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Herdir (0x0001359d)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Herdir
  • Editor ID: SEHerdir
  • Form ID: 0x0001359d
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Male
Class Warrior (0x00023787)
ACHR (if unique) SEHerdirRef (0x0001359e)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+5
NPC Health 45 + (6+3)x(PC+4), PC=1-14
NPC Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+4) (max=250)
SCRI SEHerdirScript (0x00013613)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 107
Fatigue Raw 186
Gold 0
Level Raw 5
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 38
Athletics Raw 38
Blade Raw 42
Block Raw 38
Blunt Raw 42
Hand To Hand Raw 42
Heavy Armor Raw 48
Alchemy Raw 6
Alteration Raw 6
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 6
Mysticism Raw 6
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 6
Light Armor Raw 6
Marksman Raw 6
Mercantile Raw 16
Security Raw 6
Sneak Raw 6
Speechcraft Raw 16
Health Raw 90
Strength Raw 60
Intelligence Raw 43
Willpower Raw 33
Agility Raw 33
Speed Raw 47
Endurance Raw 60
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x000805e7 Yes, Inquisitor? What may I do for you?
0x000805e8 What brings you to this delightful corner of the House of Dementia? How may I help you?
0x000825aa I'm afraid I cannot follow you beyond this point, Inquisitor. My duties require me to stay within Crucible. I shall be there if you need me.
0x00042db3 What can I do to you?
0x00072f13 Take care now!
0x00042d9d I hear there's someone new in the Shivering Isles. I do so enjoy making new friends.
0x000434bb The Gatekeeper's been killed, I hear. Now who knows what new faces I'll get a chance to mangle.
0x000434e5 I had rather enjoyed the Resonator being broken. Greater opportunity for meeting someone new.
0x00043e93 Thadon has his Chalice. That'll anger Syl, I'm sure, which means more work for me.
0x00043eb3 My, but it has been busy here lately. I do so enjoy a good conspiracy.
0x000441e0 The Great Torch burns again. That'll boost spirits around here. A shame, really.
0x000441fe Oh, I must say I was sorry to see Syl go. She always kept me busy, and when I'm busy, I'm ever so happy.
0x0005ed58 Thadon has died. I hope he didn't go quietly.
0x0005ef2c The Fringe has been attacked. I'm more than willing to help find out who's responsible.
0x0005f203 Quite a shame that there's a new Gatekeeper. I'd been hoping to meet a few more friendly faces.
0x0005f416 No precious army will bring back Lady Syl. Without her, who will let me do what I do best?
0x0006050c With the whole Realm in jeopardy, my days of work may be at an end. How truly sad.
0x000607ce Now that things are returning to normal, it's high time I prepare my chamber for some new visitors.
0x000806ea We must carry out her wishes, however. And I, for one, am looking forward to, ahh... interacting with the citizens of Crucible.
0x0007fdf2 I don't know anything about a conspiracy!
0x00013a56 Hrmph. Very well, Steward. I believe you. You may return to your duties. And of course, thank you for your time.
0x00013fec She doesn't tell me where she goes. It's not my place to know. Please, there's nothing else. There's nothing else to tell you.
0x00013fed What do you mean, she goes somewhere? Where does she go?
0x00013fee Wait! Wait, no. Please. All I know is that on certain nights, Syl asked me to guard her chambers. She never said why. I think she went somewhere.
0x00013fef Very well, then. You leave me no choice...
0x00013ff0 I told you. I'm not hiding anything.
0x00013ff1 Yes, yes. I'm sure I will. But for now, we still have the matter of the information you're withholding. Will you share it with us?
0x00013ff2 You'll.... You'll pay for this, Herdir. Make no mistake...
0x00013ff3 Does that pain you, Kithlan? Unless you want to feel it again, you'd best tell us what you know.
0x00013fe9 I'm sorry, Kithlan, but I don't believe you. I think you're lying. And you know what happens to people who lie to me.
0x00013a57 What are you talking about? I don't know anything! There's nothing going on!
0x00013a58 Is that so? Well, then perhaps you know something that may be useful to our Inquisitor. Would you care to share that information?
0x00013a5a But I AM innocent. I've done nothing!
0x00013a5b Lady Syl, you mean. And you know I have her full authority to do what is necessary. Your innocence must be proven.
