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Modryn Oreyn (0x000234c0)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Modryn Oreyn
  • Editor ID: ModrynOreyn
  • Form ID: 0x000234c0
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Dark Elf (0x000191c1)
Gender Male
Class Knight (0x00000836)
ACHR (if unique) ModrynOreynRef (0x00023510)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 40
NPC Health 295
NPC Magicka 157
SCRI ModrynOreynScript (0x000b97c5)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 157
Fatigue Raw 316
Gold 5
Level Raw 40
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 100
Energy 50
Responsibility 60
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 33
Athletics Raw 38
Blade Raw 98
Block Raw 88
Blunt Raw 94
Hand To Hand Raw 88
Heavy Armor Raw 88
Alchemy Raw 9
Alteration Raw 9
Conjuration Raw 9
Destruction Raw 19
Illusion Raw 64
Mysticism Raw 14
Restoration Raw 9
Acrobatics Raw 9
Light Armor Raw 14
Marksman Raw 14
Mercantile Raw 9
Security Raw 9
Sneak Raw 9
Speechcraft Raw 64
Health Raw 295
Strength Raw 100
Intelligence Raw 63
Willpower Raw 53
Agility Raw 63
Speed Raw 73
Endurance Raw 100
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x000356a7 Did you speak with Vilena? How did she react?
0x000356aa Have you done it? Have you destroyed that foul tree?
0x000356ae You've started the job; now you must finish it. You need to get back to Leyawiin. How can I help?
0x000356b1 I need you in Leyawiin to take care of that Hist. What is it you need?
0x0002e583 You're back. What have you found out about Galtus Previa's disappearance?
0x0002e587 You and Viranus have business to attend to. Why are you wasting time here?
0x0002e588 What is it? You've got duties to attend to.
0x0002e589 I figured you'd be back for more work. Good. There's more to be done.
0x0002a2ab Why are you talking to me? Shouldn't you be finding Maglir?
0x00028a27 What do you want? I suppose you've come looking for duties, huh?
0x00002e3f You're back. What have you found out?
0x00002e42 Why are you here talking to me? I need you to go investigate the Forsaken Mine. And now!
0x00002e46 You're back. Good. You have important duties to attend to.
0x00024d86 I'm the Fighters Guild Champion, Modryn Oreyn. I don't believe we've met.
0x0002c58d His ring. Have you pried it from the coward's corpse?
0x0002c7c1 I'm looking for results from you. What have you found out?
0x0002c7c2 Back again, huh? What is it?
0x000a5644 Heard you went over to the other side. Get out of my face.
0x000356af Damn. Killed himself. Must have had some sort of magic item we didn't notice.
0x0007109a Work on him until he talks. Try not to kill him.
0x000356a5 Well, what did you find at Water's Edge?
0x000356ab I want you to get back to Water's Edge. Make sure the Blackwood Company hasn't forced those residents out.
0x000356ad Good. You're finally awake. I was beginning to get a bit concerned about you.
0x000356b0 I don't want to talk to you, traitor.
0x000356c6 I need you to get down to Leyawiin and infiltrate the Blackwood Company.
0x00074a92 Since you managed to make a mess of the interrogation, we've got extra work to do if we're going to stop the Blackwood Company.
0x000356fb We've got some work to do if we're going to stop the Blackwood Company.
0x000356b7 It is time for decisive action. I have one more duty for you to perform.
0x000146a0 You've got him. Let's talk about Ajum-Kajin.
0x000356b2 What is it? I need you to go get Ajum-Kajin.
0x000356e9 Haven't written me off yet, huh? Good. If you're willing, there's more work to be done.
0x0002c58e Azani Blackheart is dead, and our brothers avenged.
0x0002c592 We don't have time to talk. I want to find Blackheart. What do you need?
0x000f593e He's here somewhere. I know it.
0x0002ff28 Nothing! I knew it! Azani Blackheart isn't here, alive or dead.
0x0005439e Let's look around.
0x00098195 Let's get moving. Head to Arpenia.
0x000b6c01 Meet me at the Fighters Guild in Leyawiin. We've got work to do.
0x0002c595 We need to check out Arpenia. Come on. I'll follow you.
0x0002c59c Have you changed your mind about helping me?
0x0002c59f I need your help now. Have you made up your mind?
