlled by the mouse, whereas the 'off' hand simply follows suit, following the lead weapon. Could have a dual-weapon skill relating to how often the 2nd weapon hits and how much damage it does." 4 "Renowned Cities" "Make certain cities renowned for their elven weapons, or dwarven armor, so that one can go there, and visit these renowned crafters - this adds an element of realism as some places should be better than others at producing certain constructs. Cities filled with mages where magical items can be found commonly." 3 "Useless Items" "Make the stuff you can buy in general stores useful. What's the point of buying a lantern, torch, etc., when it doesn't light up the darkness? What's the point of a bandage if you can't heal faster with it? Sure, you CAN enchant lanterns with light, and bandages with heal...but lanterns aren't inherently magical, are they? Right now the only point of this trash is for enchantment, and maybe for quests. More general purpose items to buy in stores. " 2 "Potions" "Bring back the interesting, sometimesmorbidly interesting, descriptions of potions from Arena. The characters in Daggerfall may well be able to automatically identify potions, but it doesn't make sense, and it isn't as interesting. Put all the recipes in their own list or something, rather than carrying around all those papers separately. Allow people to NAME unknown potions in the PotionMaker. A potion of Unknown Powers could be almost anything. " 2 "Variety of Arrows" "Make different types of arrows, like exploding tip, cianide coated, and the like. Ones that do more damage, magical based damage, or more damage to a certain enemy group. Homing arrows (ie, increase your missile skill). In general better arrows should be difficilt to find, buy or make." 2 "Repairing Magic Items" "Make this slow or expensive, but make it possible within the game.Repair magical items at mages guilds. Make it expensive or something, but just because a Sword can cast Open doesn't mean it can't be sharpened. Should also add a cool magic ability to weapons and armor that makes them never break. Make it really expensive, but that would be cool. sword that never dulls. " 1 "Metal Deposits" "On adventure, the adventurer will occasionally find rare metals or monster components that can be made into armor or weapons. Some materials based on the monster it came from will have innate magical abilities. Different smithies will have different levels of ability when forging weapons and armor. The better quality the shop, the better quality of armor can be made and the better range of weapons to be made." 1 "Damaged Found Items" "All items found in dungeons or on bodies are always new. Would be more realistic to see this vary (a rusty sword on an orc, a brand new shining one on a knight etc....)" 1 "Leathers" "Just bovine leather, in an RPG? Leather should come in many different types, some of which have special poperties due to the creature they come from. Leather stil wouldn't provide the same basic protection as plate or chain, but this would give a real reason to want it. E.g. Fire Atronach skin/leather protects against fire. " 1 "Scabbards and Sheaths" "To house weapons. Can be magical such as a repair, or poison. When you use the little ready weapon button, depending on if you have a single or double handed wepon, your character would take the weapon from the sheath and remove his shield from being slung over his shoulder or something." 1 "Race Dependant Armor" "Let there be three types of armor fit: Human, Orc, Elf and Dwarf. The player of one of the races can only wear armor of his or ohers race with no penalties. Humans and Elves can wear armor made to fit either race but suffer an encumbrance penalty (+15% increased item weight) to that item due to poor fit. Also, due to poor fit the armor isn't as effective, the item looses one armor factor. Humans and Orcs can wear armor made to fit either race but suffer and encumbrance penalty (+10% increased item weight) to that item due to poor fit. Humans and orcs do not lose an armor factor due to the similarity of build. Elves and Orcs cannot wear armor sized for either race. Dwarves can't wear human, orc or elf sized armor. To partially compensate for restricted available armor and to account for the dwarves size, Dwarves are harder to hit (+15% to dodging) and they have increased endurance. Perhaps add a 'change size' spell." 1 "Special Effects" "Have where when you take out dagger your guy does cool spinny thing (or the like). More magical weapon graphics (not all the same)." 0 "Renaming" "Be able to rename items without having to enchant them (if I want to call my sword Jack, why can't I?)." 0 "Rarer Weapons/Armour" "Also, armor and weapons should only be carried in the largest of cities. In medevil times, it was very rare that a peasant could use chainmail." 0 "Healing Herbs" "Have healing herbs. If Im in the wilderness, theres a forage button or something where you can look for these herbs. Would be easier with a ranger or something. " 0 "Customizable Weapons" "When you put a soul gem in a ring or sword make the jem show up on picture of the sword or ring." 0 "Item Quality" "If you buy a weapon at a slightest defect store it should last longer and do more damage or if you buy it at a mouse store it should deteriorate faster and do less damage. " 0 "Hidden Weapons" "Be able to hide weapons in various places on your body. Dagger in the boot, sword on the back, etc.." 0 "Ordering Items" "The ability to custom order pieces of equipment, eg. Armour, if you have enough money. It may take time for the shopkeeper to come up with what you want, but should be possible. " 0 "Chainmail" "Add more forms of chain mail. Perhaps not as great of a variety as plate, but the rare suit of elven chain would be nice. " 0 "New Weapon/Armor System" "Imagine Elven Longsword and Human (Steel) Longsword. They MUST be different not only in color, but in appearance. So, maybe change a little ALL Weapon/Armor system? Make Human, Dwarven Elven (and maybe Orcish, Daedric, Undeadish.....) TYPE of Weapon/Armor. And then it could be Mithril Elven Chainmail (look below), Steel Dwarven Axe, Orcish Iron Scimitar, well - you catch it, I guess. Next. Chainmail. Different materials, okay? Ah, Leather armor too. There are nice difference between Mithril Longsword and Elven Mithril Longsword. " 0 "Raising Dead" "A costly item enchantment or an artifact that restores you to life when you are struck dead. Probably only one use per enchantment etc. " 0 "Item Levels" "Make items have a enherent level. As I understand it in daggerfall, items have as effective level the PC's level, even if the player character is a barbarian with the intellegence of a turnip (and magical ability of a radish) . Or maybe have a use magical item skill. It could not only define what level you use magiacla items, but also let you identify them. " 0 "Correct Materials" "More lower-level materials before you get up to the good ones. Copper and bronze The metals higher than steel should actually LOOK metallic. Daedric should be a reddish metal, instead of some sort of shiny, bright-red plastic." 