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Sheogorath (0x00013640)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Sheogorath
  • Editor ID: SESheogorath
  • Form ID: 0x00013640
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Sheogorath (0x0005308e)
Gender Male
Class Savant (0x00023e6b)
ACHR (if unique) SESheogorathRef (0x00013641)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 254
NPC Health 10000
NPC Magicka 10000
SCRI SESheogorathScript (0x0001363f)
Model Characters\_Male\skeletonSESheogorath.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 1
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 10000
Fatigue Raw 10000
Gold 0
Level Raw 254
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 0
Confidence 50
Energy 100
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 100
Athletics Raw 100
Blade Raw 100
Block Raw 100
Blunt Raw 100
Hand To Hand Raw 100
Heavy Armor Raw 100
Alchemy Raw 100
Alteration Raw 100
Conjuration Raw 100
Destruction Raw 100
Illusion Raw 100
Mysticism Raw 100
Restoration Raw 100
Acrobatics Raw 100
Light Armor Raw 100
Marksman Raw 100
Mercantile Raw 100
Security Raw 100
Sneak Raw 100
Speechcraft Raw 100
Health Raw 10000
Strength Raw 100
Intelligence Raw 100
Willpower Raw 100
Agility Raw 100
Speed Raw 100
Endurance Raw 100
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 100
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00014b4c I thought we had more time. I thought we had a chance. My plan has failed. And we were so close....
0x00081b68 Oh, don't expect to summon dear Haskill anywhere but in the Realm. He dislikes leaving My presence. I get that sometimes.
0x00067700 Don't you have a book to read? Or something else very important I've told you to do?
0x0001b6a6 Take this trinket of mine. Perhaps it will serve you well. Or look lovely on your corpse.
0x00072ded Greetings! Salutations! Welcome! Now go away. Leave. Run. Or die.
0x000139aa You're back! How nice for you. Does that mean you've made a decision? Or are you lost? Suicidal? Just let me know.
0x000139ab You haven't spoken to both Priests. You'll end up making a stupid decision, and you won't live to regret it. Don't do that.
0x0001365a You're talking to me. You should be talking to the Priests. You can't be doing both, can you? Neat trick if you could.
0x0001365b Aren't you off to a good start! That's important. For me. Really, your work is going to save me a lot of time.
0x00081b69 Isn't that a hoot? I love it, myself. Best part of being a Daedric Prince, really. Go ahead, try it again. He loves it!
0x00081b6a Just one more time. At least. He's a sport.
0x00081b6b Go ahead. Summon him. He loves it.
0x00044f51 Well now, what news do you have to report?
0x0001f4be Isn't there something you should be doing right now? You know, for example, the things you were specifically told to do?
0x00081d7d And I see you've learned to summon Flesh Atronachs! Relmyna must like you, little Duchess... but probably not in THAT way.
0x0001ae3b And I see you've learned to summon Flesh Atronachs! Relmyna must like you, little Duke... but probably not in THAT way.
0x00014abb Yes, little Duchess? I believe I sent you to rebuild my Gatekeeper. If you're too busy, I'm sure Jyggalag will wait....
0x0007d140 Yes, little Duke? I believe I sent you to rebuild my Gatekeeper. If you're too busy, I'm sure Jyggalag will wait....
0x00014442 Maybe we're on to something here. We'll see how it plays out. It can't be worse than what's happened before.
0x00014443 You've done it! The Ritual is complete, and you've survived! Who'd have thought? Now, on to other...
0x00014449 You have things to do. Talking to me isn't one of them.
0x00012cc0 Now to the meat of your endeavor. The crux of the situation. The reason for your being here, and the likely cause of your death.
0x0003e639 Marvellous, marvellous! Self-immolation is a wonderful thing, isn't it? But now that we've had our fun, off to the Sacellum with you.
0x0003e63a I'm almost positive I sent you away to do something important. Cylarne... Flame... Great Torch. Yes... why are you here?
0x0001b081 With that done, the Fringe should be secure. For now. I can feel things start to get a little hairy. And, not in the good way, like on your head.
0x0008f514 And if not good deeds, then deeds of a sort. Strongholds to save, and Daedra to rescue. That sort of thing. Now get going.
0x00081a53 You'll want to get all the details from the messenger. Unless you already have. You haven't, have you?
0x00016e95 Maybe we're on to something here. We'll see how it plays out. It can't be worse than what's happened before.