0x00013a5c Herdir, you filth. You don't dare touch me. Syl will have your head!
0x00013a5f Hello, Steward. Welcome to my little corner of the castle.
0x00014450 As you wish, Miss Herrick. Thank you for your time. And please, come back and see me some time.
0x0001447b Yes, yes! I swear it's the truth! Please, please let me go!
0x0001447c Is that so?
0x0001447d It was Muurine. She said she found a note from Thadon, that she would tell people it was written to me unless I paid her. It's not mine, I tell you!
0x0001447e Threatened? Who threatened you, my dear?
0x0001447f I... I didn't do anything. She threatened me, but I didn't do anything. I'm loyal to Syl, I tell you!
0x00014480 Yes, well. I suspect our Inquisitor would like to see you leave as well. As soon as you tell me what I want to know, you may go.
0x00014481 I... I don't want to stay here! Please stop hurting me!
0x00014482 Now Miss Herrick, can we be frank with one another? I find you delightful. I'd so enjoy the pleasure of your company for a long time to come.
0x00014486 I think there's more to it than that. And I see that I'm going to have to persuade you to be honest with me. How delightful.
0x00014451 What? No! I'm loyal to Lady Syl, I swear it! I would never turn against her! I just heard a rumor, that's all! I don't know anything!
0x00014452 Come now. We all know you've spread rumors about Thadon leaving his section of the palace late at night. You've been meeting him, haven't you?
0x00014453 No, no! I haven't been plotting anything! I swear it!
0x00014454 Oh, I think we both know the answer to that. You're here because you know something. You're plotting behind Lady Syl's back, and you've been caught.
0x00014455 What? I... No, that's not it at all. I just... I don't know. Why am I here?
0x00014459 Welcome, Miss Herrick! Welcome! I'd been hoping to have a chance to chat with you. I get the sense that you avoid me.
0x00015636 Now you will release me at once!
0x00015858 Why would I be so stupid as to carry it around? It's safe in my home. Yes, that's right. Are you going to go and get it yourself? I think not.
0x00015859 Where is this note? Produce it immediately!
0x0001585a The note from Thadon, talking about some secret rendezvous with someone from Syl's court. I'm sure it's important to someone.
0x0001585b I... What note are you talking about? I don't understand.
0x0001585c Ha ha! Weren't expecting this, were you? You'll get no more enjoyment from me today, Herdir. All I know about is the note.
0x0001585d What? Is this some kind of a trick?
0x0001585e The pleasure you get from this hasn't escaped me, Herdir. So this time, I'm going to deny you that pleasure. I'll tell you what you want to know.
0x0001585f I get by. But let's not change the subject. We're here to talk about you. About what you know.
0x00015860 I see you've made it even more painful. You do enjoy your work, don't you Herdir?
0x00015861 Shall we try again?
0x00015862 Oh, my. Well, if you insist.
0x00015637 Hurt me all you want, Herdir. You know I won't talk.
0x00015638 Welcome back, Muurine. It's been an unusually long while since I've seen you here.
0x00015627 I had hoped we'd spend more time together, but yes, I realize you're being honest. Thank you for your time, Nelrene.
0x00015628 You know truth when you hear it, Herdir. I have spoken truth. You cannot intimidate me, so I suggest you release me at once.
0x00015629 Is there anything else you'd care to reveal, as long as you're here?
0x0001562a I cannot say, as I do not know. Only Kithlan has access to certain areas of the palace aside from Lady Syl. Perhaps it was him.
0x0001562b Really? And whom might this figure be?
0x0001562c I am being honest, that is all. The only strange reports I have received are of a robed figure seen leaving the palace late at night.
0x0001562d Is that so? But isn't that exactly the sort of thing you'd say if you were behind it all? You're in a position to deny it.
0x0001562e I have no reports of any such conspiracy at the present time, despite my Lady's repeated insistence that one exists. There is no danger.
0x0001562f Oh, Nelrene. You take the fun out of everything. Very well. What do you know of a conspiracy against Lady Syl?
0x00015630 Perhaps not, but we both know it's something you've fantasized over. I'm surprised you can contain your excitement to speak. Get on with it.
0x00015631 Come now, must we start with hostilities? This situation is not of my creation.
0x00015632 Spare me your pleasantries, Herdir. Ask what you will and be done.
