Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2009
Generated 17-Mar-2009 22:22 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2009
Total Hits 35241632
Total Files 31524409
Total Pages 10933950
Total Visits 70
Total KBytes 362995093
Total Unique Sites 5
Total Unique URLs 218721
Total Unique Referrers 66572
Total Unique User Agents 30199
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 47367 76786
Hits per Day 1136826 1435028
Files per Day 1016916 1265253
Pages per Day 352708 432882
Visits per Day 2 12
KBytes per Day 11709519 13610055
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 7
Code 200 - OK 31524409
Code 206 - Partial Content 2965
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 191935
Code 302 - Found 768217
Code 304 - Not Modified 2244988
Code 400 - Bad Request 275
Code 403 - Forbidden 38017
Code 404 - Not Found 464308
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1952
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 1
Code 408 - Request Timeout 485
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 11
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 4062

Daily usage for January 2009

Daily Statistics for January 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1141367 3.24% 1013924 3.22% 343698 3.14% 7 10.00% 4 80.00% 11171125 3.08%
2 1223812 3.47% 1090043 3.46% 372335 3.41% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 12633521 3.48%
3 1272830 3.61% 1138476 3.61% 393703 3.60% 6 8.57% 4 80.00% 13341880 3.68%
4 1435028 4.07% 1265253 4.01% 421139 3.85% 8 11.43% 4 80.00% 13610055 3.75%
5 1108266 3.14% 989068 3.14% 353309 3.23% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 11287195 3.11%
6 1048266 2.97% 929953 2.95% 336480 3.08% 8 11.43% 4 80.00% 10844597 2.99%
7 1140590 3.24% 1026429 3.26% 349176 3.19% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 12627673 3.48%
8 1007627 2.86% 885667 2.81% 312981 2.86% 4 5.71% 4 80.00% 10791024 2.97%
9 976894 2.77% 869959 2.76% 308855 2.82% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 10158009 2.80%
10 1207667 3.43% 1078921 3.42% 379598 3.47% 4 5.71% 4 80.00% 12071273 3.33%
11 1276741 3.62% 1140244 3.62% 396627 3.63% 6 8.57% 4 80.00% 12992572 3.58%
12 1111885 3.16% 1003915 3.18% 343879 3.15% 7 10.00% 4 80.00% 12255409 3.38%
13 1021098 2.90% 919985 2.92% 297737 2.72% 6 8.57% 4 80.00% 11126614 3.07%
14 1007821 2.86% 909586 2.89% 290039 2.65% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 10246374 2.82%
15 1100375 3.12% 987659 3.13% 329458 3.01% 4 5.71% 4 80.00% 11508422 3.17%
16 1061038 3.01% 939457 2.98% 339871 3.11% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 10663968 2.94%
17 1237661 3.51% 1109732 3.52% 401740 3.67% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 12592958 3.47%
18 1275210 3.62% 1133005 3.59% 397365 3.63% 12 17.14% 4 80.00% 12701480 3.50%
19 1232116 3.50% 1096815 3.48% 373566 3.42% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 12619154 3.48%
20 1064460 3.02% 955964 3.03% 343842 3.14% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 11041190 3.04%
21 1097302 3.11% 1000590 3.17% 324049 2.96% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 11886305 3.27%
22 1081054 3.07% 975133 3.09% 320591 2.93% 6 8.57% 5 100.00% 11119456 3.06%
23 1064841 3.02% 959221 3.04% 334076 3.06% 4 5.71% 4 80.00% 11455399 3.16%
24 1208978 3.43% 1084461 3.44% 390812 3.57% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 12196653 3.36%
25 1295684 3.68% 1171509 3.72% 432882 3.96% 10 14.29% 4 80.00% 13318605 3.67%
26 1072576 3.04% 961008 3.05% 351681 3.22% 4 5.71% 4 80.00% 10906085 3.00%
27 1056258 3.00% 939651 2.98% 320957 2.94% 5 7.14% 4 80.00% 10911530 3.01%
28 1056630 3.00% 941144 2.99% 337254 3.08% 12 17.14% 4 80.00% 10233523 2.82%
29 1082897 3.07% 972286 3.08% 319659 2.92% 4 5.71% 4 80.00% 10750225 2.96%
30 1040839 2.95% 933686 2.96% 329238 3.01% 8 11.43% 4 80.00% 11100724 3.06%
31 1233821 3.50% 1101665 3.49% 387353 3.54% 9 12.86% 4 80.00% 12832096 3.54%