0x00016e96 You've done it! The Ritual is complete, and you've survived! A shame about Thadon, but it's how he would have wanted to go. Now, on to other...
0x00016e9e You have things to do. Talking to me isn't one of them.
0x00097621 Well, look who's here! You! How about that?
0x00014b50 Approach, Duke of Mania. The time is near and I am fading...
0x0008d315 Approach, Duchess of Mania. The time is near and I am fading...
0x00014b52 Approach, Duke of Dementia. The time is near and I am fading...
0x0008d316 Approach, Duchess of Dementia. The time is near and I am fading...
0x00067701 Shoo. Go. Begone. Things to do.
0x00067707 Well, look who's here! You! How about that?
0x00072dff Look at you! Still alive! For now.
0x0008118e Ah, returned from the Fringe I see.
0x00081190 Why are you here? I thought I gave you a task to complete.
0x00081191 Back so soon, and glowing with success, I see!
0x0001f3b7 Hmmm? Oh, yes. The choice. Well, it's about time!
0x0001f3b9 Shouldn't you be on your way to the Sacellum?
0x0003b82c The stench of fresh blood in the air is thick.
0x0003b82d What do you want?
0x000206b2 The stench of fresh blood in the air is thick.
0x000206b3 What do you want?
0x0006770a You can go now. Run along. Scoot!
0x0006770b You'll be back. They always come back.
0x0008118f Send Relmyna my love. That'll get her going.
0x00072dee Ta! Come visit again! Or I'll pluck out your eyes.
0x0003b837 Congratulations!
0x0003b838 We will speak when your task is complete.
0x00031614 Congratulations!
0x00031615 We will speak when your task is complete.
0x00044f55 The long-reigning Duke of Mania. A Master of Merriment, if you will. Or if you won't; I suspect it wouldn't matter to him.
0x00044f56 A bit harder to meet than Thadon. Consider making an appointment.
0x0007fdf2 I don't know anything about a conspiracy!
0x0001365c And you've always got our man Haskill to call on for help. Faithful like a good hound, that one. And he looks better in a suit.
0x000139ad A dangerous choice. I like it! She's gotten to be a bit much, anyway. Thinks everyone is out to get her. Which they are, in this case. So be it.
0x000139ac Besides, won't it be a grand surprise when you make his heart burst from too much Greenmote? Thadon loves surprises!
0x00016ea8 Ah yes, and what of our Duke of Mania?
0x0006a896 Thadon may be in a constant state of euphoria, but I wouldn't underestimate his intelligence. Oh, this is so much fun!
0x0006a890 Syl is as crafty as she is beautiful. I'd watch my back if I were you. Oh, this is so much fun!
0x00014ae8 Go talk to Relmyna in Xaselm. Tell her you're working for me. She'd do anything for me, that little minx.
0x00014ae7 She's a bit obsessed with it. And with Me. Makes dealing with her difficult. You shouldn't have any problems, though. No one likes you that much.
0x00014b55 All shall crumble before Jyggalag!
0x00014b56 Sheogorath is dead!!
0x00014b59 The realm is dead!
0x00014b67 With the staff, there was hope. But now, hope is dead. I am dead. The Realm....
0x00014b68 No matter. Soon you and everyone else will be dead, and I will be left a mad god, ruler of a dead realm. Again.
0x00014b69 Flee while you can, mortal. When we next meet I will not know you, and I will slay you like the others.
0x00016ea9 Then everything is as it should be. The Ritual was followed, the blood brought to the Altar...
0x0009109f It's what's used to light the Great Torch. Haven't we covered this? You'll find it in Cylarne, guarded by my Saints and Seducers.
0x000910d3 Go and fetch the Flame. Bring it to the Sacellum. Light the Great Torch. How are you going to be Me if you can't even do what Me tells you?
0x0001e3ec So, which is it? What will it be? Mania? Dementia? The suspense is killing me. Or you, if I have to keep waiting.
0x0001e3ed Syl or Thadon? Which will it be?
0x0001e3eb I hate indecision! Or maybe I don't. Make up your mind, or I'll have your skin made into a hat -- one of those arrowcatchers. I love those hats!
0x00031622 You would be well served to remember that.
0x000206bc No! Let him go!
0x000206be Then go, Thadon. Have your Greenmote. Take a bath. But leave. Before I decorate my throne with your insides.