26 "Magic/Spells" "New spells and other magical related topics." 7 "Teleporting/Recall" "Multiple anchors (around 3). Ability to return to same anchor multiple times, ability to teleport without having anchor set. " 5 "Better Spell Effects" "A spell engine that incorporates point-line-point code, whereby you can actually cast a lightning BOLT, rather than this pathetic lightning ball, or a stream of fire, or holy light. We need some IPAS routines instead of bitmapped psuedomagic, for area effect spells and the like. Visible blast radius. More spell effects and spell pictures,not just the same little fuzzball every time you cast a spell. Choose the size of the blast radius in the spell maker. If a spell is a fire storm, etc. there should be better graphics for area spells. " 4 "Necromantic Spells" "I would also like to see a Raise dead, control Undead, Summon Undead (usable only in grave yards, or around dead people.) and other necromantic spells. Add a new guild base solely on Necromancy." 2 "Item Enchantor" "Make the Enchantment Point cost for powers greater. Personally think it is neat, but I also feel it unbalences the game. The same goes with certain spells in the spellmaker (such as: invisibility(true)). Abilities that can be magically added to items should cost more. Once you get to a Magic Item Maker in a guild the game just becomes waay too easy. Choose the color of the enchantment, instead of the default blue. " 2 "Affecting Spells" "I like being able to see exactly what spells I'm being affected by at the moment (the icons are great, but don't tell you what spells, especially if you forget, have a lot of spells cast, or have spells cast at you). If this is too potent, simply create an 'identify spells' spell or have a spell identify skill. Create custom spell icons in-game. Make these either less obtrusive or able to be switched on and off. They're often just annoying. " 2 "Grand Magic" "Just about all the magic in the game is 'putz magic', nothing terribly powerful everyday type. You need from 'grand' or 'realm magic' with truly powerful and unique effects (like dimension travel, time travel, instant teleportation...anywhere). Make spell skills slower to advance and with a higher discount on spell points to cast spells in that school per extra %. Then add really hard spell effects which are v. expensive. " 1 "Spell List" "Sort the character's spell list in alphabetical order. " 1 "Summoning" "Summon monsters to fight at your side. Choose the basic type of monster. Strength is partially based on level. Monster creation spells with lots of options on what exactly you summon. Daedra Priince summoning spell." 1 "Light Spells" "Fix the light spell so everything does not go dark when you approach a wall. Remove the annoying floating candle! " 1 "Spellbooks" "Find spellbooks (in dungeons, houses, corpses, etc...) and add any unknown spells into your spellbook (optionally of course)" 1 "Spell Maker" "yes! even better than it is! Above all, more realistic : no more super-spells, no more training to level super 100 with wimpy 5 point cost cantrips.The different spell effects could also be devided into schools, users only having access to a limited number of them... this certainly goes up for divine spellmakers... I can't imagine a god of life/healing providing you with poison/disease or soulsteal spells! The ideal would be to define the world in terms of certain parameters, combined with a thoroughly developed arcane theory. Application of the theory would then enable you to influence parameters as you wish (e.g. the weather, your hitpoints, another's hitpoints, etc...) and design YOUR OWN spell effects, effectively creating you own spellmaker effect library as we now now it! Maybe this is just a bit over the top, but think about the possibilities!!! " 1 "Type Numbers" "In the Spell Maker you should be able to type in the number you want in any of the fields. Really annoying having to press the up button 40 times just to get to 40. " 1 "More Than 3 Effects" "Should be able to add as many different abilities to a spell as you want. Make a spell that has the Elemental Resistance to all 5 types, your only limitation to the amount of abilities added should be either your skill in a specific school or your own spell points. (But first you NEED to fix the over 100% 5 spell points bug. :) " 1 "Seek Spell" "A section of the detect spells that pinpoints the object of a quest, so that you have some idea of where you are going. " 1 "Priest Spells" "Cleric/priest magic should be completely different and separated from that of mages " 0 "Enlarge/Shrink" "The ability/spell to shrink to much smaller, or grow to much larger. Likewise, have this affect attributes etc..." 0 "Create Golem" "For those high level mages." 0 "Morphing" "Morphing spells, turning you into another creature type for a short time for increased effects in an area (ie, a dragon for attacking, an eagle for flying and escaping etc...). Be able to turn into any creature in the game." 0 "Plague" "Nasty disease able to wipe out villages and armies (and yourself if you aren't careful). Hard to find a cure for." 0 "Enhanced Vision" "Be able to see well in dark, 'zoom' modes, spot secret doors, traps, etc..." 0 "Special Bonuses" "Some of the spell categories that you can add to your spell should be obtained through either a guild or your own personal ability in a school. Something like you can add a damage effect to your spell at any Destruction level but at Destruction level 40% you can add Continuous Damage. Level 80% Destruction and you can add Disintigrate. " 0 "More Enchantment Types" "Weapons can be enchanted etc so that they gain powers through use. For instance, I enchant my axe as a Living Weapon. I go out and kill 30 vampires with it. Upon examining my weapon I find that it now has a mild vampiric effect when I hit with it. (Had I killed Vampire Ancients, the effect would be greater)." 0 "Cursed Items" "De-idiot proof magic, particularly items. For example, If I have a gem with the effect strenghtens armor, and pick up a wand that unknowingly has a disadvantage of weakens armor, instead of just canceling each other out, make the armour disapear (based on luck armour type, etc). This will make picking enchantments into a risk vs benifet type deal, and actually (IMHO ) balance the game, making getting the item maker only the first step, instead of making the game vastly easier instantly. " 0 "Resistances/Immunities" "Make these much harder to get at reduced effectiveness. Make it so when you resist a spell it cost spells points or fatigue etc... " 0 "Soul Trap" "You can release a soul from the gem to help aid you fight for a time. The monster and gem disappears after use." 0 "Mount Spell" "Add a spell that creates a mount, like the phantom steed. " 33 "War/Combat" "Anything related to combat, fighting, etc.. including the more strategic side." 9 "Sea Combat/Ships" "If sea travel is implemented, ship-to-ship combat with boarding parties