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Vilena Donton (0x000234c1)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Vilena Donton
  • Editor ID: VilenaDonton
  • Form ID: 0x000234c1
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Female
Class Warrior (0x00023787)
ACHR (if unique) VilenaDontonRef (0x00023511)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+40
NPC Health 45 + (6+3)x(PC+39), PC=1--21
NPC Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+39) (max=250)
Model Characters\_Male\Skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 100
Fatigue Raw 215
Gold 15
Level Raw 40
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 100
Energy 50
Responsibility 80
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 90
Athletics Raw 90
Blade Raw 95
Block Raw 90
Blunt Raw 95
Hand To Hand Raw 95
Heavy Armor Raw 100
Alchemy Raw 34
Alteration Raw 34
Conjuration Raw 34
Destruction Raw 34
Illusion Raw 34
Mysticism Raw 34
Restoration Raw 34
Acrobatics Raw 34
Light Armor Raw 34
Marksman Raw 34
Mercantile Raw 44
Security Raw 34
Sneak Raw 34
Speechcraft Raw 44
Health Raw 312
Strength Raw 100
Intelligence Raw 40
Willpower Raw 40
Agility Raw 30
Speed Raw 30
Endurance Raw 45
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00025df2 All guild members have been instructed to deny you service, shelter, and assistance. From now until your death, you do not exist in our eyes.
0x00025df4 You've brought back the horns. Your rank and responsibilities are restored. There will be no further chances given you.
0x000356a2 What is it you want? You were told to stay out of my sight. I'll assume you're here to tender a resignation.
0x00027f88 Greetings. How may I help you? Are you perhaps interested in joining the Fighters Guild?
0x00024e08 Vilena Donton, Master of the Fighters Guild. Please excuse the mess. Paperwork. But what can I do for you?
0x00023ddc I'm the Master of the Fighters Guild -- Vilena Donton. Can I help you?
0x00025df5 Don't speak to me again, unless you've gotten twenty minotaur horns. Then, perhaps we'll have something to discuss.
0x00025dfa Perhaps this exercise will help you build character, or vent your murderous rage elsewhere. Or, you'll die, and you won't be our problem. Now, go.
0x00025e14 If you succeed, perhaps you'll have learned something in that time. If you fail, perhaps you'll be dead, and no longer our problem. Now, go.
0x00025e15 If you return, perhaps you'll have gained some measure of character. Perhaps, though, you'll die. Then you're no longer the guild's problem.
0x00025e18 Return with 20 minotaur horns if you wish to rejoin the Fighters Guild. Perhaps you'll find redemption; perhaps you'll die trying. Go now.
0x00025e1c So, you've collected the pelts. I trust you've learned a lesson. Your rank is restored, along with all rights and responsibilities.
0x00025e1d You've been told what you must do in order to regain your standing, and you've not yet done it. Don't return until you have twenty bear pelts.
0x00025e1f I offer you a chance for redemption. Do not return until you have 20 bear pelts. Take this time to come to terms with what you've done.
0x00025e20 As it is only your first offense, do not return until you have collected 20 bear pelts. Use this time to reflect on your actions.
0x0002a2ac Greetings. I see you've been keeping yourself busy. This is good. I believe it's time for you to perform some duties for your Guild.
0x0007b797 Honor the guild, friend.
0x00033756 Yes?
0x00033758 You're in charge now.
0x000335e9 Just do your job.
0x00032e5b Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.
0x00032e5b Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.
0x00032e5c Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.
0x00032e5c Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.
0x00032e5d Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?
0x00032e5d Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?
0x00032e5e It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.
0x00032e5e It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.
0x00032e5f I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.
0x00032e5f I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.
0x00032e60 We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.
0x00032e60 We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.
0x00032e61 It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.
0x00032e61 It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.
0x00032e62 We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.
0x00032e62 We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.
0x00032e63 We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.
0x00032e63 We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.
0x00032e64 Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.
0x00032e64 Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.
0x00032e65 We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.
0x00032e65 We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.
0x00032e66 What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.
0x00032e66 What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.
0x00032e67 So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.
0x00032e67 So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.
0x00032e68 I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.
0x00032e68 I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.
0x00032e69 It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.
0x00032e69 It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.
0x00032e6a It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.
0x00032e6a It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.
0x00032e6c Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e6c Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e73 Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons.