0x000206c0 Change will preserve us! It is the lifeblood of the Isles. It will move mountains! It will mount movements!
0x000206c2 Fool? Visionary! Change is in the air, Thadon. Breathe it deep! Bathe in its scent! Bottle it up. Save some for later.
0x000206c4 Calm yourself, Thadon. You're making my teeth itch. You still hold your office. I suggest you see to your duties.
0x000206cc Hold your tongue, little Duke, or I'll tear it from your mouth.
0x0009130d You would be well served to remember that.
0x0003b81c No! Let her go!
0x0003b81e Then go, Syl. Return to your quarters. Before I send you back in pieces.
0x0003b820 Change will preserve us! It is the lifeblood of the Isles. It will move mountains! It will mount movements!
0x0003b822 Fool? Visionary! Change is in the air, Syl. Breathe it deep! Bathe in its scent! Bottle it up. Save some for later.
0x0003b824 Calm yourself, Syl. You're making my teeth itch. You still hold your office. I suggest you see to your duties.
0x0003b826 Hold your tongue, little Duchess, or I'll tear it from your mouth.
0x00091351 I really hate those things.
0x00044f54 And maybe you'll make some friends along the way. That's always nice!
0x00044f53 I suppose few really do, but that's beside the point. We're going to give you a taste of where you have found yourself. You're going to learn.
0x00044f52 In fact, give it a try. Summon our friend to you now. I'll wait.
0x0005552c You really shouldn't have done that. Enjoy the view.
0x00056095 And some are more unwanted than others.
0x00056052 The details aren't important. At least not right now. Eternity is on a rather tight deadline. We'll get back to that later.
0x0005604a The Greymarch is coming. And you're going to stop it.
0x00056049 A change is coming. Everything changes. Even Daedric Princes. Especially Daedric Princes.
0x0006770c Now, get going. Before I change my mind. Or my mind changes me.
0x00067709 Since you've left us vulnerable to attack, you must restore our second line of defense... Xedilian.
0x00078caa Yes? Speaking to me? I'm he. He's me. And others, as well. Or, they were. Weren't they?
0x00078cab Ah... New Sheoth. My home away from places that aren't my home. The current location is much better than some of the prior ones. Don't you think?
0x00078cac The Isles, the Isles. A wonderful place! Except when it's horrible. Then it's horribly wonderful. Good for a visit. Or for an eternity.
0x00082466 The people will rally around you. You'll have their love, their admiration, their complaints! Whatever. As long as it keeps them on Our side.
0x00082468 But, this is all new! A fresh idea! Something I hadn't thought of, until I did. It's sure to work, even though it might not.
0x00082467 You'll change that. Break the cycle. You'll stop Jyggalag, and I'll have My Realm to come back to. I've never actually tried that before.
0x00082461 Oh, don't forget to make use of dear Haskill. Between you and me, if he's not summoned three or four times a day, I don't think he feels appreciated.
0x00082465 I've told you too much for now. Listen to me prattle on. I can see your mortal brain straining. We'll talk more later.
0x00082464 But mostly because I asked nicely.
0x00082463 But, for all intents and purposes, you'll be Me. A Me to fight the Him. Since I won't be around. It's simple, really. If you don't think about it.
0x00082462 You'll be my champion. You'll grow powerful. You'll grow to be me. Prince of Madness, a new Sheogorath. Or you'll die trying. I love that about you.
0x0008245f Again with the niggling little details! Hold your tongue. Or I will. We'll get to that, all in due time. For now, you've got other work to do.
0x00082460 The Greymarch comes, and Jyggalag walks. Or runs. Never skips, sidles, or struts. Mostly, he just destroys everything around him.
0x0008245e You've seen his Knights. Not the warm and cuddly sort. Not a bit of original thought in their lifeless husks. So, you're going to help Me stop him.
0x00082489 And Xedilian? Since you're standing here, I assume you've succeeded. Or you're terribly confused. Or really lacking in good judgement.
0x0008e94d Care to donate?
0x0008f4db Well, well! What a turn of events this is! It's new, and I like new, even if it's bad. And this is bad, isn't it? My, my.
0x0008f534 Guards, I think Thadon forgot how to use the door. Kindly show him out. Before I forget myself.
0x0008f533 I'm speaking with someone. We'll talk later. Or not. When is later, exactly? Not now, I'm sure of that.
0x0008f531 Thadon, how dare you interrupt me! Only I interrupt me. Like just then.