Hourly usage for January 2009

Hourly Statistics for January 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 42784 1326320 3.76% 38481 1192912 3.78% 13380 414797 3.79% 449070 13921156 3.84%
1 37469 1161555 3.30% 33741 1046001 3.32% 11866 367874 3.36% 392087 12154684 3.35%
2 32557 1009286 2.86% 29473 913674 2.90% 10270 318374 2.91% 345092 10697844 2.95%
3 30458 944227 2.68% 27508 852775 2.71% 9744 302079 2.76% 330796 10254687 2.83%
4 28605 886758 2.52% 25864 801796 2.54% 9229 286123 2.62% 307410 9529704 2.63%
5 29051 900589 2.56% 26362 817234 2.59% 9527 295361 2.70% 314570 9751684 2.69%
6 30801 954831 2.71% 27740 859965 2.73% 9506 294701 2.70% 336669 10436725 2.88%
7 34096 1056976 3.00% 30655 950307 3.01% 10709 332005 3.04% 361711 11213042 3.09%
8 36706 1137907 3.23% 32920 1020532 3.24% 11733 363723 3.33% 392248 12159676 3.35%
9 41379 1282759 3.64% 37191 1152949 3.66% 13473 417688 3.82% 426983 13236468 3.65%
10 46532 1442502 4.09% 41583 1289085 4.09% 14907 462135 4.23% 473805 14687957 4.05%
11 51703 1602811 4.55% 46234 1433272 4.55% 16217 502730 4.60% 530606 16448800 4.53%
12 55606 1723797 4.89% 50080 1552489 4.92% 16906 524113 4.79% 578418 17930971 4.94%
13 58663 1818581 5.16% 52507 1627743 5.16% 18346 568739 5.20% 584724 18126437 4.99%
14 60893 1887706 5.36% 53954 1672599 5.31% 18590 576313 5.27% 616776 19120063 5.27%
15 62898 1949842 5.53% 55777 1729092 5.48% 19000 589001 5.39% 632904 19620038 5.41%
16 65178 2020548 5.73% 57716 1789222 5.68% 19849 615336 5.63% 655548 20321987 5.60%
17 62901 1949939 5.53% 55834 1730872 5.49% 18903 585996 5.36% 634720 19676330 5.42%
18 59077 1831404 5.20% 52551 1629102 5.17% 17863 553761 5.06% 617908 19155155 5.28%
19 57241 1774482 5.04% 50915 1578369 5.01% 17548 543997 4.98% 568617 17627126 4.86%
20 56600 1754612 4.98% 50476 1564763 4.96% 17222 533887 4.88% 582583 18060060 4.98%
21 55289 1713972 4.86% 49503 1534610 4.87% 17377 538704 4.93% 556633 17255628 4.75%
22 52681 1633122 4.63% 47021 1457653 4.62% 15979 495350 4.53% 532558 16509291 4.55%
23 47648 1477106 4.19% 42819 1327393 4.21% 14553 451163 4.13% 487083 15099577 4.16%

Top 30 of 218721 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5920131 16.80% 1430581 0.39%
2 1590050 4.51% 544250 0.15%
3 839521 2.38% 8533886 2.35% /viewtopic.php
4 682510 1.94% 5367512 1.48%
5 520189 1.48% 5360775 1.48%
6 208415 0.59% 48726 0.01%
7 170606 0.48% 200837 0.06%
8 139190 0.39% 1563607 0.43% /profile.php
9 130499 0.37% 1094943 0.30% /login.php
10 123884 0.35% 7164 0.00% /templates/subSilver/formIE.css
11 105240 0.30% 2235165 0.62% /viewforum.php
12 96088 0.27% 901644 0.25%
13 95759 0.27% 591366 0.16% /w/
14 87021 0.25% 1152199 0.32% /
15 52155 0.15% 540639 0.15% /posting.php
16 44785 0.13% 54088 0.01%
17 43004 0.12% 230351 0.06%
18 42903 0.12% 37214 0.01%
19 41602 0.12% 207788 0.06%
20 41043 0.12% 153005 0.04%
21 40612 0.12% 23306 0.01%
22 39698 0.11% 254894 0.07%
23 39053 0.11% 23710 0.01%
24 38237 0.11% 156450 0.04%
25 35041 0.10% 190644 0.05% /search.php
26 20374 0.06% 224630 0.06% /forums/viewtopic.php
27 19796 0.06% 112578 0.03%
28 18637 0.05% 16434 0.00%
29 16380 0.05% 117683 0.03%
30 13769 0.04% 130396 0.04% /privmsg.php

