Tribunal:Temple Courtyard

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Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by WoahBro
Mournhold Temple

The Temple Courtyard is an enclosed area with paths, water, and trees that is dominated by the massive temple to Almalexia, in Mournhold. It is connected to Godsreach, the Royal Palace, and the Great Bazaar.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Gaenor Male Bosmer Pauper/Warrior 1/50 300/500 80/158 90/0 30/30 Temple Courtyard Second statistics occur during The Natural quest
Athelyn Malas Male Dark Elf Commoner 25 187 132 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Forven Berano Male Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 21 159 144 90 30 Temple Courtyard
Bels Uvenim Male Dark Elf Noble 35 275 188 0 0 Temple Courtyard
Gee-Pop Varis Male Dark Elf Gardener 3 64 84 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Goval Ralen Male Dark Elf Commoner 20 158 122 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Mehra Helas Female Dark Elf Healer Service Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 7 60 96 100 30 Temple Courtyard Merchant; Spells; Spellmaker
Shunari Eye-Fly Female Khajiit Thief 35 211 188 0 30 Temple Basement Only appears during the Crimson Plague quest
Nerile Andaren Female Dark Elf Healer Service Tribunal Temple Curate(Curate) 35 169 154 100 30 Temple Hall of Ministry Merchant; Spells
Galsa Andrano Female Dark Elf Healer Service Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 25 95 25 100 30 Temple Infirmary Merchant; Spells
Granny Varis Female Dark Elf Caretaker 4 61 92 0 30 Temple Reception Area
Fedris Hler Male Dark Elf Assassin 50 280 200 0 30 Temple Reception Area Essential
Urvel Dulni Male Dark Elf Priest 5 56 92 0 30 Office of the Lord Archcanon
Gavas Drin Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Patriarch(Patriarch) 50 431 200 0 30 Office of the Lord Archcanon Essential
Hand Vonos Veri Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Sadas Mavandes Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Savor Hlan Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Drals Indobar Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Arnas Therethi Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]



Map of the Temple Courtyard
  1. Bels Uvenim
  2. Forven Berano
  3. Gee-Pop Varis
  4. Goval Ralen
  5. Door to Godsreach
  6. Gaenor
  7. Door to the Great Bazaar
  8. Door to the Royal Palace Courtyard