0x000146a1 Good. You're here. We've got duties to attend to.
0x00002e58 I said we'd speak later. What do you need?
0x00003431 Ah, it's you. I figured you'd be by soon.
0x0002ee5f What is it? Shouldn't you be taking care of Maglir's contract?
0x0002ee61 Yes? I assume you've spoken to that lout Maglir?
0x0002ee62 What is it? You're supposed to find Maglir.
0x0002ee75 You again. Fine. I imagine you're looking for work from me.
0x00071e75 Master... I'll never get used to saying that. What can I do for you?
0x00071e95 What do you need... Master?
0x0003375f Let me handle this.
0x000335d9 About time.
0x0003360d Go ahead, boot.
0x0003360e Report, soldier.
0x0003376a What do you have?
0x0003377f Get moving.
0x0003378b More trouble.
0x00033765 At your service, Master.
0x0003377c So? What happened?
0x00033789 Well?
0x0003378d One last time.
0x0003379e You've done well.
0x00033754 Well?
0x00033772 How'd it go?
0x00033783 Don't talk to me.
0x00033787 Go on.
0x00033796 You can do this.
0x00033751 We need to talk.
0x00033774 Let's talk.
0x00033785 You ready?
0x00033788 We've been had.
0x0003378c Let's go.
0x000337a1 Good work.
0x00033750 We're making progress.
0x00033776 You got him?
0x0003377a Can't quit now.
0x000335d6 What's the story on Maglir and his contract?
0x000335da Go ahead.
0x000335e0 Get a move on.
0x000335e1 Ready for duty?
0x000335df Stay with it.
0x0003375c We'll be talking.
0x000335e4 Time's wasting.
0x000335e3 Don't just stand there. Move.
0x000335e2 I'll be waiting.
0x00033755 We'll get through this.
0x00033766 You can do it.
0x00033764 Yes, Master. Whatever you say.
0x0003377d Tell her right away.
0x00033797 Finish it.
0x00033759 We've got to stop them.
0x00033767 I'll wait here.
0x00033780 Keep moving.
0x0003379c Good luck.
0x00033768 We'll show them.
0x00033782 Let's go.
0x0003379b I'm relying on you.
0x0003379f Later.
0x000335dd You're staring at me again.
0x000335e7 Stop staring at me. Let's get to work.
0x00033760 Good work.
0x00033762 Make him sing.
0x0003377b Go get him.
0x00032e5b Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.
0x00032e5b Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.
0x00032e5c Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.
0x00032e5c Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.
0x00032e5d Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?
0x00032e5d Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?
0x00032e5e It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.
0x00032e5e It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.
0x00032e5f I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.
0x00032e5f I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.
0x00032e60 We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.
0x00032e60 We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.
0x00032e61 It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.
0x00032e61 It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.
0x00032e62 We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.
0x00032e62 We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.
0x00032e63 We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.
0x00032e63 We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.
0x00032e64 Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.
0x00032e64 Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.
0x00032e65 We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.
0x00032e65 We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.
0x00032e66 What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.
0x00032e66 What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.
0x00032e67 So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.
0x00032e67 So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.
0x00032e68 I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.
0x00032e68 I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.
0x00032e69 It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.
0x00032e69 It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.
0x00032e6a It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.
0x00032e6a It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.
0x00032e6c Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e6c Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e73 Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons.
0x00032e73 Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons.
0x00032e74 Viranus wasn't alone at Nonwyll Cavern, you know. Would he have done that well without help?
0x00032e74 Viranus wasn't alone at Nonwyll Cavern, you know. Would he have done that well without help?
0x00032e75 Viranus is just a kid. But he did pretty well at Nonwyll Cavern, I guess.
0x00032e75 Viranus is just a kid. But he did pretty well at Nonwyll Cavern, I guess.
0x00032e76 Viranus is a good kid. It's his mom who's getting in the way.
0x00032e76 Viranus is a good kid. It's his mom who's getting in the way.
0x00032e77 With Vitellus dead, Vilena thinks only about protecting Viranus. That's a sure way to ruin the boy.
0x00032e77 With Vitellus dead, Vilena thinks only about protecting Viranus. That's a sure way to ruin the boy.
0x00032e78 Oreyn is trying to get Viranus out in the field, but Vilena keeps interfering.
