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Syl (0x00012107)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Syl
  • Editor ID: SESyl
  • Form ID: 0x00012107
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Wood Elf (0x000223c8)
Gender Female
Class Noble (0x00023e63)
ACHR (if unique) SESylRef (0x000131c5)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+5
NPC Health 30 + (5+1.4)x(PC+4), PC=1-46
NPC Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+4) (max=250)
SCRI SESylScript (0x00014444)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 1
Magicka Raw 107
Fatigue Raw 164
Gold 0
Level Raw 5
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 100
Energy 50
Responsibility 100
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 13
Athletics Raw 38
Blade Raw 38
Block Raw 38
Blunt Raw 13
Hand To Hand Raw 13
Heavy Armor Raw 13
Alchemy Raw 16
Alteration Raw 10
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 6
Mysticism Raw 6
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 10
Light Armor Raw 35
Marksman Raw 16
Mercantile Raw 30
Security Raw 30
Sneak Raw 16
Speechcraft Raw 30
Health Raw 62
Strength Raw 37
Intelligence Raw 43
Willpower Raw 33
Agility Raw 57
Speed Raw 61
Endurance Raw 37
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 55
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00081792 In addition, accept this Bow. May your enemies fear you and never know from where or with what enchantment you shall strike.
0x00081730 We shall speak when we've reached the chamber.
0x00072df7 What do you want?
0x00081369 What news do you have to report, Inquisitor? Have you found who is responsible?
0x00054cc4 I trust you have reconsidered your position. Are you now ready to help me?
0x00081bf7 Order's time has come. The Greymarch is upon you.
0x00016eaa Sheogorath sent for me and I have arrived. That's all I know.
0x00043e22 Why do you approach the Duchess of Dementia? Do you seek death?
0x00019da6 What do you want, Inquisitor?
0x00072e00 I see you there. What?
0x00043e24 What are you doing here?
0x00019da1 I expect results, Inquisitor, and I expect them soon.
0x00072def I'm watching you.
0x0003b839 I have much to do. This better be good.
0x0007866c I hear that Earil is fed up with Brithaur's antics. He really wants something done about it.
0x00042da9 Rumor has it there's another adventurer trying to get into the Realm. One more person to take up arms against me!
0x000434c8 The Gatekeeper's been killed. This is only the first step; they'll be coming for me next.
0x00077c39 Scalons carry diseases. Lots of them.
0x00077c3c I've heard that Gnarl get stronger when hit by some spells.
0x00077c3f Don't bother using a frost spell on a Shambles.
0x00077c42 Sometimes, a sharp blade is the best way to kill a Flesh Atronach.
0x00077c45 The Elytra have wondrous poisons that can drain the very life from you.
0x00077c48 Only the Demented can truly appreciate the Hunger.
0x00077c4b Who do the Grummites worship? Some say Sheogorath, but I'm not sure.
0x00077c4e The Baliwog are known to carry Swamp Fever.
0x0007817d Don't waste your wonderful poisons on Skinned Hounds. They seem to like them.
0x00077c51 I hear the Heretics in the lands of Mania summon Hungers to fight by their sides.
0x0007815a Zealots have dedicated themselves to the worship of Arden-Sul.
0x00077d02 Stay away from the obelisks! Strange things have appeared near them.
0x00077d05 Knights of Order have come to destroy the Realm!
0x00077d0e You can stay at the Choosy Beggar in Bliss, but I wouldn't.
0x0007815d Common Treasures is full of junk. That's all Tilse Areleth collects.
0x0007815f I'm not about to go to the Missing Pauldron, even if they do sell armor. I'll stay in Crucible, thank you.
0x00078161 Sontaire may sell a lot of books, but that's not why the men visit her.
0x00078163 I'd buy my weapons at Cutter's. She has... a way with blades.
0x00078165 You should stop by the Museum of Oddities. I understand Una is always looking for more items to display.
0x00078167 Earil's Mysteries sells a number of unique spells. Doesn't sell any mysteries, though.
0x00078169 You can find some good deals at Things Found. Ahjazda has an interesting collection.
0x0007816b Sickly Bernice's isn't a bad place. Just make sure to wash your hands.
0x000825dc I hear Cutter collects the Madness Ore to turn into armor.
0x000825e1 Stay away from Vitharn. It's said the dead walk there.
0x000825e4 Pyke, the Knight of the Thorn, lives in Hale.
0x000825e7 Everyone is tired of Brithaur's antics.
0x000825ea Someone should put Hirrus Clutumnus out of his misery.
0x000825ed Mirili Ulven in Highcross thinks she can catalogue every creature in the Isles.
0x000825f0 If you find something unique, it's worth checking with Una Armina.
0x000825f3 The workers in Fellmoor aren't too happy with Cindanwe.
0x000825f6 That Amiable Fanriene is afraid of his own shadow.
0x000825f9 Sickly Bernice is always looking for a miracle cure.
0x000825fc Tove the Unrestful in Bliss is collecting useless items to build something.
0x000825ff Ushnar is deathly afraid of cats. He makes sure to keep dogs around because of it.
0x00082602 Ahjazda thinks the world is ending tomorrow. She's been saving magic items just in case.
0x00082605 That fool Big Head is always looking for the Fork of Horripilation.
0x00082608 Every person in Split has been divided into their Manic and Demented halves.