0x0008f57e Guards, I think Syl forgot how to use the door. Kindly show her out. Before I forget myself.
0x0008f57d I'm speaking with someone. We'll talk later. Or not. When is later, exactly? Not now, I'm sure of that.
0x0008f57c Syl! You dare interrupt Me? Only I interrupt Me. Like just then.
0x0009148a No stopping now. Some things can't be stopped. Trust me. I've tried.
0x00091460 Soon, I'll turn into Jyggalag. There's no stopping it. That doesn't excuse you from your duties, though. Get to it.
0x0009145c Now? Nothing has changed! You deal with this messenger. Make sure my army is secure. You'll need them.
0x00091400 But you're still going to stop the Greymarch. Stop Jyggalag... Me... from destroying My Realm.
0x000913e7 And I've been having moments of clarity that are quite unlike me. Like now.
0x000913d4 Happens every time. The Greymarch starts, Order appears, and I become Jyggalag and wipe out My whole Realm.
0x0009135c If he's on his way, I'm on My way out. I already feel not quite Myself. Not quite someone else... but not quite Myself.
0x00091356 Get that Gatekeeper in place, and do it quickly. I'm not sure how much time I have left.
0x0009130c If they continue to marshal their forces there, we won't be able to contain them. Make sure they can't.
0x000912a2 If they continue to marshal their forces there, we won't be able to contain them. Make sure they can't.
0x0009130e No pressure.
0x000911f7 This time, I'll beat him. I can't stand losing. And I don't mind cheating.
0x00091017 He'll be here soon, and I'll be gone. Can't say I like the sound of that. I like the sound of other things, though. Like birds. And bones cracking.
0x0009100f He'll be here soon, and I'll be gone. Can't say I like the sound of that. I like the sound of other things, though. Like birds. And bones cracking.
0x00091016 But, if we can get you into shape, we might stand a chance. You'll lead My forces, inspire My people! Hopefully, everyone won't end up dead.
0x000910fc Once I'm gone, things usually get bad quickly. Lots of defections. Lots of carnage. But with you at the helm, things will be different!
0x00091273 But, if we can get you into shape, we might stand a chance. You'll lead my forces, inspire my people! Hopefully, everyone won't end up dead.
0x000910f7 Kill them when you see them. But don't touch the corpse until they're really dead. Which they aren't, until you deactivate the obelisk.
0x000910f6 It's annoying, to tell the truth. A bit hurtful. But they do it every time. Join up with the enemy, and become Priests of Order.
0x000910fa Shut them down where you can. And make sure to kill the Priests you see around them. If you don't, they can reactivate the obelisk.
0x000910ed You're going to stop the Greymarch by becoming Me. Or a version of Me. You'll be powerful. Powerful enough to stop Jyggalag.
0x000910a0 Makes all of my subjects uneasy. Tense. Homicidal. Some of them, at least. We need to get that Torch relit, before the place falls apart.
0x00091021 I can't expect you to save the place if you don't even understand it. So, speak to my Dukes. Learn about Mania and Dementia. Try not to die.
0x0009102c And Malacath is NOT popular at parties.
0x0009102d Ever wonder why flies like both? Best not to ask.
0x0009101d What is important is getting to Xedilian. Quickly. Before I get bored. You wouldn't like me when I'm bored.
Item Id Item Count
Shegorath's Regalia (0x00094939) 1
Yarn (0x00025205) 1
Lettuce (0x00033681) 1
SESheogorathCane (0x00094c2f) 1
Package Id
SE11SheogorathStandAtMarker (0x00014c53)
SE10SheogorathGreetPlayer (0x0008f515)
SE07BStayatSacellum (0x0005552e)
SE07AStayAtSacellum (0x0005552d)
SE07RemainAtSacellum (0x00091a5f)
SE07AppearAtSacellumMan (0x00081773)
SE07AppearAtSacellumDem (0x00081772)
SE06SheogorathHoldAtPen (0x00092a73)
SE04SheogorthSit (0x000975e3)
SE02SheogorthSit (0x000954b8)
SESheogorathWander3 (0x0008d358)
SESheogorathWander2 (0x0008d357)
SESheogorathWander1 (0x00082729)
aaaDefaultStayAtEditorLocation (0x0002c81c)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Faction for all NPCs in Sheogorath's palace (0x00045763) 0
Spell Id
Sheogorath's Immunity (0x00095266)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011