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Jensine (0x00015ea4)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Jensine
  • Editor ID: Jensine
  • Form ID: 0x00015ea4
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Nord (0x000224fd)
Gender Female
Class Pawnbroker (0x00023e69)
ACHR (if unique) JensineRef (0x0001d20b)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 5
NPC Health 67
NPC Magicka 92
SCRI JensineSCRIPT (0x000d3b05)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 92
Fatigue Raw 193
Gold 600
Level Raw 5
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 100
Mercweap 1
Mercarmor 1
Mercclot 1
Mercbook 1
Mercingred 1
Merclight 1
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 1
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 1
Mercpot 1
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 10
Athletics Raw 29
Blade Raw 15
Block Raw 34
Blunt Raw 39
Hand To Hand Raw 5
Heavy Armor Raw 15
Alchemy Raw 5
Alteration Raw 5
Conjuration Raw 5
Destruction Raw 5
Illusion Raw 5
Mysticism Raw 5
Restoration Raw 10
Acrobatics Raw 12
Light Armor Raw 12
Marksman Raw 12
Mercantile Raw 30
Security Raw 36
Sneak Raw 36
Speechcraft Raw 36
Health Raw 67
Strength Raw 56
Intelligence Raw 37
Willpower Raw 42
Agility Raw 49
Speed Raw 45
Endurance Raw 46
Personality Raw 30
Luck Raw 55
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0000b2d8 See anything you like?
0x00047664 Welcome to Jensine's 'Good as New' Merchandise. I'm Jensine. Take your time. I'll be right here.
0x0000b2da I have been anxiously awaiting your return.
0x0000b2db Any news about that certain task we discussed?
0x0001671c Feel free to browse, friend. It's nice to see a new shopper. I was afraid I lost any hope of new business ever since Thoronir opened up.
0x0000b5ab Feel free to browse, friend.
0x00095a88 Good day to you.
0x0001e7ca It is a privilege to see you again.
0x0001e7cd You seem in good spirits... do you have good news?
0x0001e7d1 Any new information come to light?
0x0001e7e9 Good to see you again.
0x0001e847 Welcome to Jensine's "Good As New" Merchandise!
0x0001ce01 Hello.
0x0001e7d3 Farewell. May the roads carry you safely in your journeys.
0x000363bf Let's keep my problem with Audens just between you and I.
0x000363cc If you tell anyone I said anything bad about Audens, I'll deny it.
0x000363cd It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
0x0001e7d6 Didn't you have some things to give me?
0x0001e7d7 Make sure you show that shovel to Thoronir. It is the final bit of proof we need to possibly clear his name.
0x0001e7e0 I am still aghast. To think that someone would stoop so low...
0x0001ce04 Bring that book immediately to Thoronir.
0x0001e7e1 Make sure you have proof before you accuse anyone of a terrible crime like grave robbing.
0x0001e7e2 Thanks again for your help, we had no other place to turn.
0x0001e848 Fare thee well.
0x0004992f I needed some cash, so I went to see Jensine.
0x0004992f I needed some cash, so I went to see Jensine.
0x00049936 If you need money fast, try Jensine's. You can sell almost anything there.
0x00049936 If you need money fast, try Jensine's. You can sell almost anything there.
0x0001d03a I am pleased that Thoronir has decided to donate his inventory to the temple. At least he is trying to make amends.
0x0001d03b To think, all of those items on Thoronir's shelves were only recently buried. Such blasphemy.
0x0000bca3 His inventory must be stolen. It has to be. He prices less than it costs to make some of those things. Go see for yourself.
0x0000bca2 We cannot do it ourselves, as he recognizes all of us. The job pays a fair bounty in gold when he is brought to justice.
0x0014680f I'm mature enough to admit I was mistaken about Thoronir. He's a welcome member of our group in the Market District.
0x0001d03d Many thanks, on behalf of all of us.
0x0001d03e Speak to Thoronir first. Although I am happy you were able to recover some solid evidence, he deserves to see it as well.
0x0001d040 Be ever vigilant. The crime of grave robbing is punishable only by death, so Agarmir is likely to do anything to keep his crimes secret.
0x0001cdfe Thoronir better pray he had no knowledge of Agarmir's grave robbing, or the Watch will have his head.
0x0001cdff I've checked my sources, and no one knows this "Agarmir"; he's probably using a false name.
0x0001d041 Be careful, there is no telling what this "Agarmir" is up to.
0x0001ce02 I told you he wouldn't cooperate. Your best bet is to shadow him and see where he goes.
0x0001d042 I hope you're more successful uncovering his scheme than we've been.
0x0000bc9e So, Ogier sent you, eh? Well then, he usually sizes up people well, so you may be just what we're looking for.
0x0000bc9f So, Tertullian sent you, eh? Well then, he usually sizes up people well, so you may be just what we're looking for.
0x0000bca0 So, Claudette sent you, eh? Well then, she usually sizes up people well, so you may be just what we're looking for.
0x0000bca6 I think you may be just the kind of person we're looking for. Perhaps you can assist us with a problem we're having here in the Market District.
0x0001d043 The very thought of what Agarmir was doing sickens me. I hope those poor souls rest in peace now that this is over.
0x0001d0b2 As sickened as I am, I will not tell the City Watch until you have confirmed this theory and brought us the proof we need.
0x0001ce03 You should take this book to Thoronir. Confronted with this, he may just see things differently.
0x0001d0b3 Without any solid evidence to back that accusation up, you don't have cause to assume that is where Agarmir gets his merchandise.
0x00047665 Everyone comes to the Big City to buy and sell. Why not? More stores, better selection, better prices.
0x00049930 Ever needed cash in a hurry? You should try Jensine's.
0x00049930 Ever needed cash in a hurry? You should try Jensine's.
0x00049935 Have you looked around Jensine's? It's amazing what people will get rid of.
0x00049935 Have you looked around Jensine's? It's amazing what people will get rid of.
0x00035ca3 You want me to publically accuse Audens Avidius of corruption? I'd sooner swim naked in a pool filled with slaughterfish and mudcrabs!
0x00035ca2 I don't know what you're talking about. Get out of my shop.
0x00035ca1 Ruslan and Luronk. Those idiots don't know when to stay quiet. Look, I'm not telling you anything, stranger. I don't trust you.
0x00035c99 Who told you that?
0x00035c9a What can I do? He's a Captain of the Imperial Watch. Only another Watch Captain can arrest him. Fat chance of that happening.
0x000be40c Oh, very well. If you change your mind, let me know. It could prove quite lucrative for both of us.
Item Id Item Count
Iron Dagger (0x00019171) 1
Sack Cloth Sandals (0x0002731a) 1
Jensine's Merchandise (0x0001d201) 1
LL0NPCGoldLowerClass (0x0003e4c8) 1
Coarse Linens (0x0001c82c) 1
Blue Collar Shirt (0x0000c59e) 1
Package Id
MQ16MartialLaw (0x000aef8e)
FindFathisUlesTTh22x2 (0x0001fc73)
ICMarketFeedBagMTWTF20x4 (0x0001fc81)
JensineSleep0x6 (0x0000ba07)
aaaEat6x2 (0x0001eb72)
aaaServicesEditorLoc8x12LockAtEnd (0x00023637)
Faction Id Faction Rank
IC Citizens (0x00009275) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011