0x00032e78 Oreyn is trying to get Viranus out in the field, but Vilena keeps interfering.
0x00032e79 Viranus needs to stop hiding behind his mother's skirts if he expects to run this outfit someday.
0x00032e79 Viranus needs to stop hiding behind his mother's skirts if he expects to run this outfit someday.
0x00032e7a Blackwood Company's getting all the contracts around Leyawiin. No wonder the boys there are getting restless.
0x00032e7a Blackwood Company's getting all the contracts around Leyawiin. No wonder the boys there are getting restless.
0x00032e7b Oreyn says the new guy went down and sorted out the problem in Leyawiin. Trouble like that is just making things worse.
0x00032e7b Oreyn says the new guy went down and sorted out the problem in Leyawiin. Trouble like that is just making things worse.
0x00032e7c Some of the Leyawiin boys are cutting up pretty bad. Oreyn is not happy.
0x00032e7c Some of the Leyawiin boys are cutting up pretty bad. Oreyn is not happy.
0x00032e7d Our new recruit says Maglir completed the Fallen Rock Cave contract. Oreyn refuses to talk about it.
0x00032e7d Our new recruit says Maglir completed the Fallen Rock Cave contract. Oreyn refuses to talk about it.
0x00032e7e The one bottom boot covered for the other, I hear. It's a tough situation.
0x00032e7e The one bottom boot covered for the other, I hear. It's a tough situation.
0x00032e7f That Maglir is probably parked in some tavern. I never did like that eight-pint hero.
0x00032e7f That Maglir is probably parked in some tavern. I never did like that eight-pint hero.
0x00032e80 Oreyn is pretty steamed up about Maglir. He can get expelled for that, can't he?
0x00032e80 Oreyn is pretty steamed up about Maglir. He can get expelled for that, can't he?
0x00032e81 I don't know what's going on, but Oreyn said Maglir has the contract. Has he lost his nerve?
0x00032e81 I don't know what's going on, but Oreyn said Maglir has the contract. Has he lost his nerve?
0x00025583 That Modryn Oreyn has got no sense of humor. Hell of a warrior, though. No wonder he's done so well in the Fighters Guild.
0x00025583 That Modryn Oreyn has got no sense of humor. Hell of a warrior, though. No wonder he's done so well in the Fighters Guild.
0x000255b0 Have you met Modryn Oreyn? Quiet man, but apparently he's an incredible fighter.
0x000255b0 Have you met Modryn Oreyn? Quiet man, but apparently he's an incredible fighter.
0x000356cc I need you to find Ajum-Kajin and bring him back to me. I want to talk to him.
0x000356df I want you to go there and capture Ajum-Kajin, one of their leaders. Bring him back to me. I'd like to spend some time... talking to him.
0x0002c5b9 I've been looking into them. Heard some disturbing things. We know they're a danger to us. And we know they're good at what they do.
0x0002ae34 Never mind. You've done your job. Here's your payment for it.
0x0002c7b6 You've stopped them from fighting. Now find out why it went on. Then do something about it!
0x0002c7c4 You're looking for Rellian, Vantus Prelius, and Dubok gro-Shagk. I haven't had any trouble with them before, so find out what's going on.
0x00024295 You did it? I'll be talking to Maglir soon. I don't need one wet-ear covering for another. Still, the job got done. Here's the reward.
0x00024294 He didn't? Hmph. This doesn't sit well with me. Not well at all. Still, the job got done. Let's hope your friend Maglir has learned a lesson here.
0x00024290 You've got the journal. Good. So, what happened in Skingrad?
0x000366be I know that he's defaulted. I need that job done. Don't come back here until you have Brenus Astis' journal in your little hands.
0x0003457f He's not doing the job? The little vermin. It still needs to be done. You get back there and make sure that job is finished! Get moving!
0x0002428f He didn't finish out a contract in Skingrad. Suppose I shouldn't be surprised. He's raw, like you. Go and find out what's wrong with him.
0x0002ee69 He hasn't reported to the client at all. Get yourself down to Bravil and find Maglir. Make sure that contract of his gets done. And send him to me.
0x0002ae21 What happens to Maglir now isn't your concern. I'll deal with him.
0x0002a574 So, I assume you've dealt with Maglir. Tell me about why he defaulted on his contract.
