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Thadon (0x00012106)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Thadon
  • Editor ID: SEThadon
  • Form ID: 0x00012106
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Wood Elf (0x000223c8)
Gender Male
Class Priest of Order (0x00044c4a)
ACHR (if unique) SEThadonRef (0x00013249)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+5
NPC Health 35 + (3+1)x(PC+4), PC=1-46
NPC Magicka 113 + 5.5x(PC+4) (max=250)
SCRI SEThadonScript (0x000171b6)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 140
Fatigue Raw 183
Gold 0
Level Raw 5
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 100
Energy 50
Responsibility 90
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 6
Athletics Raw 6
Blade Raw 30
Block Raw 6
Blunt Raw 6
Hand To Hand Raw 6
Heavy Armor Raw 6
Alchemy Raw 23
Alteration Raw 42
Conjuration Raw 38
Destruction Raw 38
Illusion Raw 38
Mysticism Raw 38
Restoration Raw 38
Acrobatics Raw 10
Light Armor Raw 10
Marksman Raw 16
Mercantile Raw 6
Security Raw 6
Sneak Raw 16
Speechcraft Raw 6
Health Raw 55
Strength Raw 37
Intelligence Raw 56
Willpower Raw 50
Agility Raw 53
Speed Raw 53
Endurance Raw 43
Personality Raw 30
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00072df8 What? What is it? Very busy. Things to do. Or see. Or something.
0x00013452 Which is to say, none.
0x00018c8e Well, look at you. A change for the better, or for the worst? We'll have to see, won't we?
0x0001330c The Chalice, remember? Don't forget, because if I forget then no one will remember, and it might cease to exist. Reality is fickle like that.
0x000131d3 Hmm, could you, in fact, imagine just how long I've been waiting? I don't think you could, but I might be wrong. I might also not care. Which is it?
0x0003161f What? What is it? Very busy. Things to do. Or see. Or something.
0x0008f7d1 Order's time has come. The Greymarch is upon you.
0x000167e6 Ah, you again! A pleasure, I'm sure. No time for chatter now; I have a few important things to attend to, or did I? Ah well...
0x0007b31e A splash of blue here... a dab of green there...
0x0007b31f A genuine masterpiece comes from the heart, not the mind.
0x0007b320 Oh, what a delightful story! Brightens my day, it does.
0x0007b321 I do so admire good books, they fill my mind with such fantastic images.
0x00072e01 Every day is like being born. So new and so alive!
0x00045c78 Alive and kicking, are you? Welcome back.
0x00018bfb Oh my. Look at you. You're in the thick of it now, aren't you?
0x000451d1 You should be elsewhere right now, shouldn't you?
0x00018bfd You? What do you want?
0x00072df0 Goodbye. So long. See you soon. Or not. Whichever it might be.
0x00031620 I wish something would happen already. There is so much else I could be doing.
0x00018c8f Finish what you've started, friend. It'll do wonders for you.
0x00018bfc Take your time, and hurry back. I might not be waiting for you when you return.
0x00042da3 Someone new comes to the Isles. Much more interesting than someone old.
0x000434be Gatekeeper's gone. For good. Or not. Might just be on holiday. We'll see.
0x00077c38 Have to watch for those Scalons. I hear they carry disease.
0x00077c3b If you see a Gnarl, be careful what spells you use on them.
0x00077c3e Those Shambles are dangerous. Make sure to stand back if you kill one.
0x00077c41 Flesh Atronachs are dangerous. Some are smart enough to heal themselves when they're hurt.
0x00077c44 The poison of the Elytra can be debilitating.
0x00077c47 The Hunger is one of Lord Sheogorath's favorite pets.
0x00077c4a Some say the Grummites are the original inhabitants of the Shivering Isles.
0x00077c4d The Baliwog is a dangerous little creature. Some say they grow up to be Scalons.
0x0007817c I've heard that Skinned Hounds don't like fire.
0x00077c50 Heretics are misguided worshippers of Arden-Sul.
0x00078159 The Zealots in the lands of Dementia believe they worship Arden-Sul. Poor, deluded souls.
