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Guilbert Jemane (0x00023e86)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Guilbert Jemane
  • Editor ID: GuilbertJemane
  • Form ID: 0x00023e86
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Breton (0x000224fc)
Gender Male
Class Warrior (0x00023787)
ACHR (if unique) GuilbertJemaneRef (0x0002b735)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+0
NPC Health 40 + (6+3)x(PC-1), PC=5-19
NPC Magicka 175 + 1.5x(PC-1) (max=300)
SCRI GuilbertJemaneScript (0x0002b743)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 125
Fatigue Raw 160
Gold 10
Level Raw 0
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 100
Energy 50
Responsibility 25
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 30
Athletics Raw 30
Blade Raw 30
Block Raw 30
Blunt Raw 30
Hand To Hand Raw 30
Heavy Armor Raw 30
Alchemy Raw 10
Alteration Raw 10
Conjuration Raw 15
Destruction Raw 5
Illusion Raw 10
Mysticism Raw 15
Restoration Raw 15
Acrobatics Raw 5
Light Armor Raw 5
Marksman Raw 5
Mercantile Raw 5
Security Raw 5
Sneak Raw 5
Speechcraft Raw 5
Health Raw 16
Strength Raw 45
Intelligence Raw 50
Willpower Raw 50
Agility Raw 30
Speed Raw 30
Endurance Raw 35
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0008b070 Please, I no longer have a desire to speak with you. I appreciate what you've done in the past, but that's just what it is... the past.
0x0008b071 It's a fine day is it not?
0x0008dc3e I'm afraid we aren't very wealthy, but here is all I can offer you at this time. Please, visit us again soon.
0x00094074 The ogres certainly made a mess of this place. Hopefully, by the time you visit us again, we'll have it cleaned up!
0x000242ac What is it? Should we stop?
0x0002ba57 Is it safe to continue?
0x0002ba39 Are you ready to show us the way to Weatherleah yet?
0x0002ba3a Is it safe for us to return to Weatherleah yet?
0x000242a5 Have you found Weatherleah? Is it safe for us to travel there?
0x0008b072 You have something to tell me about my father?
0x0008b077 Hello again.
0x00023e7a We have much to discuss, but if you have time, I'd beg you stay a moment longer and hear about our home, Weatherleah.
0x00023e7c I can't stop to talk now. I've got to go meet my brother!
0x00023e7d Is there something I can do for you?
0x00084b3b If it wasn't for you, I never would have found Reynald. Thank you.
0x0002b7a5 I can't believe I've been reunited with my brother!
0x00084b3d How can I help you today, friend?
0x0008da83 Excuse me.
0x0008da8a You grace my presence once again.
0x0009407f Ahhh. So good to be back home.
0x0008da8d You have but to lead us to Weatherleah.
0x0008da8e Is your weapon stained with the foul blood of the ogres?
0x0008da96 Do I sense good news?
0x0008da99 Nothing is as important as a man's home. We must have ours back.
0x00089934 Perchance, dare I ask another favor?
0x0008da8b I've heard what you've done.
0x0008da92 Again we meet.
0x0008da86 At long last, it's good to stand at Weatherleah again.
0x0008da87 Lead on!
0x00084b3e Fear not, our paths may cross again.
0x00084b3f This reunion will be the happiest day of my life.
0x0008da89 Until we meet again.
0x0008da82 Greed is unbecoming.
0x0008da84 Honor suits you well. May your journeys always be safe.
0x0008da8f Please hurry, we are anxious to return home.
0x0008da90 Please avenge my family's death... slay the ogres.
0x0008da95 Keep to it, I have faith in you.
0x0008da9a Be careful. I don't know what dangers may lurk in the Great Forest.
0x00089933 Farewell then.
0x00084b40 Good day to you.
0x0002ba4d There's some strange Dark Elf in town, asking about Reynald Jemane and his brother.
0x0002ba4d There's some strange Dark Elf in town, asking about Reynald Jemane and his brother.
0x00089935 So, thanks to some hired help, the Jemanes recovered Weatherleah. Good thing... I never liked having ogres so close to Chorrol.