0x00028a2c Yes. Maglir. Find him. See why he defaulted. I swear, I've scraped things off the bottom of my boots that were smarter than you.
0x0002428a He's one of your Fighters Guild brothers, but he's defaulted on a contract. We can't allow that. Makes us all look bad.
0x0002428b I need to know why he defaulted on his contract. What have you learned?
0x00074a93 We obviously didn't get enough information from the Argonian. I want you to infiltrate them. See how they work from the inside.
0x000356ea While the information we got from the Argonian was valuable, we need more. I want you to infiltrate them. See how they work from the inside.
0x000356cb And I've already been expelled. Doesn't mean I'm done, though. I'm taking down the Blackwood Company, and I want your help doing it.
0x0006e2de I've got my orders for now. Check back in a month or so, and we can talk about what to do next.
0x0006e2e3 So, what are your first orders, Guildmaster?
0x0006e2e6 You're the boss. What orders do you have?
0x00035707 It is clear to me what must be done. The Hist tree must be destroyed.
0x0002f9e7 I've got another job for you. It's a sensitive one. I need you to find Viranus Donton.
0x0002d716 You and Viranus are to go to Nonwyll and find out what happened to Galtus Previa. Now get to it.
0x0002d733 I've got another job for you, slightly off the record. You'll be going on a mission with Viranus Donton. Yes -- the Guildmaster's son.
0x00024289 Duties for you. Fine. I'll speak slowly so you can keep up. I want you to contact Maglir.
0x0002ae27 I assume you've taken care of this issue. So, tell me what happened. Why were our men causing trouble? And what did you do?
0x0002c7c0 Fine. You know what's wrong. How about you go and fix it? NOW!!!
0x0002ae2d You've calmed them down. That's good. Now go find out what the hell is going on down there! Look past the symptoms, fool!
0x0002c5a0 It's our duty to strike back. We need to make a move against them. And we need to do it now.
0x0002c5b7 We'll talk later. Meet me at my house after dark.
0x0002c5b8 I've got something for you, but we're not going to talk about it here. I want you to meet me at my house after sundown. We'll talk more then.
0x0002e581 Good that you took care of it. This whole Blackwood Company business is starting to chafe.
0x0002e584 Take care of Maglir's contract. Then report back to me.
0x0002e585 He's what??? That little lump of guar dung! You get back to Bravil and take care of that contract. I need to think about this.
0x0002e586 You need to track down Maglir. Again. Look for him in Bravil. Now go.
0x0002e59d I'm going to need you to find Maglir again. The little fetcher.
0x000474fb Or, perhaps you're ready for advancement.
0x0002ae38 I don't have anything for you to do yet. Come back after you've taken care of some more contracts.
0x0002c7e3 Back for more work, are you? Good. Some of our boys are causing trouble in Leyawiin. Looks bad for the guild.
0x00024d71 Odiil boys say creatures of some sort are attacking their farm. Went off on their own to stop them. Poor father's worried sick.
0x0002c5b5 Now, get out of here. I'm going to head back to Chorrol. When there's more to do, I'll let you know.
0x0002c674 Get the ring for me. We'll need it as proof.
0x0002c622 Blackheart has a fascination with these Ayleid ruins. There's one northeast of here, Atatar. My bet is that he moved his base there. I'll lead.
0x0002c651 Come back when you're ready. Don't delay.
0x0002c639 Good. Let's go.
0x0002c5c1 Get back to me when you change your mind.
0x0002c5c3 I'm sorry to hear that. Sooner or later, the contracts are going to dry up. Maybe then you'll reconsider.
0x0002c5c0 We leave as soon as you're ready. I want to investigate Blackheart's stronghold at Arpenia. Meet me at the Leyawiin guild hall. We'll go from there.
0x0002c5bf After a mission in Black Marsh, they set up shop in Leyawiin. More ruthless than ever. It needs investigating. First, though, you need advancement.
0x0002c5be I can't order you do this with me. It's dangerous, and Vilena isn't going to know about it. It's your choice.
0x0002c5bd There's more. Argoth -- he's dead, the artifact gone. Sounds like a set-up. Maybe they made a deal with Blackheart. I don't know. But I'll find out.
0x0002c5bc Vilena's gotten tentative since the Blackheart mission. She's worried about getting us killed. But we're just getting killed a little bit at a time.