0x00077d01 I understand there's been strange activity near the obelisks around the Isles.
0x00077d04 Knights of Order have appeared in the Isles. I hear they come from the obelisks.
0x00077d0d Raven-Biter runs the Choosy Beggar. Not a bad place.
0x0007815c Tilse Areleth has quite a collection of things for sale at Common Treasures.
0x0007815e The best armor in the city is at The Missing Pauldron.
0x00078160 Books of Bliss has quite a selection.
0x00078162 Cutter sells weapons in Crucible, but you won't catch me going there.
0x00078164 That Museum of Oddities is a joke, although I hear Una Armina will pay for certain items.
0x00078166 I'd research my own spells before I'd buy them from Earil's Mysteries.
0x00078168 Things Found? More like Things Found in the Trash.
0x0007816a I wouldn't be caught dead at Sickly Bernice's... though I imagine her customers might.
0x000825db Dumag gro-Bonk at The Missing Pauldron is collecting that Amber you find in the root tunnels.
0x000825e0 I've heard ghosts haunt the ruined city of Vitharn.
0x000825e3 I understand there's a Knight of the Thorn in Hale.
0x000825e6 The merchants in Crucible are getting tired of Brithaur stealing from them.
0x000825e9 I understand Hirrus Clutumnus is begging for people to kill him.
0x000825ec I've heard there's someone in Highcross trying to catalogue every living thing in the Isles.
0x000825ef I don't visit the Museum of Oddities, but Una Armina is always looking for new items to display.
0x000825f2 Cindanwe runs a tight ship in Fellmoor.
0x000825f5 Amiable Fanriene thinks his house is going to fall in on him.
0x000825f8 Sickly Bernice is convinced she's dying. No wonder no one wants to eat at her Taphouse.
0x000825fb I heard Tove the Unrestful is building something again.
0x000825fe Ushnar in Crucible is afraid of cats. Cats!
0x00082601 Ahjazda in Crucible believes the world is ending.
0x00082604 Poor Big Head will never find the Fork of Horripilation.
0x00082607 Every resident of Split has a double living in the town.
0x000434e9 The Resonator sings its sweet song once more. Promises of riches and fame, fulfilled with death and madness. How delightful.
0x00043e92 The Chalice is once again in its rightful place. And places are rightfully mine. And Chalices. Right?
0x00043eb1 My, my, my. Seems we're all anxious to know something, even if we already know it. Or, Syl knows it. Or not.
0x000441df A torch is lit. The light is lighted. Or lit. It's a Great Torch. Much better than most.
0x0008f587 Where is Sheogorath now? He has abandoned you, as he did me.
0x0008f588 My Lord Jyggalag will never be turned aside by the likes of you, fool!
0x0008f589 Jyggalag will reward me well for your death!
0x0001a7e2 Sheogorath's pet! His head will make a fitting ornament for our Lord Jyggalag's throne room!
0x0001a7e3 Sheogorath's pet! Her head will make a fitting ornament for our Lord Jyggalag's throne room!
0x00091d2d Wonderful to have it back. Really, truly. I can't thank you enough. Oh, wait. I already did.
0x00018b7d Perhaps you're mistaken, and we have spoken of it. I simply can't recall. I could think so much more clearly if I had the Chalice.
0x000131d9 Oh, so you've heard of it?
0x000131d7 You just have to try it. It'll change your world, expand your horizons. Contracting leads to expanding, you know. Well, most of the time.
0x000131d8 The Chalice of Reversal is waiting for you. When I say you, I mean me, but it's no difference to the Chalice. One ends up being the other.
0x000131db I certainly don't care to help people who show up on my doorstep wanting something. Are we getting the picture here?
0x000131da You see? You see what I have to deal with? I can't recall if I'm coming or you're going without the Chalice of Reversal. Oh, now you've upset me.
0x0001330b From Dementia's own court, no less. Scandalous! Fatal, perhaps. But passion makes no accomodation for self-preservation.
0x00013309 But I don't have it. So I can't eat Felldew, because that would just be bad. I mean, really bad. Damn her!