0x00089935 So, thanks to some hired help, the Jemanes recovered Weatherleah. Good thing... I never liked having ogres so close to Chorrol.
0x0008da9c The Honorblade has been returned to the Castle after all these years! This is certainly a good omen.
0x0008da9c The Honorblade has been returned to the Castle after all these years! This is certainly a good omen.
0x00025242 I saw Reynald Jemane's brother earlier. Can't believe they didn't even know about each other.
0x00025242 I saw Reynald Jemane's brother earlier. Can't believe they didn't even know about each other.
0x000242ab Okay, we'll wait here. Just let us know when it's safe to proceed.
0x0008dc3f You are welcome here anytime, my friend!
0x00028ac4 We can't wait to return to Weatherleah, now that the ogres are dead!
0x00028abf We look forward to returning to our family's ancestral home at Weatherleah, once the ogres are dead.
0x00028ac2 I wish my father had given me a better description of its location, but for some reason all he told me was "South of Chorrol, north of Fort Carmala."
0x000242ae We're not fighters; you appear to have more skill than either of us. Would you go to Weatherleah, and see if it's still inhabited by ogres?
0x00028abd Have you changed your mind? Will you help us reclaim our family home?
0x000242a9 My poor brother. I can't help but feel responsible. If he'd never known about me, he'd still be alive.
0x000242b9 He's Reynald. I'm Guilbert.
0x00023e83 But, please -- come and see us in Chorrol. It would be wonderful for us both to be able to thank you for helping us find each other again.
0x00094075 He's staying over at the Newlands Lodge, but you also might find him walking around town. Good luck.
0x000242aa Okay, we'll keep following you.
0x000242b3 Right! We're off!
0x000242b1 Please, keep looking. I know it's out there somewhere. You'll find it eventually.
0x000242b4 Please let us know when it is safe to travel there. We're anxious to return.
0x000242a8 Are you ready to take us there now?
0x00028145 Are you sure? I don't know what we could offer you to change your mind, but I'm sure we could come up with something. Please reconsider.
0x00028150 Since no one's lived there for many years, it may be quite overgrown by now. If you find it, let us know. We'll be waiting anxiously.
0x0002ba55 Now I hear there's a stranger in town asking about them. A Dark Elf, from back east they say. I wonder what he wants.
0x0002ba58 Very well. We're anxious to return to Weatherleah, so be sure to let me know as soon as you're ready.
0x00084a9b All I know is that travelling merchants found me in the wilderness by the body of my mother. I was raised by the monks at Weynon Priory.
0x00084a9d I am your twin brother. When we were very small, our farm was attacked by ogres. My ... our father and I escaped.
0x00084a9f You're not dreaming, Reynald. It's me, your brother. Guilbert.
0x0008b073 Please, go away before I lose my temper. I know I'm no match for you in combat, but I don't have to talk to you.
0x0008b074 Thanks again, my friend. You are always welcome in our home.
0x0008b075 I can't accept what you're implying without some proof of the crime.
0x0008b076 Where you heard this information I'll never know, but please don't mention it again. Accusation without proof is unfounded.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCGoldMiddleClass (0x0003e4c9) 1
Tan Linens (0x0001c830) 1
Blue & Green Outfit (0x0001c884) 1
Doeskin Shoes (0x0001c883) 1
LL0NPCWeaponWarhammerLesserLvl100 (0x000c5322) 1
Package Id
MS16JemaneWeatherleahEat (0x000c8bc2)
MS16JemaneWeatherleahSleep (0x0002ba5c)
MS16JemaneWeatherleahExplore (0x0002ba5b)
MS16JemaneFollowPlayer (0x0002ba59)
MS16JemaneWait (0x0002ba5a)
GuilbertJemaneHangWithBrother (0x0002b745)
MS16GuilbertNightlyStrollCheydinhal (0x000c8bc6)
MS16GuilbertJemaneEat (0x000c8bc5)
MS16GuilbertJemaneSleep (0x000c8bc4)
MS16GuilbertJemaneWander (0x000c8bc3)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Cheydinhal Newslands Lodge (0x000034b7) 0
Cheydinhal Citizens (0x000034ba) 0
Jemane Family Faction (0x0002a082) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011