and such. Sea serpants. Flying piranha. Giant squid. Float around in the ship movement. Don't make the ship instantly accessable from anywhere. Many more ships types (small rowboats to warships). Bring ships more into the game. Actually navigate a 3d ship about the place-up rivers, dock at ports. Ship to ship combat, boarding, pirates, smuggling. " 7 "Specific Damage" "What would really be cool is when your engaged in combat you could actually see damage being done to what your fighting instead of the repetitive blood splattering. For example, when fighting a skeleton let me see him lose an arm or his rib cage be destroyed or when I'm pumping arrows into something let me see the arrows stick in the monster as he struggles toward me or tries to escape. Similarily, instead of having character hit points, have specific hit points for the arm, torso, head, etc... When a certain body part becomes damaged enough, it affects things (like a badly wounded arm would affect how well you swing a sword, while a damaged leg would prevent you from running faster). " 6 "Becoming a King/Ruler" "It would be cool if you could work your rank up and become king and rule a city or province and lead an army, make governmental decisions (taxes, wars with other provinces, et cetra). I don't want this to become a Sim-Province game. I want to still be able to interact with the world of Tamriel. Players can purchase land, with enough cash and political influence the player can become part of the local royalty. As a ruler, the players get a set income from the natural resources of his or hers land and his working peasants. The player has to tithe a certain amount of taxes to his or hers King and provide troops for his or hers King when called. Ruling land will be a somewhat smaller part of the game. The player allocates taxes to defend his land and maintain his peasants. The players PER trait, reputation and his or hers race compared to the majority local race will determine the local happiness rating, which will determine the chance per month of peasants to rebel and the base taxes derived from peasants. The larger the land that the player rules the larger the fortress he or she acquires, which increases the security and defenses of his or her land and increases the taxes needed to maintain the fortress and army. The player can increase his lands productivity by recruitment of skilled tradesmen, recruiting guilds to build guilds at his or hers town, building mines and reclaiming land from roaming monsters and brigands. Threats to the player lands come from roving robber bands (new mission: destroy brigands), greedy neighboring rulers, increased taxation from the king and rebellion by the peasants. To solve these problems the player would have different options available: Missions: Offer a mission that could alleviate the problem, or increase it depending on results. Defenses: The player spends money to increase his lands defenses that discourage other lands from invading War: Include a basic combat program for small units combat, that can also be used online. Most online battles should be resolvable within 20 minutes. This is used to settle peasant revolt, brigand and war. Politics: The player can bribe the brigands, pay a tithe to the neighbors, ask for Guild Support if high enough in guild status, and support from the king to settle any of the problems. " 6 "Battles" "How about large scale battles (although it might run a little slow). Just think about a whole tribe of orcs invading the city of Daggerfall...and you and the royal guard have to stop them...maybe make your character have to kill the head orc to win the battle. Have battles as optional. Join the army of a province, go for training and join a war in progress. Increase/decrease military rank by battlefield deeds. Develope a fieldbattle system!!! In two ways perhaps! As participating in battle and as leading a smaller part of the battle!!!" 4 "Owning Stores" "Build/buy structures that are profitable. Like a general store. Get a % off the sales. Or a mages guild shop or something. Just be able to own one. Get revenues, pay taxes, hire security, find those thieves that broke in last nite, etc... Let us own shops. If it is our life ambitions to create a character solely to own a store. Allow it. Perhaps use the items we find exploring dungeons be the start up for the shops that we have. " 4 "Pirates" "I wish you could become a pirate and travel the seas and reak havoc on other sailors. You could have them on ships, not your own of course, unless maybe you were the class of a pirate and then you could have your own crew. If you were saling around on your ship like in Morrowind you might come across a pirate ship and have to fight them some how. Less complicated, the class of a Pirate sould be made up. " 2 "Hand-To-Hand" "Make it so you must have a certain %'ge in hand-to-hand before you can hit special monsters that can only be hit with a certain weapon...or reduced damage. Hand to Hand should NOT be able to kill a Werewolf when a Steel Long Sword Can not. BUT, your Guantlets and Boots should have an impact on what you can injure. Silver Gauntlets let you kill that Werewolf but your Steel Boots just aren't injuring it. " 2 "Politics" "Be able to negotiate in the political arena. Once your political standing increases maybe even become a mayor and make a profit as that. Proceed on as a ruler of the Region? I also think that it would be better if the political intrigue elements were stronger than in TES 2." 2 "Invading Armies" "Cooler random things such as invading armies of undead and the like. Plague, flood, fire, earthquake and poison gas should be tools for players to create more than superficial damage. A high level character should be able to kill most people in a hamlet of farmers. Perhaps torch the city with a rain of fire. Cities buildings are repaired or rebuilt and you see the work. " 2 "Alternate Attacks" "Throw/kick dirt to temporarily blind, bash. Marshal art style attacks. Wrestling moves. Player should be able kill enemies with only one move. When enemy character dies, should be different animations. If you kill them with a sword, should be able to decapitate, and stuff. If yo hit him with a mace, his torso should go out, and things like that. And the ability to duck, roll and parry etc. " 2 "Screams" "Screams/sounds from enemy when they are hit. Be able to toggle this on or off. Battlecries as you rush into combat." 1 "Pillage Buildings" "The ability to damage, raid, burn, and decimate buildings." 