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Ormil (0x0000c1d4)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Ormil
  • Editor ID: Ormil
  • Form ID: 0x0000c1d4
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race High Elf (0x00019204)
Gender Male
Class Publican (0x00023e6a)
ACHR (if unique) OrmilRef (0x00014730)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 6
NPC Health 62
NPC Magicka 245
SCRI PublicanBloatedFloatOrmil (0x000b985a)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 145
Fatigue Raw 179
Gold 50
Level Raw 6
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 85
Energy 50
Responsibility 100
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 1
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 1
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 6
Athletics Raw 6
Blade Raw 30
Block Raw 30
Blunt Raw 6
Hand To Hand Raw 6
Heavy Armor Raw 6
Alchemy Raw 10
Alteration Raw 16
Conjuration Raw 10
Destruction Raw 16
Illusion Raw 10
Mysticism Raw 16
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 13
Light Armor Raw 38
Marksman Raw 13
Mercantile Raw 40
Security Raw 38
Sneak Raw 38
Speechcraft Raw 38
Health Raw 62
Strength Raw 37
Intelligence Raw 58
Willpower Raw 43
Agility Raw 51
Speed Raw 36
Endurance Raw 48
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0000c1bc I honestly don't know how to repay you. I'm not a wealthy man by any means, but perhaps I could assist you in other ways.
0x0000c1bd Here you go. Don't spend it all in one place... unless it's here of course!
0x0000c1be I suggest you rest in your room until we arrive back at the Imperial City. Graman should have us underway soon.
0x0014c72e What can I get for you, my good friend?
0x0000c1bf Oh thank goodness! That horrid woman kept threatening me! She said if I didn't come up with the loot she'd throw me to the slaughterfish.
0x00015717 Now that Selene is locked up safely below, I think we can all breathe a little easier. I can't thank you enough.
0x0000c1c0 I don't wish to get underway until Selene is safely locked in a room on the inn deck.
0x0000c1c1 Thank goodness you arrived when you did! I feared that I'd be thrown to the slaughterfish.
0x000148ce I... can't speak to you... talk to her...
0x0018885c Well met. Welcome to the Bloated Float. She's the finest inn on the water in all Cyrodiil.
0x0018885d Hello.
0x000165b4 Please, return anytime friend.
0x000165b6 Land ho!
0x000165b8 What a fool I was.
0x000165ba I abhor killing, but you did the right thing.
0x000165bb Selene'll get what's coming to her when we arrive home.
0x000165bd Remove the prisoner.
0x000165bf I'm in your debt.
0x000165c1 Please help me.
0x000627e6 What can I do for you?
0x000165b5 Farewell, my friend.
0x000165b7 Good to be home.
0x000165b9 Please... go get some rest.
0x000165bc Good riddance.
0x000165be She's lucky I didn't have her tossed overboard.
0x000165c0 Please... get her from my sight.
0x000165c2 Don't leave me!
0x000627e7 Farewell.
0x0014c731 Someone said the Bloated Float mysteriously departed from the docks and then returned. I didn't know she was even seaworthy!
0x0014c731 Someone said the Bloated Float mysteriously departed from the docks and then returned. I didn't know she was even seaworthy!
0x000c762f She was a ruthless woman, and I'm glad she's gone. Such a waste...
0x000c7630 She was a ruthless woman, and I'm glad she's behind bars where she belongs.
0x00015715 I'll turn over her body and the bodies of her compatriots when we arrive at the Imperial City. Don't let it trouble you, friend.
0x0000c1c8 She was a ruthless woman, and I'm glad she's gone. Such a waste...
0x0000c1ca She was a ruthless woman, and I'm glad she's behind bars where she belongs.
0x00015716 Selene no longer holds the Bloated Float. Once we get to the Imperial City, I intend to make sure she is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
0x0000c1cb It's a pity she wouldn't surrender. Such a waste of a young life.
0x0000c1cf I feel much better now knowing she's locked up.
0x0000c1d2 Please. Get her below like I asked so we can get underway.
0x0000c1df Now that she's surrendered, please escort her to the last room on the inn deck. We'll lock her in there until we arrive at port.
0x0000c1cd I'm glad that you were on board to help rid me of them. If you hadn't been here... I don't even want to think about it...
0x0000c1ce Anyway, sorry to ramble. You better get below now and rest until we arrive safely at the Imperial City docks.
0x0000c1d0 If you get Selene safely locked up, I can tell you all I know. I won't feel safe until you do that.
0x00015713 All the furnishings were built inside the ship since they were too big to be carried on board. Spared no expense.
0x000b9836 You've already got the room. It's down below deck.
0x000b9837 There's a room, all right. And a fine room it is -- yours for the night for only 10 gold!
0x000b9843 I don't care much for jokes. If you're serious about the room, come back with some gold on you.
0x000b9844 The room is down below deck. It's the door on the left.
Item Id Item Count
Burgundy Linen Shirt (0x00000b86) 1
Burgundy Linens (0x0001047c) 1
LL0NPCGoldMiddleClass (0x0003e4c9) 1
Green Velvet Shoes (0x000229b2) 1
Ormil's Cabin Key (0x0007bae0) 1
Package Id
MS31OrmilMoveTavern (0x00015722)
MS31Captured (0x0007bae4)
MS13OrmilEats (0x000cbb51)
MS31OrmilNormalServices (0x000627e5)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Imperial City Waterfront Resident (0x0003ab39) 0
IC Citizens (0x00009275) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011