0x00015633 I must say, this is quite a surprise! I certainly didn't expect to see you down here, Nelrene.
0x0007fdec As you wish, Inquisitor.
0x0007fdef Are you quite sure, Inquisitor? Very well... Please don't have too much fun without me.
0x0007fded Of course, Inquisitor. I look forward to working with you.
0x0007ff44 Thank you.
0x0007ff46 No, please no....
0x0007ff45 Please, no!
0x000826d7 If I may be so bold, Inquisitor, I believe this person has nothing to contribute to our investigation. Perhaps we should move on.
0x000805a8 No, please no....
0x000805a7 Please, no!
0x000805f0 Really, Inquisitor. Are you not supposed to be the one in charge here? I can't do all your work for you.
0x0008e336 You have what you need, don't you? Time to seek out Muurine, I think.
0x0008e505 Nelrene caved in, finally, but we'll need something more to get to the bottom of this. Let's see if Ma'zaddha provides us with more evidence.
0x0008e506 Ma'zaddha was able to provide some useful evidence, even if he did not survive to see it put to use. It's time to confront Nelrene again.
0x0008e507 Nelrene is clearly withholding information. Persuasion might be in order, or perhaps Ma'zaddha will have something that will help.
0x0008e508 You have a few options, I believe. Either wait for Ma'zaddha to return with more information, or have a chat with Nelrene in the meantime.
0x0008e511 You've heard Ma'zaddha. Isn't it time to confront him with that fact?
0x0008e512 It hasn't worked very well so far, but I have no doubt that you will persevere, Inquisitor.
0x0008e337 Make every effort to be present for this conversation. It may give us something to hold over Ma'zaddha and get him to talk.
0x000805f1 There must be someone in Crucible who knows more. We should talk to more people about what's going on.
0x0008567d We should find him soon. If he knows something, it might be a key to what's going on in Crucible.
0x00083f4d We should have a little chat with her as soon as possible. I look forward to it; I get the feeling she avoids me at times.
0x00083f4f I shall follow you through Crucible. Speak with the citizens, and ask what they know about this supposed conspiracy.
0x000805f2 Inquisitor, I am surprised that you do not have a better grasp on the situation. This is most disappointing.
0x000805f3 You have the evidence you need. It's time to bring in Muurine.
0x0008e504 Nelrene is lying to you, Inquisitor. She knows more than she tells. You should address that as soon as possible.
0x0008e513 Ma'zaddha has been most helpful! We'll have to see what he comes back with. In the meantime, you might consider speaking with Nelrene.
0x0008e338 I certainly look forward to that interaction.
0x00083f39 If the two meet regularly, you might have a chance to eavesdrop and learn more about what's going on.
0x00083f49 Perhaps we can convince someone else in Crucible to tell us a bit more about his recent activities. That might loosen his tongue.
0x00083f4a According to Miss Herrick, Ma'zaddha has been pressuring her. He would be our next target, if you will.
0x00083f4c Anya Herrick, dear Inquisitor. She's been named as someone of interest. I do look forward to chatting with her, don't you?
0x00083f50 I don't know! Isn't that wonderful? It could be any of them... All of them, perhaps. We'll just have to start torturing people to find out!
0x000805ef What would you like to know, Inquisitor?
0x000805ec Very well, Inquisitor.
0x000805ee Really, we should be going. Her Ladyship expects results!
0x000805ed Ah, I do appreciate an assertive leader. I look forward to working with you on this assignment. Lead the way, Grand Inquisitor!
0x000805e9 As you wish. Do come back and see me some time.
0x000805eb Now, we've much to do. Lady Syl is not a patient woman, as I'm sure you've seen. Shall we begin?
0x000805ea Shall we get to work? There's much to be done. So many people to visit.
Item Id Item Count
Patchwork Pants (0x00073909) 1
Patchwork Shirt (0x0007390a) 1
Braided Leather Sandals (0x0002b90d) 1
Package Id
SE05HerdirFollowPlayerWait (0x0007fdf1)
SE05HerdirFollowPlayer (0x0007fdf0)
SEHerdirBaseWander (0x000135b0)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Crucible Citizen (0x00015580) 0
Dementia Faction (0x0001ad46) 0
Citizen of New Sheoth (0x00013a69) 0
Spell Id
Heal Minor Wounds (0x00027442)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011