1 "Creating Villages" "How About having the Character be able to Build a house/keep/castle. Then proceed to make a village around this. Increase the population and have a small strategic like setup. Like a really scaled back version of Civilization. Just occasionally have a page show up asking for advice? Like should we raise a tax, sell/buy/rent land etc... " 1 "Arenas" "Put some areas like colusseums and battle arenas where a power hungry player can sign up and fight monsters and people to gain experiance in a faster way than just seeking them out like in daggerfall. You can bid items/money that you are currently carrying and the more you bid, the more difficult your opponent will be, if you lose, the items bided are taken from your inventory and given to the arena, if you win, the items you bid are given to you by the arena. There should also be an option in certain arenas or colusseums for the chance to win a rare and powerful or valuble item, but you must defeat extremely powerful NPC's or monsters in order to get these items. You only get one chance, and it will be risky because the opponent could be a great deal more powerful than your character and could gaurantee your loss and death. " 1 "War Machines" "Make the catapults, ballistas etc... do something (even if it is just for fun). Ground based artillery-like weapons." 1 "Attacking Groups" "Groups to attack you when traveling... like orcs attacking a caravan. You could hire NPCs to guard you as well. They would have a strategy for attacking you like feints, holding a line, charging, etc. " 1 "Jousting" "Jousting would be cool. To be able to charge your mount and strike with a lance would be great. Then you would switch to a blade and hack your enemies down, all from your mount. Include flying beasties as well. While levitate will make your horse fly as well, no one else does. In the sky, you are all alone. Dragon jousting would be just plain awesome." 0 "Armies" "Form armies which can lay siege upon enemy cities. " 0 "Varied Attack Patterns" "Cooler looking attacks, not just plain slash, bash, stab. More like combinations, twirl the sword and take a huge slash down the midsection and recoil to stab the sucker." 0 "Strategy" "Maybe put some strategy into the game. Ex: You are asked by a member of royalty to lead an army to help defend an important town against a horde of orcs. You personnally couldn't do it, so you organize a troop of soldiers/mercanaries. " 0 "Supplies During Wartime" "During war many supplies, especially weapons and armour, will be in short supply. " 0 "Tracking" "Have monsters you can track and kill in the wilderness." 0 "Fighting Underwater" "More realistic fighting underwater. Slower combat moves unless a free action spell or likewise is cast. Casting spells is affected. Fireballs would fizzle and ice bolts would damage caster. " 0 "Combat Losses" "Not ALL combat losses should be fatal. Possibly held for ransom to be paid by family, or a guild if of high enough standing. Maybe locked up, to be questioned later, and then has the opportunity to escape. Maybe tortured, until he breaks (based upon Endurance?), and devulges some guild secret. This then lowers his standing." 0 "Battle of Wills" "Allow some sort of power/spell where the player can try to overpower an enemy mentally. This could be a spell, a class-related ability or the enchantment of some itme or other. " 0 "Battlefields" "Add battlefields with specific war related quests. When two contries are at war--Disease should be more of a risk; Weapons stores should be nearly empty; etc. Battlefields then dot the borders. When these battlefields are abandoned, haunt them." 0 "Incapacitation and Kidnapping" "The ability to incapacitate someone without killing them (although if your skill in this is low you might accidently kill them).. perhaps some sort of noxious gas in a bottle could come in handy for this. You could then dump them into your wagon and abscond with them.. kidnapping would be a very interesting addition, especially of nobility." 0 "Vorpal" "Add a vorpal/sharp flag to weapons. Chance to do major damage with a high chance of outright killing the monster." 0 "Killing Lycanthropes" "Lycanthropes could only be killed by silver weapons (and maybe magic). Not even that daedric Dai-Katana should be able to shave a hair of these suckers. That means that you always have to be carrying a silver dagger or something, just in case." 0 "Bows" "Bows should be made of the same material and the arrows should be different (i.e, arrows made of different materials). " 0 "Encumberance" "Make weapons and armour actually impede your fighting, movement or even spellcasting. For example, mages would find it difficult to cast spells while wearing bulky gauntlets, or a daedric dai-katana would practically lumber through the air, while those extra-light dwarven swords can be wielded with ease. You can't run and jump like a gazelle while wearing about half a ton of daedric plate. " 0 "Poison Weapons" "The ability (perhaps restricted to class or hard to gain knowledge) to poison weapons" 0 "Realistic Damage" "Monsters should do damage according to weapons they have, not just a standard range. The weapons could look different as well (not every guard uses an axe) based on the weapon type and its metal. Or if every guard wields an axe, they should have it when you kill them, and maybe another weapon. The same would apply for armor, etc. " 25 "Quest" "Anything related to improving the quests, including the main quest." 8 "More Quest Variety" "Don't make dungeons the only place you really fight enemies...have some quests where you storm a castle, assassinate a king, or climb a tower to rescue a princess. Different quest for temples or knightly orders. Guard a caravan. PC steals from store and merchants guild puts price on his head. PC steals from store and then gets quest to catch thief. NPC steals from store and PC gets quest to catch thief. Less dungeon type quests. The Guilds should give out quests which fit their name. Less quests in dungeons, more elsewhere (castles wilderness). Have monsters invade a town. Have holidays that generate special quests. Also, certain special quests can only be from certain cities." 6 "More Guilds" "Guilds you can join but don't really do much. Charity guilds. Let all guilds be joinable, even if it is very hard to find them (ie, Order of the Lamp). Same with witches guilds." 5 "More Quests" "More quests. Lots more quests. At least 200 or so unique quests per guild.. It wouldn't be that hard, especially if Bethesda had a quest contest or something along those lines, where one could download a quest editor and submit quests..then the best ones could be implemented. Much better paying. " 5 "More Main Quests" "More than one main quest. In Daggerfall once you complete the main quest there won't be too much to consistantly hold your attention. Different main quests like knights noble quest, a different thieves quest, etc...The location you pick defines the the main plot. Several separate main quests finished with an ultra hard final. A more immersed/interesting story (should be 'written' like a book)" 3 "Quest Items" "When you get a quest to find say, spider venom, you should be able to get any spider venom (they're all the same, right?), not just that special one in the bottom of a huge dungeon." 3 "Riddles" "Bring back the riddles!!! I loved those, and they stumped me just the right amount of time. Don't trivialize them by putting them in all dungeons - maybe just make one dungeon have a bunch (a dungeon that furthers the main quest.) and a few other riddles in other dungeons the character is sure to visit. " 2 "Bulletin Boards" "Have bulletin boards in guilds taverns etc... where random quests are posted. I've been looking for this one in a game for years." 