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Ocheeva (0x000224ec)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Ocheeva
  • Editor ID: Ocheeva
  • Form ID: 0x000224ec
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Argonian (0x00023fe9)
Gender Female
Class Assassin (0x00023793)
ACHR (if unique) OcheevaRef (0x00025050)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+10
NPC Health 35 + (4+1)x(PC+9), PC=1-33
NPC Magicka 138 + 3.5x(PC+9) (max=250)
SCRI DarkSanctuaryAssassins (0x0002fda1)
Model Characters\_Male\SkeletonBeast.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 172
Fatigue Raw 206
Gold 5
Level Raw 10
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 30
Confidence 80
Energy 80
Responsibility 30
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 6
Athletics Raw 16
Blade Raw 40
Block Raw 6
Blunt Raw 6
Hand To Hand Raw 11
Heavy Armor Raw 6
Alchemy Raw 40
Alteration Raw 6
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 11
Mysticism Raw 11
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 45
Light Armor Raw 45
Marksman Raw 45
Mercantile Raw 16
Security Raw 55
Sneak Raw 45
Speechcraft Raw 16
Health Raw 85
Strength Raw 54
Intelligence Raw 69
Willpower Raw 46
Agility Raw 70
Speed Raw 67
Endurance Raw 36
Personality Raw 70
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00035e00 Go now. Get some rest. Sithis knows you've earned it. When you're ready for another contract, you need only ask.
0x00035e01 Now go. Get some rest. I'll have another contract ready for you shortly.
0x00090aa9 Adamus Phillida has been a thorn in the Dark Brotherhood's side for far too long. Kill the pig, so Sithis can enslave his soul for all eternity!
0x00035e02 You must open these sealed orders immediately and follow their instructions to the letter. It would seem the Black Hand itself has a task for you.
0x00035e04 Assassin! Why are you still here? Have you not opened your sealed orders? Go now! The Black Hand obviously has need of your abilities!
0x0003005b I have another contract, when you're ready. One that will rely on your ability to remain fully undetected.
0x00035df0 Greetings once more, assassin. When you're ready, I have a most important contract. One that has been sanctioned by the Black Hand itself.
0x00023e44 Greetings once more. I know you must be eager to get to work. I think you'll find the task Vicente has available to be quite intriguing.
0x00026e65 Not here! Not in public! We must never speak to each other outside the Sanctuary! The risk of detection is too great!
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f5 Now, I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x000224f6 But I've kept you long enough. Vicente is waiting. You'll find him in his quarters. Go now, my child, and may Sithis go with you.
0x0002f87c While Faelian walks the streets of the Imperial City, the Night Mother weeps in her restlessness. Kill this High Elf, and all will be well.
0x000275c0 The other guests are waiting for you at Summitmist Manor. I suggest you get going.
0x000275c1 I lay upon you now the Night Mother's Blessing. May she walk with you always, and guide your hand as you act in accordance with the Five Tenets.
0x000275c2 I must admit, I'm disappointed. This was an important contract, and you stumbled through it like a drunk. Leave me now, and think upon your failure.
0x00023f09 I see you've accepted the contract from Vicente. Very good. With every life you take, Sithis grows stronger, and the Brotherhood flourishes.
0x0006143e You've seen Lucien Lachance, then? Good, good. I know whatever task he has for you will be carried out with skill and discretion.
0x0002ff08 Here is your reward and bonus. Both have been well earned. Go now and rest, and may the Night Mother guard your dreams.
0x000008d2 Go now and rest, and may the Night Mother haunt your dreams.
0x0002ff09 I had hoped to avoid such an... irritation. Here is your reward, but the bonus is forfeit. Do try to be more careful next time, hmm?
0x0003489e Go now and rest, and may the Night Mother haunt your dreams.
0x00034894 Roderick may lie near death, but dead he is not. Until his soul has passed, our client -- and Sithis -- will not be satisfied.