0x0001330a Then you know why I want it back! Can you imagine trying to eat Felldew without it? Disastrous! Curse that woman!
0x0001a2e0 Oh, no. You'll not drag me into Syl's mess. She made this bed, now it's up to her to burn it.
0x000167e4 I've heard of such a grand place. Ahhh... to imagine all that wonderful Greenmote under one roof.
0x00019523 Don't you? If you don't, you might. You wouldn't fall for her, though. Not the type.
0x00019524 My head is positively throbbing now... can you see it? I need to lie down. Find someone to tell you the rest of the story. Get the Chalice.
0x00019863 Well, aren't you the clever one. Mind you don't get too full of yourself. You might explode.
0x0001a379 You. Of course. Sheogorath's assassin.
0x00081adf I see so clearly now, what a fool I have been. A happy, heedless fool.
0x00081ae0 How he must have mocked me, with my poems, and my painting, and my meaningless revelry.
0x00081ae1 But no more. No more!
0x00081ae2 If only I had seen it sooner. My beloved Syl might stand here next to me.
0x0008f7d2 Instead, she is dead, at your hand. And Sheogorath's command!
0x0008f7c3 I hope you enjoyed your reign, as it is almost at an end.
0x0008f7c4 Jyggalag is coming. He cannot be stopped. He will rule this land, and all our delusions will be stripped away.
0x0008f7c5 None too soon. We have lived too long as the playthings of the Madgod.
0x00081ae3 Now, taste the power of the true Lord of this realm!
0x000206bb Enough! I go to Jyggalag. I give myself to him, as a Priest of Order! This isn't done, Madgod. I think it's just started.
0x000206bd Yes. That's it. I'll go. Away. Far away. Working for them is like working for us, but without all the dying.
0x000206bf No. No. Certainly not. This isn't good. I'm sure it's bad. I can't do this anymore. No more.
0x000206c1 Order approaches! It's taken the Fringe already! With Order clothes and Order hats! And you speak of "change"?
0x000206c3 Ridiculous! You can't do this! Although... you're omnipotent. Or just tall. It's one of the two, I'm sure. And a fool!
0x000206c5 But, this... stranger? Someone new? From somewhere else? Not here. I'm sure of that. I don't understand. Or I can't.
0x000206cd Syl... my... Syl is dead? This can't be right. Is this right? What have you done? Have you done this?
0x0007b37d ...my heart...can't breathe...help me...
0x0007b37c Eyes as blue as a cerulean sea...uhh...what...
0x0007b37b Lips as red as a sun-drenched dawn, skin as soft as a newborn fawn.
0x0007b37a Ahem. The lady fair, our love is told. With hair as fine as soft-spun gold.
0x0007b379 Oh my yes, I feel especially delighted this evening! Perhaps it's time I recited my latest soliloquy.
0x0008f530 Wait! I must speak! Halt! Cease! Desist!
Item Id Item Count
Thadon's Robe (0x00073904) 1
House Mania Key (0x00056096) 1
Cheese Wedge (0x00033668) -1
Paint Brush (0x0001bbc5) 1
From Frog to Man (0x00069875) 1
SE07BThadonsCrownLevelList (0x0007b6b9) 1
Package Id
SE04ThadonWaitforPlayer (0x0008eacb)
SE12TraitorRitualDementia (0x000171db)
SE12TraitorRitualMania (0x000171d9)
SE07AExitsSacellum (0x000784c3)
SE07AWaitsAtSacellum (0x0006483b)
SE07BThadonDies (0x0007b378)
SE7BThadonEatsDrugsALT (0x00092942)
SE7BThadonEatsDrugs (0x0001726a)
SE07BThadonEatsNormally (0x0005603d)
SE07ThadonReads (0x0007b322)
SEThadonPaints (0x0007b20f)
SE07ThadonMorningDanceLesson (0x0007b211)
SE07ThadonSleeps (0x0007b205)
SEThadonWanders (0x0005603f)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Bliss Citizen (0x0001557f) 0
Mania Faction (0x0001ad45) 0
House of Mania Faction (0x00056036) 0
Spell Id
SELL2OrderPriest3 (0x00044c57)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011