1 "Vampire Clans" "Make these work. Vampires should have thier own god and temples." 0 "Varied Quest Rewards" "Increase in repuation, skill/attribute increase should be made the rewards for various difficult quests....failure means a decrease." 0 "Mini-Quests" "Join the many mini-quests from guilds into a longer quest with a common theme." 0 "Artifact Quests" "More ways to get Artifacts quests." 0 "More Complex Quests" "Far too many simple quests. Need more complex ones where you have many more decisions to make and each one has effects in the future." 0 "Main Quest Involvement" "If the player chooses to just live life and not get caught up in the major quest(s) then a level of danger that (s)he can't help but get involved in. " 0 "Relevant Dungeon Monsters" "Ancient liches don't protect bards, and knights don't protect orcs. The computer should fill the quest dungeon with creatures that are relevant to the quests. " 0 "PC Gives Quest" "Let the PC be able to give quests to people as well. All kinds of options here. Perhaps only when the PC is a certain level or has a minimum reputation." 0 "Starting Quest" "Start out in a town instead of a dungeon." 0 "Refuse Rewards" "Be able to turn down the reward money for a quest in exchange for increased reputation. Would work better for misc citizen's quests and temples. Less gain at fighter's guild. " 0 "Internal Guild Politics" "Rivals who are also seeking promotion and superiors who must be removed so you can get their job. Dynamic guildhouses. I.e. if a guilds power falls its guild offers less services, has worse decor. As it decreases further, outlying branches close. And the reverse for guilds increasing in power. " 0 "Sub-Guilds" "Multiple advancement branches in Guilds. For example, in the Mages Guild, there should be other highest levels, such as Grand Wizard, where you get different benefits etc. What you get could be based on your magic skills, or what quests you do etc. " 0 "Forest Guilds" "Forest Gulids would be exactly like small vilages but in a forest. The houses would be in the trees and would probably be small. The trees of course would have to be solid, to get to the houses, rope ladders or something similar would be needed. There would be people roaming around like normal and it would be more fun if you had to stumble across the guilds to find them like lost cities. Once you had found them you could join them and buy a house there, do special training etc. They would be really good things to join and, look really cool. " 0 "Necromancers Guild" "Have a real Necromancer guild where if you die and are a member, you automatically restart with most of your possessions gone, but your necromancer powers based on your character level, character attributes, artifacts, number of completed quests, reputations, etc. and your guild level. PLUS, you must sometime choose between the light or the dark. If you choose the light special monsters, other necromancers, etc. will come after you, the monsters/attackers will be bad, but if you pull it off, great rewards and special goodies. If you choose the dark, make the requirements of bad reputation, killing, BETRAYING (especially other guild members) pay off BIG." 0 "Guard Quests" "When you join a regional knightly order you should have guard duties as part of the quest offered, IE arrest a criminal, catch a thief, break up a riot, guard the king, ect. If the region is at war you may have to go off and fight for your ruler. Breaking the law or attacking guards in regions where youre a knight should result in automatic expelsion " 0 "Temples" "You should be able to be excomunicated from temples. " 0 "Illegal Quests" "Some quests are 'legal', such as killing a bear, or 'illegal' such as smuggling or murder. Have police sting operations to catch you red-handed! Make evidence and such a factor in trials -- if somebody saw you do it, your ass is busted! Hire a lawyer, or if you can't afford one, get a public defender to try and get you scott-free! Have plea bargains, and have a rap sheet to keep repeat offenders behind bars! " 0 "Trade" "Where is the trade. Trade is one the most important things through time, yet there are very little trade in Daggerfall!!! Let Caravans journey around, Merchants guilds develope... " 87 "Miscellaneous" "Ideas which don't fit well anywhere else." 16 "Stable Release" "More stable release version (more ALPHA/BETA testing). Less bugs, less patches. " 12 "Romance" "I would really like romance in an upcoming game. Actually the main thing that I would want in a new game would be to maybe be able to have kids and a wife or husband. Flirt option when talking. Keep it simple. For those players who want to live life solo put in the before mentioned brothels for that quick fix that we all need sometime. Let the romance thing bloom from whatever. You know converting the hooker that you slept with last night, falling in love with the barmaid, or barkeeper. Even let us try to win over the frosty duchess and obtain a rank of nobility to boot. This could add some real interesting twists to the game. You know do a quest for someone you rlove hates and she begins not to like you. Things like that. " 9 "Guards" "Fix the 'all-knowing all-seeing' guard. Esp. with respect to vagrancy. If you break into a house without being seen, they aren't likely to find you sleeping in the corner of the attic behind some boxes invisible. Have guard houses in towns.The distance from a guard you are determines how likely it is you were seen. Different level guards in different size towns. Don't be asked to surrender if you merely get hurt without the guards attacking you (ie, a vampire in daylight, or falling from a tall building). Also, what about crooked cops? Seems like every guard is a model for society. Pay off the cops when they nab you smuggling dope -- pay with money or part of the shipment! " 7 "Roads" "A road system would make traveling manually between cities easier. BTW: There should be more reasons to travel between cities. Great place for ambushes, meet people etc... Merchants, commoners, peddlers. This would make snail traveling alot more enjoyable. Caravans should also travel along the road and thieves should be able to rob them. Arena had some semi-decent roads, bring those back." 6 "Clothes" "More clothes. More colours of clothes (definitly need black capes, robes, dark red, less 'flourescent' colours, more dingy). An extension of the item maker to make new clothes? Why can't we have BLACK clothes? More varied womens clothing. More female cloths ( Xena-like armour where it looks like a mini-skirt)." 