0x0002c5bb All I know for sure is that they'll accept any contract, and they'll do anything to complete it. And they don't care who gets in the way.
0x0002d732 That's all. For now. Good job, though. You got Viranus home safe, and I think it'll do him good. I'll pay him for the contract, and this for you.
0x0002d730 Nothing we need to talk about now. I'll pay Viranus for his contract. This is for you. Who knows. I might be able to make soldiers out of you both.
0x0002d72f Let me see that. Interesting. The symbols on it are familiar to me. I'll be looking into this.
0x0002d72c I'll pay Donton for his contract, and I've got this for you. Good work getting him back in one piece. I might make a real soldier of you yet.
0x0002d72d Could be that. But you said the corpse was intact. Nothing had dined on the gem-hunter. Something doesn't sit right with me about this.
0x0002d713 Dead? Damn! What got him?
0x0002d719 Dead? Damn! What got him?
0x0002d729 We got the contract from his aunt. Was in Nonwyll looking for gems of some sort. Never heard from again. You and Viranus go find him.
0x0002d725 If you're smart, you'll steer clear of the subject around the Guildmaster. Perhaps you and I will have time to discuss it more later.
0x00003932 I want you to lay low for a while. Talk to Azzan or gro-Khash. Let me deal with Vilena. You've still got a career ahead of you.
0x0002f9e3 I want you to lay low for a while. Talk to Azzan or gro-Khash. Let me deal with Vilena. You've still got a career ahead of you.
0x0002f9e1 Best not to speak of him now. Go on about your business.
0x0002f9e2 I want you to lay low for a while. Talk to Azzan or gro-Khash. Let me deal with Vilena. You've still got a career ahead of you.
0x0002f9e4 Dead? It can't be! What happened? You didn't think to find some evidence? Get back there. Find out what went wrong, dammit!
0x0002f9e9 I want you to go check it out. I don't need to tell you how sensitive a matter this is. Get moving, and report back to me as soon as possible.
0x0002d71d Vilena coddles the boy too much. Doesn't want him in the line of fire. Suppose it's no surprise after Vitellus.
0x0002d71e The youngest Donton? Probably at home. I hear his mother doesn't let him do too much.
0x0002d721 And not a word of this to the Guildmaster! Go find him. He'll be in the Donton house, most likely. And bring him back in one piece!
0x0002e59e Here's your payment for completion of the contract. I think it's time for us to discuss the Blackwood Company a bit.
0x0002ee65 Take care of his contract. We'll discuss him later.
0x0002ee66 The little bastard! We took him in when no one else would. This is how he repays us? Talk to Aryarie in Bravil. She's our client. Do the job.
0x0002ee6a That's right. The little vermin has defaulted on another contract. I need you to go babysit him again.
0x0002c587 There's no more to say about him. He will not be missed.
0x0002c58a It's good we've killed him. I'll need his ring as proof that we did the job.
0x0002c58b Dead, finally. Good work. Did you retrieve his ring? I want that as proof that the Blackwood Company didn't defeat him.
0x0002c58c He's here. I know it. Lead the way.
0x0002c58f They get the weapon for Argoth, collect the payment, and tell Azani where the mage is. Easy for Blackheart to retrieve the weapon and collect on it.
0x0002c597 We need to find out what happened with him. It's all suspicious to me.
0x0002c59e This is his stronghold. Where the Blackwood Company supposedly defeated him. Something's not right here. Come on.
0x0002c615 I went in there with twenty men. I left with five. Vitellus wasn't one of them. He died covering our retreat.
0x0002f9e8 We'd been contracted to clear the place of trolls. It was a tough job, but I felt the men I sent were up to it. I want to know what happened.
0x00035712 I'll do it... Guildmaster. Just come to me when you want to assign duties to the Guild. I'll make sure they get done.
0x0003355e Your accomplishments are impressive. Because of this, I bestow upon you the rank of Warder of the Fighters Guild.
0x0003355f Your service to the guild has not gone unnoticed. Henceforth, you will carry the rank of Defender. Bear the title proudly.
0x00033562 You're due for advancement. I hereby name you Protector of the Fighters Guild.
0x00033563 You've done well. Because of your efforts, you have achieved the rank of Swordsman of the Fighters Guild.