0x00034895 It pleases me greatly to offer you this reward, and a well-earned bonus. Go now. Rest. I'll have another contract ready whenever you are.
0x00034896 Here is your reward, minus any bonus. It would seem you and Gogron share a similar... style. Now go, and do be more careful in the future.
0x000008d3 From now on, you will receive all assignments directly from me. In fact, your next contract is available now.
0x000251e3 Greetings, Brother. I do hope you are well.
0x000251e4 Greetings, Sister. I do hope you are well.
0x000275be So, are you ready to mingle with the doomed house guests? The contract is waiting.
0x00023e4d You have arrived at last!
0x0002528f I am honored by your presence. How can Ocheeva be of assistance?
0x00025291 You are finding your contracts agreeable, I hope?
0x00025293 I do not know what Lucien sees in you, but this Sanctuary is cursed by your presence.
0x00036315 May the Night Mother guide you.
0x00036316 Sometimes I think Lachance will let anyone into this Sanctuary...
0x00036317 Go now, dear family member, and may the Night Mother wrap you in her cold, loving embrace.
0x000624f0 I... I've heard some talk. This past year, some family members have been found... murdered! Could there be an assassin among assassins?
0x000251f5 Ours is not the only Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. There are others, hidden throughout Cyrodiil, each one overseen by a Speaker of the Black Hand.
0x000253d9 Lucien isn't here very often. His duties with the Black Hand keep him very busy, so he trusts me to keep the Sanctuary in order.
0x000251fc Together we served our nation as spies and assassins, as all Shadowscales do. When we came of age we joined the family as one. And here we are.
0x000251e9 Those fools in the Church and their so-called "Nine Divines." There is no divinity beyond the eternal and terrible rule of our Dread Father, Sithis.
0x000251ef After a person performs the ritual, they are contacted by a Speaker. Gold is exchanged, and the details worked out. So it has always been.
0x000275c3 Each guest, at some point in the past, wronged their mysterious host. Now he's hired us to exact his revenge.
0x0002f87e The High Elf Faelian lives in the Imperial City, and fancies long walks. Speak with your fellow family members. They may offer their insights.
0x0002f87f In the Imperial City there lives a High Elf who must be removed from existence. Finding this person may prove... challenging. Are you interested?
0x0003005c Far to the west there lives a fierce warlord and his company of loyal mercenaries. Your target is the warlord. Do you accept this contract?
0x0003005c Far to the west there lives a fierce warlord and his company of loyal mercenaries. Your target is the warlord. Do you accept this contract?
0x00035df1 Do you recall the name Adamus Phillida? The Imperial Legion pest? It's time he joined Sithis in the Void. Think you're up to the task?
0x00035dff Adamus Phillida will find no rest in retirement. No, his soul will endure a kind of eternal suffering known only to those who have angered Sithis.
0x0000c081 It's uncertain exactly what illness Roderick has contracted. But don't worry, it's probably not contagious. He he he he he.
0x0000c082 Actually, I gave you this contract in the hope that whatever Roderick has is contagious, and you'll die a slow, lingering death in a matter of days.
0x00061459 Lucien Lachance's word is law. Whatever contract he has given you must be carried out, without question.
0x0000bcad I have given you little more than a name. I can only pray that you'll wander the Imperial City aimlessly for days, and then eventually die of hunger.
0x000039dd It's not my place to question the wisdom of Lucien Lachance or the Black Hand, but trusting you with the Rose of Sithis? It is... folly.
0x000275bf Do you like parties? Because you've been invited to one. Of course, you'll be killing all the other guests. Are you ready to attend?
0x00027989 I take much joy in giving you this contract. With so many targets come so many opportunities to fail. The chance of you surviving is slim at best.
0x000251cd If things go badly, forgo the plan and simply kill the mark any way you can. You'll lose the bonus, but at least the contract will be fulfilled.