5 "Books" "Keep adding new books. It's a little detail that adds to the game. Give a 'book editor' so that 3rd party books can be added. If you read about something in a book, make it findable in the game. The book On Lycanthropy discusses weretigers, weresharks, werecrocodiles...now, being a werecrocodile would be really sweet. Don't tell us things that you can't do. And reading the etiquette book didn't improve my etiquette, why the hell not? (For some reason, even on polite mode, I referred to the queen as mate . And my head is still attached to my body...) Have the PC write/create books and sell them in the game. Make BOOKS that give the city and date or hints of city and date available." 4 "Other Dimensions" "Dimension where magic is useless. (No sp exists.) A dimension where people are abberant and undead rule... The dimension Oblivion. " 4 "Guilds" "The guilds need to be majorly improved also, right now they're just quest dispensers. If the Kingdom of Daggerfall gets pissed at the Mages guild then they should start apprehending their members, burning their guilds and such. When guilds fight each other it should start with assasins and could escalate to open fighting and maybe one of the rulers would try to stop it or maybe come in on one side. More guilds, some hidden. Like you could join the Blades, or witches covens. You could become like a polititian and have newspapers talk about you. Be able to sleep in more guilds as in the Fighters. " 4 "Horses" "Do something with the horses head:) When I am on my horse and hold down ALT and look around with the mouse, my horses head still stays in the center of the screen. Horseback riding should be a skill (affects speed, chance to fall off). Buy faster, stronger horses. Don't allow your character to arrive at a city on horseback after the gate closes, then dismount, scale the castle wall, then mount you horse again. Have an option where you need to tie your horse to something and then come back for him in the morning. Be able to fight from a horse (make it a skill?). " 4 "Random Events" "How about some random events like running into merchants or gypsies or bandits on the roads between towns. " 4 "Food" "Food should be featured more. It should be necessary to carry food when in a dungeon, some of which is automatically consumed during rest periods. Carrying 10 Kg of food reduces the amount of treasure one can carry but is realistic and leads to many game possibilities: purchasing speciality rations such as lightweight, nourishing Elven lembas , casting purification spells on food found in a dungeon (or risking catching a disease from the orcish jerky you just liberated), suffering reduced stats because of hunger. Have an option to turn this on/off as some players won't like this (us hard-core CRPG's on the other hand....). Characters should be forced to eat. Food can be obtaind in general stores or in market places in the town square at spring and summer. Rangers and skilled archers could also search the woods for wild animals like rabbits, reinders or elks and hunt them down and slaugther them and eat them or sell the meat to merchants." 3 "Stiffer Punishments" "Make the consequences for crime more severe. I would think in these times, if would kill 50 innocent bystanders and a 100 guards, that the local government might put a price on your head, or hire a really powerful bounty hunter. Some punishments should be harsher. Murder is a fine and jail time? How about HANGING? EXECUTION? Theft - how about LOSING YOUR HAND? Come on, people, it's medieval! (Well, that might be excessive, but capital punishment could be like a quest where you can escape it, and losing a hand, you can find a magical thing to regrow it...) Be able to escape from jail. " 3 "Dropping Gold" "Drop gold into Piles and onto Wagon." 3 "Getting Drunk" "Why is it when I drink one measly beer in the bar, then try it again, I'm not hungry? I'll tell you when I'm hungry or not! Damn it, I've been in a dungeon for two weeks without food, and you're cutting me off after one stinkin' beer? Oh, but wait, the bartender is 2D, and my sword goes right through him. So much for that idea. The Arena manual says you can get drunk. Why not in Daggerfall? My view rocks back and forth when I take a big hit, make it sway if I take one too many, or blur it, like in Redneck Rampage (which isn't an RPG, but a good game nonetheless). Oh, drunk like Redneck is fine.. it may be skill.. look. You been hit by poison. You feel bad. Drink a potion of Wine (or Vodka) and you still can bring yourself to temple and heal. But if Drunkard skill is not enough, you just fall and.. load game. If you drunk, you may fall over ground and sleep. In some circumstances, guards will ignore you, in others you will wake up in prison. When you sleep in open ground you may be robbed. " 3 "Oceans" "Although I have never visited the beach in DF, I suspect that the ocean bears no life. It would be nice to see some water-dwelling settlers in the game. I suggest not being able to walk on the ocean. Maybe making it so you sink and there being lots of monsters. Being able to buy/rent small boats at port towns that act like cart, you sit in it and can control its movements. Add creatures in water and be able to explore down there " 2 "Reflex Speed" "Allow me to change the Opponent Reflex speed. If you want to avoid PC's using it to slow down so they can kick a big baddies butt, only allow me to bump reflex speed up." 2 "Sorting Items" "You must have some sort of sorting for objects, esp. ingrediants. It becomes tiresome to page down through hundreds of items in your wagon. Perhaps a special pouch all ingrediants go into, or containers at least (we definitely need containers). Add a pouch of holding as an artifact, you carry it with you and it holds as much as 5 carts when full. " 2 "Flying" "Much better flying skills. Like x-y-z movement (Descentish) instead of the tedious creep up, drift down method. Maybe flight vehicles, like broomstick, magic carpet, or whatever. Magical mounts such as dragons, Pegusi, Griffons, etc... Flight spell. Gryphons." 2 "Games Within Games" "Go to a pub/tavern and play darts, dice, draughts, cards, shell game, chess, - this would be easy programming and a way for characters to win money, better their reputations (or worsen it for that matter) get in brawls, cheat (all of these could affect skill scores). Gambling-dice, cards, racing. " 2 "Transportation" "More varied forms. carts, chariots, wagons, etc..., with different stats (load, speed, wears out). All forms of transportation should be objects. Can be left in your stable, injured in a battle (ie wearout), has different quality (ie wearout at different rates, have different speeds, endurance, possibly even more or less likely to be right where you left him when you come out of that bar/dungeon/hotel), or even stolen. This would mean another building, (the stable) to make sure YOUR horse doesn't get stolen, as well as to buy a new one. Allow more than one (ie battle, fastest, kids pet :) ). They should be allowed to carry a minimal amount as well, (for those who like to travel light!). Machines, vehicles, and animals (mythical). camel would be in general slower than a horse, but it would eat less and would be less penalised in a desert. Also you should be able to catch them wild and have them trained, steal them from the stables etc. NPC's should also be able to get horses etc. Animals should be able to get into combat, with an AC, HP and attack DMG. Thair AC should be modified by Barding armour, and they should be able to die. You should need to get a saddle, and other equipment for them.The animals should be different colours and have a morale value. " 2 "Fast Travelling" "Do away with fast travel... I know an alternative to actually slow travelling would need to be found, but fast travel is like going down the interstate w/ sound barriers on both sides; fast, but nothing to see or do. Allow random encounters during travelling, depending on what type of area you are heading through." 