Top 10 of 218721 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 839521 2.38% 8533886 2.35% /viewtopic.php
2 175 0.00% 6689877 1.84% /DATA/DungeonHack-5-8-07.rar
3 682510 1.94% 5367512 1.48%
4 520189 1.48% 5360775 1.48%
5 96 0.00% 2355989 0.65%
6 105240 0.30% 2235165 0.62% /viewforum.php
7 426 0.00% 1636391 0.45%
8 139190 0.39% 1563607 0.43% /profile.php
9 1449 0.00% 1554151 0.43%
10 5920131 16.80% 1430581 0.39%

Top 10 of 21 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5920131 16.80% 16 23.53%
2 1590050 4.51% 12 17.65%
3 520189 1.48% 9 13.24%
4 6056 0.02% 6 8.82% /forums/
5 87021 0.25% 3 4.41% /
6 95759 0.27% 3 4.41% /w/
7 407 0.00% 2 2.94% /forums/search.php
8 20374 0.06% 2 2.94% /forums/viewtopic.php
9 208415 0.59% 2 2.94%
10 10730 0.03% 2 2.94%

Top 10 of 12 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5920131 16.80% 23 35.94%
2 1590050 4.51% 13 20.31%
3 6056 0.02% 6 9.38% /forums/
4 95759 0.27% 6 9.38% /w/
5 20374 0.06% 5 7.81% /forums/viewtopic.php
6 520189 1.48% 5 7.81%
7 407 0.00% 1 1.56% /forums/search.php
8 4111 0.01% 1 1.56% /forums/viewforum.php
9 1594 0.00% 1 1.56%
10 170606 0.48% 1 1.56%

Top 5 of 5 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 31518888 89.44% 28973599 91.91% 336680110 92.75% 47 67.14%
2 3346872 9.50% 2254216 7.15% 17429847 4.80% 2 2.86%
3 197580 0.56% 141061 0.45% 7891947 2.17% 19 27.14%
4 178291 0.51% 158498 0.50% 993188 0.27% 1 1.43%
5 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1.43%

Top 5 of 5 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 31518888 89.44% 28973599 91.91% 336680110 92.75% 47 67.14%
2 3346872 9.50% 2254216 7.15% 17429847 4.80% 2 2.86%
3 197580 0.56% 141061 0.45% 7891947 2.17% 19 27.14%
4 178291 0.51% 158498 0.50% 993188 0.27% 1 1.43%
5 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 1.43%

Top 30 of 66572 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 4961818 14.08%
2 3459873 9.82% - (Direct Request)
3 1627719 4.62%
4 1005499 2.85%
5 994158 2.82%
6 568517 1.61%
7 434212 1.23%
8 418147 1.19%
9 282511 0.80%
10 242525 0.69%
11 234502 0.67%
12 217709 0.62%
13 185011 0.52%
14 157785 0.45%
15 155293 0.44%
16 148379 0.42%
17 138136 0.39%
18 125015 0.35%
19 123783 0.35%
20 118906 0.34%
21 109877 0.31%
22 99851 0.28%
23 90081 0.26%
24 88848 0.25%
25 87075 0.25%
26 84605 0.24%
27 78157 0.22%
28 75502 0.21%
29 73783 0.21%
30 68810 0.20%

Top 20 of 13220 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2558 6.99% uesp
2 1869 5.11% morrowind walkthrough
3 1153 3.15% morrowind map
4 969 2.65% eq wiki
5 829 2.27% everquest wiki
6 480 1.31% oblivion map
7 415 1.13% elder scrolls wiki
8 315 0.86% eqwiki
9 286 0.78% dungeonhack
10 245 0.67% morrowind trainers
11 207 0.57% morrowind master trainers
12 200 0.55% bloodmoon walkthrough
13 172 0.47% uesp morrowind
14 170 0.46% morrowind main quest
15 163 0.45% uespwiki
16 138 0.38% map of morrowind
17 130 0.36% daggerfall
18 120 0.33% morrowind item codes
19 114 0.31% uesp wiki
20 113 0.31% morrowind items

Top 15 of 30199 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4765226 13.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
2 2212919 6.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
3 1154496 3.28% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506)
4 907988 2.58% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
5 837786 2.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
6 735787 2.09% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
7 608909 1.73% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
8 468766 1.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
9 414960 1.18% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
10 410571 1.17% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
11 401629 1.14% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;
12 395690 1.12% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20081217 Firefox/
13 388468 1.10% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; GTB5; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506)
14 352410 1.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET C
15 326203 0.93% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

Usage by Country for January 2009

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 35241632 100.00% 31527374 100.01% 362995093 100.00% network (.net)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01