0x00032e73 Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons.
0x00032e74 Viranus wasn't alone at Nonwyll Cavern, you know. Would he have done that well without help?
0x00032e74 Viranus wasn't alone at Nonwyll Cavern, you know. Would he have done that well without help?
0x00032e75 Viranus is just a kid. But he did pretty well at Nonwyll Cavern, I guess.
0x00032e75 Viranus is just a kid. But he did pretty well at Nonwyll Cavern, I guess.
0x00032e76 Viranus is a good kid. It's his mom who's getting in the way.
0x00032e76 Viranus is a good kid. It's his mom who's getting in the way.
0x00032e77 With Vitellus dead, Vilena thinks only about protecting Viranus. That's a sure way to ruin the boy.
0x00032e77 With Vitellus dead, Vilena thinks only about protecting Viranus. That's a sure way to ruin the boy.
0x00032e78 Oreyn is trying to get Viranus out in the field, but Vilena keeps interfering.
0x00032e78 Oreyn is trying to get Viranus out in the field, but Vilena keeps interfering.
0x00032e79 Viranus needs to stop hiding behind his mother's skirts if he expects to run this outfit someday.
0x00032e79 Viranus needs to stop hiding behind his mother's skirts if he expects to run this outfit someday.
0x000356c5 You've done what? I... I had no idea it had gotten so bad. How is it you accomplished all of this?
0x000356c4 Should he accept the position, you would be well-served. Rely on his wisdom and experience more than I did, my friend. Good luck.
0x00024288 For now, Modryn Oreyn will be handling your duty assignments. Please speak with him.
0x0000344b I would like you to speak with Modryn Oreyn. He will assign you any duties that are currently pending. Good luck to you.
0x00024286 It's your choice, of course. If you should change your mind, feel free to speak to me again about it.
0x0002427e We appreciate your interest, but I understand you've got a bounty on your head. Take care of that, and we'll consider your application.
0x00024283 I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you've got a bit of a bad reputation. Make a better name for yourself, and perhaps we can accept your application.
0x0002427b Excellent. You are now an Associate in the Fighters Guild. You should report to either Azzan in Anvil or Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal for contracts.
0x0002427a Are you interested in joining?
0x00033dca See Azzan in Anvil or Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal for contracts.
0x00033dcc See Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal for contracts.
0x00033dcd See Azzan in Anvil for contracts.
0x00049973 Whether that means ridding a town of an invading menace or protecting a helpless mage, we'll take the contract.
0x0006253a If you're looking to join up, you should speak with Vilena Donton in Chorrol, Azzan in Anvil, or Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal.
0x0002d714 My son? He's at home, I would imagine.
0x0002d71e The youngest Donton? Probably at home. I hear his mother doesn't let him do too much.
0x00035710 Now, we must speak about what you've done, and how it will affect any further advancement in the Guild.
0x0003570e If it were not for you, and Oreyn... I dare not think it. Now, we must speak about what you've done, and how it will affect any further advancement.
0x0003570f The Guild has passed me by. You are its future. Take your responsibilty seriously. I wish you luck. You still have many duties to perform.
0x0003356c Be aware, though, that your rank can be stripped for failure to uphold the tenets of the guild, or at my discretion.
Item Id Item Count
Green Velvet Shoes (0x000229b2) 1
Green Brocade Doublet (0x000229b0) 1
Vilena Donton's Key (0x00029217) 1
Fighters Guild Key (0x0002229e) 1
Steel Longsword (0x000229ba) 1
Iron Cuirass (0x0001c6d1) 1
Iron Boots (0x0001c6cf) 1
Green Silk Garment (0x000229b1) 1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Package Id
VilenaRetiredEat18x2 (0x0000c719)
VilenaRetiredEat12x2 (0x0000c718)
VilenaRetiredSleep (0x0000c71a)
VilenaGoHome (0x0000c717)
aaaEat18x2 (0x0001cb87)
aaaEat12x2 (0x0001cb86) *
VilenaDontonSleepandLock0x6 (0x0002acec)
aaaDefaultExploreEditorLoc768 (0x0001dc54) *
Faction Id Faction Rank
Chorrol Citizen (0x00028d98) 0
Fighters Guild (0x0002228f) 9
DontonFaction (0x0006653b) 1

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011