0x00033565 Looks like it is time for a promotion. Due to your performance, I name you Journeyman of the Fighters Guild.
0x00033567 You have done well so far. I hereby promote you to Apprentice. Good luck.
0x0003356d Be aware, though, that your rank can be stripped for failure to uphold the tenets of the guild, or at the sole discretion of the guildmaster.
0x0003356f I'm sorry. You're not yet ready for a promotion. Keep completing contracts, and take care of any assigned duties.
0x00035711 Ha! Made you Guildmaster? Amazing. You earned it, though you'll likely muck it all up. So, what are you going to do with your newfound rank?
0x0003570d It was returned to me by a stranger from my homeland, Morrowind. Wear it proudly. Perhaps you can help restore the glory of my family's name.
0x000356fe We now know the threat this group poses. Perhaps better than they themselves know it. We must take decisive action now.
0x000356ff I'm worried about those people. The Blackwood Company can't be trusted with their lives and homes. Get there and look into it.
0x00035702 He's a warrior, a battle-hardened mercenary who's spent time all over Tamriel. He'll keep his prize tree locked away. You'll need to find his key.
0x00035701 Perhaps she will understand what it is we have done. I believe our work is now finished. You are a fine soldier, my friend. You've made me proud.
0x0003570c You must find a way to destroy the Hist, though I can imagine Ri'Zakar will have it well guarded. Expect an unfriendly welcome at their hall.
0x000356fc Amazing. And insane. I'll look into it further.
0x000a3453 I want you to go back there. Make sure the Company hasn't ousted the residents. Lay low. I don't want them finding you there.
0x000356fd I'm concerned about Water's Edge. I want you to go back there. Make sure the Company hasn't ousted the residents. Lay low.
0x000356eb You'll be on your own. Steer clear of me and all of your Fighters Guild brothers. It'll be rough going, but you can do it.
0x000356b8 You got some information out of him, which is good. We can use it. Here, take this. It might help you some time.
0x000356c7 Now, go tell him to sit down. If he tries to get up, I'll kill him myself.
0x000356e6 He's the one in charge of this expansion. I know he's a high-ranking member of the group. An Argonian mage, from what I hear.
0x0006e2db More revenue means more gold in all our pockets. More men means that we're likely to have more spare equipment around here.
0x0006e2eb I'll get on it. We'll focus on both this month.
0x0006e2dc When more men are out there completing contracts, we all make more money. Including you. I'll get on it.
0x0006e2e5 No problem. I'll see to it.
0x0006e2dd Plus, members often find items in their travels they can't use, and they leave them here for other members to use. Sometimes there's nice stuff.
0x0006e2e4 Will do. I'll get right to it.
0x000a3456 Some of your Guild brothers found you and brought you to me. Good to see some of them think like we do. Now, what happened out there?
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCGoldLowerClass (0x0003e4c8) 1
Steel Mace (0x000229bb) 1
Iron Cuirass (0x0001c6d1) 1
Iron Boots (0x0001c6cf) 1
Laced Leather Pants (0x000229ab) 1
Fighters Guild Key (0x0002229e) 1
Modryn Oreyn's Key (0x00029220) 1
Paint Brush (0x0001bbc5) 1
Package Id
FGD05ModrynHouse (0x0002ff2c)
ModrynRehiredHouseSleep (0x0000c71e)
ModrynRehiredHouseEat (0x0000c71d)
ModrynRehiredFGWander9x9 (0x0000c71b)
ModrynHousePaint (0x0000c665)
ModrynRehiredHouseWander (0x0000c71c)
FGD05ModrynHouseWait (0x000146b1)
FGD05ModrynWaitinLeyawiin (0x000981a4)
FGD05ModrynEscort (0x0002c60c)
FGD05ModrynAtatarFollow (0x0003fd6a)
FGD05ModrynFollow (0x0002c609)
ModrynOreynSleep (0x0002251a)
aaaEat18x2 (0x0001cb87)
aaaEat12x2 (0x0001cb86) *
aaaDefaultExploreEditorLoc768 (0x0001dc54) *
Faction Id Faction Rank
Chorrol Citizen (0x00028d98) 0
Fighters Guild (0x0002228f) 8
Spell Id
LL2Knight100 (0x00037b2d)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011