0x000434f6 Lord Sheogorath would do well to stop bothering with the Resonator, and just send everyone away.
0x00043e9f Thadon and his Chalice can both rot in Hell, for all I care.
0x00043ebc The conspiracy has been discovered and eliminated. That is all you need know.
0x000441ec The Torch burns again. This can't bode well.
0x000918fe I'll smash your skull!
0x00091989 Dementia will never be yours!
0x0009198f How dare you try and best me!
0x00091990 I'll feed on your entrails for dinner!
0x00091997 I've slain Grummites tougher than you!
0x00091999 Darkness take you!
0x0008f587 Where is Sheogorath now? He has abandoned you, as he did me.
0x0008f588 My Lord Jyggalag will never be turned aside by the likes of you, fool!
0x0008f589 Jyggalag will reward me well for your death!
0x0009199a No! Sheogorath, protect me!
0x0009199d Ugh! Darkness, give me strength!
0x000919ae Argh! I'll fight you to the death!
0x000919af Sheogorath, guide my hand!
0x000919b8 You'll be but another notch in my hammer!
0x000919f0 I'll have your head on a spike!
0x0001a7e6 I hoped you would come. Now you shall pay for my brother's death.
0x0001361e No? Have you seen my torture chamber? Because that's where you'll wind up if you don't agree to assist me. Think on it.
0x0001361f Speak with Herdir. He will help you. Do you understand what is required of you? If no one is found, you will be held responsible.
0x000895e7 Find those who plot against me. Bring them to me so I might make an example of them.
0x0007fdf2 I don't know anything about a conspiracy!
0x000139b2 No, no. Too easy a fate for them. That's why you're going to help me. You're going to find them, force their hands. Put them to the screws.
0x000139b3 You... you will help me. Yes, yes. You will be most useful.
0x0008f7c6 So, the bloody-handed Duke comes to claim another victim!
0x0008f7da So, the bloody-handed Duchess comes to claim another victim!
0x0008f7db You may find me rather harder to kill than poor, innocent Thadon.
0x0008f7c7 To think that I trusted you. You!
0x0008f7c8 Sheogorath's pet. That used to be me, so blinded by my suspicions that I could not see the truth of my own situation.
0x0008f7c9 But no more. No more!
0x0008f7ca If only I had seen it sooner. Thadon might stand here next to me, to help usher in the rule of Order to this benighted realm!
0x0008f7cb Instead, he is dead, at your hand. And Sheogorath's command!
0x0008f7cc What harm had he ever done to you? The means justify the ends, is that it?
0x0008f7cd Then you will appreciate my new master's methods.
0x0008f7ce Jyggalag is coming. He cannot be stopped. He will rule this land, and all our delusions will be stripped away.
0x0008f7cf None too soon. We have lived too long as the playthings of the Madgod.
0x0008f7d0 Now, taste the power of the true Lord of this realm!
0x0003b81b This is not over, Madgod. I give myself to Jyggalag. As a Priest of Order, I'll be safe. Your empire will crumble before the armies of Order.
0x0003b81d Yes! That's what I'll do. I'll go. The enemy of my enemy. Order is the key. I'll keep them close.
0x0003b81f No. I can't do this. There has to be a way out. A way to escape.
0x0003b821 Order stands at our door. They've taken the Fringe! Did you even know? Do you care? And you speak of "change"?
0x0003b823 No! I see what's going on. I should have seen it before. You conspire to destroy us all! You're a fool if you think I'll allow this to happen.
0x0003b825 Replacing Thadon with this... outsider? This is how it ends. I should have seen this coming.
0x0003b83d Thadon... dead? You've done this. It was you all along!
0x0007fe1f Leave here at once. You've no business being here!
0x0007fe20 Surrounded by traitors and spies, I am. Always, always. They watch and wait, eager to slip a knife into my spine when I'm not looking.
0x0007ff44 Thank you.
0x0007ff46 No, please no....
0x0007ff45 Please, no!
0x000805a8 No, please no....
0x000805a7 Please, no!
0x0008136a I shall have her brought to the torture chamber at once. Meet me there shortly.
0x00081735 You've confessed to attempting to kill me, I understand. The penalty for this treachery is death, and is to be carried out immediately.
0x0008f57f Wait! I must speak! The Ritual must not be completed!
Item Id Item Count
Syl's Dress (0x0007393c) 1
Package Id
SE12TraitorRitualMania (0x000171d9)
SE12TraitorRitualDementia (0x000171db)
SE07BSylExitsSacellum (0x000784c4)
SE07BSylWaitsAtSacellum (0x0001726f)
SE07AWaitAtAmbush (0x0007ea4d)
SE05SylPushSwitch (0x00081736)
SE05SyltoChamber (0x00081732)
SESylWandersDungeons (0x0007e0b8)
SESylHoldsCourt (0x0007e0b7)
SESylEats (0x0007e0b3)
SESylSleeps (0x0007e0b2)
SESylDefaultWander (0x0007ec45)
Faction Id Faction Rank
House of Dementia Faction (0x0007e0cb) 0
Special Seducers for SE07A (0x0001723d) 0
Citizen of New Sheoth (0x00013a69) 0
Crucible Citizen (0x00015580) 0
Dementia Faction (0x0001ad46) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011