2 "Avenging Spirits" "Sometimes, after killing a human enemy, a ghost or a wraith should follow you in an attempt to avenge its death. Ghosts would be from ordinary humans, wraiths from spellcasters. You could wander around in spirit form doing various things, trying to do enough quests or find that one 'rare' quest to bring you back to life (with certain advantages/disadvantages). Character death shouldnt necessarily mean the end of a game, the PC could have a chance of returning as a spirit-that can move about the world, and perhaps be raised from the dead at a freindly temple. while in spirit form undead creatures would be aware of the spirit and perhaps take a dislike ........ " 1 "Portrait Change" "Your character's portrait changes depending on his/her condition (poisoned, diseased, cursed etc...)." 1 "Mail" "Player should receive mail, esp. if he/she has a house. When getting a good reputation, people should start asking you to perform quests for them instead. One should be able to have a mailing address (house) where people can send letters to. In case one decide to settle back for a month without any work, it should be possible to close the mailbox. Dark brotherhood members should have a low profile and as a result have the Dark brotherhood as a middle hand for getting letters. " 1 "Thieves" "Let thieves rob, or try to rob, you from time to time. Add quests to get your stuff back. Computer-thieves should intend to rob caracthers before killing them. One should have the option to chose between paying the thief or fighting him. A presentation of the thief should also appear, for example Level 10 thief, equipped with a Dwarven Longsword , this would force one to question if isn't better to pay the thief if he's strong after all. " 1 "Spies" "The ability to hire spies to gather info on other provinces, rumours, etc..." 1 "Secrets" "More secrets and hidden things to found in the game. Secret guilds only found in one spot or at a certain time etc..." 1 "Vagrancy" "Receive a warning about sleeping in town in case you accidently hit the wrong button." 1 "Water" "Currents in water. Could be different currents at different depths. Reflective water puddles like in ARENA. Rain only when not under a roof/cover etc..." 1 "Beards/Hair" "Have beards as an apperance option. Shave and have grow back over time (men only)." 1 "Diseases" "Get rid of debilitating diseases. It basically slows the game. Create more interesting diseases (a blinding one with black fog, a skin disease where you take damage in sunlite)." 1 "Realisitic Weather" "The weather effects are nice, but the whole seasons/weather need to be more realistic. (i saw flowers near the castle Wayrest in winter time) " 0 "Plant Crops" "Maybe you can even put in something like planting your own crops and stuff like that, so that it encourges people to take more interest in doing various things with there home. Also you can have expanding on houses, and maybe even building taverns or stores." 0 "Gods and Avatars" "Gods can be more directly involved in human affairs.A god that you served loyaly for a long time can appear to you in a dream and make you his earthly champion. Avatars of gods can be a very very rare but exciting encounter." 0 "Travel Modes" "Add more interesting and potential-filled modes of travel.Also make exploration, instead of (just) monster bashing the order of the day. Hot-air ballon, witches broom, submarine." 0 "Hiring" "Hire people to deliver/pick-up mundane items." 0 "Laws" "Different cities/regions would have different laws. You'd have to venture to the town hall to read them and make note of them." 0 "Guild Creation" "Be able to create your own guild." 0 "Underwater" "Darker water to limit your sight." 0 "Animals" "Walk through town and kill someone's pig or something, then go and sell it to a butcher" 0 "Reputation" "Let reputation be accessible within the game, at least in regards to people and groups that you are likely to know about e.g merchants, nobility that you have met etc. Access a screen that tells you are liked by nobility, hated by merchants etc... " 0 "Wagon" "In dungeons, let stuff you pick up get stored automatically in the wagon. Going back and forth is BORING. Perhaps this could be a spell STORE STUFF in which you magically access your wagon from anywhere but at the cost of a few spell points. " 0 "Fighters Guild" "The fighter guild should offer either armor or weapons as members increase in rank. (Something like the Knight" 0 "City Shop Signs" "Make the signs for shops in the city all high enough so a character can walk under them. Having to avoid them on a horse is ok. " 0 "More Manly Flesh" "US women would like to see some mens flesh also, fair is fair guys right? :)" 0 "Investing" "Need to gain interest in banks (Yes, some may use this as cheat...but too bad). Invest in trading ventures." 0 "More Bodies" "Need more than one male/one female per race to choose from." 0 "Holidays and Celebrations" "Have parades, gratherings, celebrations etc... on the holidays, not just look like another day." 0 "Large Objects" "Large objects such as trees, rocks, wagons etc... that can move." 0 "Clock/Date" "Have an optional clock/date display on the screen. Include in in-game calendar (not in the hint-book, or at least in the manual)." 0 "Joining Guilds" "You shouldn't be able to join opposite guilds. You could, but eventually you would be found out by one guild and be in some sort of trouble." 0 "Object Interaction" "Try to approach the object interaction like in the 'Ultima' series where nearly everything could be picked up, thrown etc... (no static sprites)" 0 "Rivers" "More depth to the world, a USE for your ship, speed travel, riverside towns (would have a different feel to them than the roadside towns, or the suburan towns), etc..." 0 "Chests" "Add chests to game. Used to carry gold in wagons. In Arena treasure was often found in chests which were locked and somtimes trapped. " 0 "Gypsy Camps" "Incorporate traveling gypsy camps. The Camps would have a few shops and maybe even a thief guild or Dark Brotherhood as part of their collection of wagons. The camps would move from place to place and would never stay in one place or more than 1 month. Be able to join them like a guild." 