Oblivion Game Data

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AnvilDailyWorshipDidierAumelie16x4 (0x0000c115)

  • Record Type: PACK
  • Editor ID: AnvilDailyWorshipDidierAumelie16x4
  • Form ID: 0x0000c115
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: This is the default version of this FormID, but it has previously been modified. Other versions are:
Parameter Value
Offer Services 0
Must Reach Loc 0
Must Complete 1
Lock Start 0
Lock End 0
Lock Location 0
Unlock Start 0
Unlock End 0
Unlock Location 0
Continue If Pc Near 0
Once Per Day 0
Skip Fallout 1
Run 0
Sneak 0
Swim 0
Allow Falls 0
Armor Unequip 0
Weap Unequip 0
Defensive 0
Use Horse 0
No Idle 0
Type Travel
Month Any
Day Any
Date Any
Time 16
Duration 4
Location Type Near reference
Location 0x00030990 *
Radius 1050

Database last updated 11/02/2011
PACK records last updated 10/31/2011