0x000251d1 For the love of Sithis, you have to kill a feeble old man. Is that too much for you to handle?
0x000251cc No Dark Brother or Sister has successfully infiltrated the Imperial Prison in over three hundred years. This will be a true test of your abilities.
0x000251d2 I was hoping Vicente would give you this contract. When you are captured and killed, the assignment will go to someone more competent.
0x000251cf I killed a pirate once. Of course the ship was out to sea at the time. Somewhere between Vvardenfell and Solstheim. Now those were the days.
0x000251d0 I serve Lucien Lachance and the Dark Brotherhood, and will guide you as directed. But you will get no additional help from me.
0x0002528e While the Brotherhood maintains its ancient name, membership is always open to skilled women. For can we not draw blood as well as any man?
0x000275ca When all the guests lie dead, you will be free to leave. Now go, see the doorman at Summitmist Manor. He will explain the rest. Have fun.
0x000275c9 All right. But don't take too long. The other guests are already assembled, and they're waiting on you.
0x0002f881 As you wish. Don't worry, the contract will be available whenever you're ready.
0x0002f880 Ah yes, there is one more thing. The Imperial City is also home to an Imperial Legion captain named Adamus Phillida. Do you know who that is?
0x0003005e Very well. Return to me when you are ready, and the contract is yours.
0x0003005d If you are detected, the poisoning will fail, and Roderick must be killed in some other manner. That will, of course, forfeit your bonus.
0x00032beb Deposit this finger in the desk of Phillida's successor, in his office in the Prison Barracks, in the Imperial City! Do this, and the bonus is yours!
0x00032bea Deposit this finger in the desk of Phillida's successor, in his office in the Prison Barracks, in the Imperial City! Do this, and the bonus is yours!
0x00032be9 Deposit this finger in the desk of Phillida's successor, in his office in the Prison Barracks, in the Imperial City! Do this, and the bonus is yours!
0x00035df2 Do you realize what you're saying? Do you fully understand the honor you are rejecting? For your own sake, return to me when you're ready.
0x00035df3 Phillida now resides in Leyawiin, in the City Watch barracks, an honored guest of the soldiers there. He is, in fact, more vulnerable than ever.
0x00035594 Scar-Tail is a traitor to Argonia, and a blight upon Tamriel! Kill him, as my brother requests, and we will be forever in your debt.
0x00035595 Scar-Tail now lies with the worms of Bogwater, thanks to you. I am forever indebted to you, Brother.
0x0003559a Scar-Tail now lies with the worms of Bogwater, thanks to you. I am forever indebted to you, Sister.
0x0004ce4b This will make it look like a simple murder, Phillida will be none the wiser, and you'll receive a nice bonus. Now go, and may Sithis go with you.
0x0004ce4a This will make it look like a simple murder, Phillida will be none the wiser, and you'll receive a nice bonus. Now go, and may Sithis go with you.
0x0004ce49 This will make it look like a simple murder, Phillida will be none the wiser, and you'll receive a nice bonus. Now go, and may Sithis go with you.
Item Id Item Count
The Lusty Argonian Maid (0x00078562) 1
Telaendril's Ocheeva Note (0x00175f62) 1
LL0NPCWeaponDaggerLvl100 (0x0003abbf) 1
Shrouded Armor (0x000347f7) 1
LL0NPCGoldLowerClass (0x0003e4c8) 1
Abandoned House Key (0x000034f3) 1
Package Id
DarkOcheevaJoin (0x00026f64)
DarkOcheevaQuarters (0x00026f65)
DarkOcheevaSleep (0x00058667)
DarkOcheevaSitTraining (0x0006f869)
DarkOcheevaTrain (0x00026f67)
DarkOcheevaEat (0x00058672)
DarkOcheevaRomanceTime (0x00058673)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Dark Brotherhood (0x0002f872) 4
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Dwellers (0x0006d677) 0
Spell Id
Arena Combatants Ability (0x00008961)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011