0 "Guild Fees" "Thieves guild takes cut off stolen merchandise sold. Temples require a certain tithe. " 0 "Barrom Brawls" "I like the mentioned idea of barroom brawl. Don't forget to use your fists, not your weapons." 0 "Unique Areas" "The lands of Tamriel are so expansive that there needs to be a few very unique areas - a cool wizard's tower that the character can befriend, a druid's cottage, a lord of a manor, etc. Places where the character can actually set up equipment and build a mentorship or working partnership with someone." 0 "Wilderness" "Better dressing of the wilderness and a better looking horizon." 0 "Guild Sub-Class" "It should be possible to join guilds in different classes. When joining the Dark brotherhood for example one should have three classes to join as: ASSASSIN: Standard class, prefers single executions without being seen. Prefers running from large enemy groups. Prefers light armor and small weapons. Assassins are used to assassinate single units CLEANER: Prefers eye to eye combat. Where's heavy armor and use big weapons. Cleaners are sent to wipe-out entire enemy groups. SPIES: Prefers no combat, where's no armor. Spies are specalised in sabotaging(i.e switching letter etc). Different quest should be offered to each class along with general quests. " 0 "Don't Add Too Much" "Don't set your sites too high and try to add everything. While it would be cool to make the ultimate CRPG, the game to end all games, it isn't very practical. There are so many good suggestions here that many would have to be dropped. Don't try to put EVERYTHING in; some of them are so unimportant in the long run that it wouldn't be worth the speed hit, or developement time spent. Also, Daggerfall was buggy enough as it was. Make tradeoffs, and pick only the best or easiest to implement. In other words, don't try to please everyone. " 0 "Focus on Gameplay" "Yes, fancy graphics, music, and cut-scenes are nice, but what makes a game truly great is the actual game play. Great graphics can make a game with good gameplay great, but can't do anything for a game with un-interesting play." 0 "Backpacks" "Cheaper than a cart, but with increased weight allowence 25 percent or somthing. Let Wizards have a magical bag or something. " 0 "Werewolf Clans" "Add werewolf clans as in the vampire case. " 0 "Confine Location" "Anyway, my overall point is, I was thinking that maybe Bethesda could concentrate the third chapter into a single location (a big one, though) because in this fashion it would possible (space wise) to implement full speech in the game and a feeling that the player isn't missing something in the game because he/she was in one place and not the other. I was thinking of something like one city (the Imperial City?), but make everything a lot more rich and detailed. And since the game programmers won't have to worry about a billion people, they can possibly make the hundred or so in the city a lot more realistic...possibly, human. " 0 "Chests" "Add chests to game. Used to carry gold in wagons." 0 "CPU Specific" "It would be nice to have a setup program, or detection algorithm for different brands of CPU's to make optimum use of a specific brand, and eliminate crashes caused by using non-intel CPUS (Cyrix/IBM, NexGem etc.) " 0 "Haggle" "Bring back the haggling like in Arena (make it optional)." 0 "Rumours" "Let news traval of your deeds. Like if you fly into a town on horseback, kill 50 guards and dissapear without a scratch. Then go to another town and here someone gossip about the Terrible fiend who charged into a town and slew all the guards and disapeared into the night without a trace....." 0 "Lotteries" "Add lotteries, gambling, etc..." 0 "Visible Breath" "See your characters breath when it gets cold." 0 "Explosives" "Let me go through those walls or remove that house that is blocking my view." 0 "Galdiator Matches" "Gladiator matches and pit fights for the lower class of adventurers" 0 "Governments" "Different systems of government( Iran-like theocracy, city-states run by merchant houses, like medieval Venice, military despots, and totally rulerless cities" 0 "Trample" "Trample enemies with your horse, cart or ship." 0 "Invisibility" "Make this work better, so you can't be seen or recognized at all." 0 "Schools" "Schools for various things such as writing, riding, ect. in which regular attendance is required to slowly raise skills. " 0 "Stores" "Shops should be able to go out of business. I always sell to the same shop and never buy anything from the guy. Theoretically the NPC's treat him the same. He should go bust very quickly. Another way to handle this is to give the NPC's a max amount of money that they can afford to spend on buying goods. A shopkeeper will only buy so much from you before he says Sorry, I've got too much inventory right now. Let me sell some of this stuff and then maybe I'll buy some more from you . Some algorithm would determine how quickly he sells stuff off. (War nearby means shelves empty quickyl. Quiet fishing village that's isolated, stuff might never get sold.) " 0 "More Shady Things" "There should defintely be a more seedier underside to CH3. Yes we have the theives guild and the Dark brotherhood. But what about some Brothels? Perhaps some illegitimate weapons dealers. A black market of sorts. " 0 "Visible Body" "I should be able to look at my feet (the nice deadric boots) have that blue outline thing to. " 0 "Organized Crime" "A player should be able to start a gang. Fight opposing gangs, join gangs and eventually build them up and become crimelords. One could then bribe private officals, hire assassins, crews, etc. A player should be able to become a pimp or a prostitute. Open a Brothel or work off the streets. Maybe have that as a character class? Make management of the people a skill, and the more satisfied customers a prostitute gets, the more fame, money, etc. Maybe make that a skill as well? " 0 "Compass" "Improve the compass in DF. Make it like the one in Arena (more clear)." 0 "Travelling" "I like to travel from city to city in real time. However, some times, places can be hard to find. One way of improving this would be to link cities with roads. However, a simpler way, would be to select a city on the map, and then for an arrow to point you in the correct direction, like on flight simulators when you select a waypoint. The correct direction should be quite easy to calculate." 0 "Horses" "I think it would be nice if you could have horses in different colours not just light brown all the time, black horses, white horses, dark brown, spotty etc. Also it would be good if you could buy armour for them, because I don't see why they can't get injured or killed in battle too. " 0 "Animals" "Why not have all those animals interactive? Get caught stealing, then run from the guards, steal a horse and ride away! Make horse travel faster, more realistic, so that when you steal a horse it might not like you and buck you off! The guards could have horses too. " 0 "Family" "Add your relatives to the game... Where does my mother and sister live????? " 0 "Religion" "Where is it!!! Where are the believers??? How does it affect people??? "