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Baurus (0x00023f2a)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Baurus
  • Editor ID: Baurus
  • Form ID: 0x00023f2a
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Redguard (0x00000d43)
Gender Male
Class Knight (0x00000836)
ACHR (if unique) BaurusRef (0x00032a17)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 40
NPC Health 1000
NPC Magicka 75
SCRI BaurusScript (0x00022b1b)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 1
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 1
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 75
Fatigue Raw 306
Gold 5000
Level Raw 40
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 100
Energy 80
Responsibility 80
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 33
Athletics Raw 33
Blade Raw 94
Block Raw 88
Blunt Raw 94
Hand To Hand Raw 94
Heavy Armor Raw 98
Alchemy Raw 9
Alteration Raw 9
Conjuration Raw 9
Destruction Raw 9
Illusion Raw 64
Mysticism Raw 9
Restoration Raw 9
Acrobatics Raw 9
Light Armor Raw 9
Marksman Raw 9
Mercantile Raw 19
Security Raw 9
Sneak Raw 65
Speechcraft Raw 74
Health Raw 1000
Strength Raw 100
Intelligence Raw 63
Willpower Raw 53
Agility Raw 53
Speed Raw 60
Endurance Raw 100
Personality Raw 30
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0003d7ec I look forward to fighting by your side again.
0x0001e8b1 You need to get out of here. There's no telling who will come first, the Blades or more assassins.
0x0001e8b2 I thought so. A few rats and goblins won't give you any trouble.
0x00006924 I wasn't far off. In any case, rats and goblins won't give you any trouble.
0x00006925 Really? I would never have guessed. Still, I don't think you'll have any trouble with rats and goblins.
0x0001e8dd The Amulet, where's the Amulet of Kings? It wasn't on the Emperor's body.
0x00015b94 The Emperor! I must get to the Emperor!
0x000178c5 You may as well make yourself useful. Here, carry this torch and stick close.
0x00053263 You may as well make yourself useful. Carry that torch and stick close.
0x000178c6 There's no time to talk now, prisoner. We've got to keep moving.
0x000178c8 I told you to keep out of our way.
0x0004d0a9 Come on! We have to protect Martin until he can light the Dragonfires in the Temple!
0x0004d0aa Good to see you again. I told Martin that Mankar Camoran was no match for you.
0x00022b11 Sit down. Don't say anything. Just do what I say.
0x00022b12 I'm being watched. Just sit down. Don't say anything.
0x00022b13 Listen. I'm going to get up in a minute and walk out of here. That guy in the corner behind me will follow me. You follow him.
0x00022b19 I told you to stay back and keep an eye on the guy who was watching me.
0x00022b1a Search his body. I'll keep an eye out, in case any of his friends are nearby.
0x00022b1d Good work. I am glad to see you, by the way. You just caught me at a bad time.
0x00022b8b You're not easy to get a hold of. What have you found out?
0x00022ceb I think I'd better be the one to handle the meeting. You'll be my backup. Keep watch from above in case of trouble.
0x00034241 Aren't you supposed to be going to see Tar-Meena? I have plenty of leads of my own to track down, don't worry.
0x00034242 I think you're onto something with those books. You should finish tracking them all down, and then we'll see what we've got.
0x00034243 So far Mankar Camoran's books are our best lead. You should keep working on getting copies of all four.
0x00034244 I know the part of the sewers you were talking about. Follow me, I'll show you.
0x00022cec So, here's the plan. I'll meet with the Sponsor, while you cover me from the upper gallery. What do you think?
0x0003450f You're taking the meeting. You'd better get in there before they realize you didn't come alone.
0x00034510 We agreed I would meet the Sponsor. You need to get out of sight before you blow the whole meeting.
0x00034511 That could have gone smoother. Can't say I minded killing a few more of these bastards, though. Get the book and let's get out of here.
0x00034512 Get the book and let's go.
0x00034513 I'm going to Cloud Ruler Temple. My place is at Martin's side.
0x00034514 What do you need?
0x0003c148 I was honored to fight by your side again.
0x0006bed7 But I never doubted you, my friend. Emperor Uriel, he had the vision of the Dragonborn. He saw something in you. And he was right.
0x00073927 See, when they swing at you sidearm, you twist your wrist like this... exactly! You're a natural at this. Let me show you another one...
0x0006bed8 Whatever you need, friend.
0x0003c149 I wish I could have been at the battle. It sounds like you taught Mehrunes Dagon's boys a lesson they won't soon forget.
0x000adc5a I wish I could have helped you deal with the rest of those Mythic Dawn bastards. But it seems you did all right on your own.
0x000688ef Baurus. I want you to know... I don't blame you for what happened. You did everything you could. I'm glad to have you here by my side.
0x000688f1 Baurus. Good to see you.
0x00049813 Sire, Chancellor Ocato is expecting you. He had word of your arrival in the capital.
0x0004d0b1 You made it! Not that I was worried about you.
0x000add07 What do you need, friend?
0x0003c155 Congratulations on your victory, sir.
0x0003c156 Congratulations on your victory, ma'am.
0x00065555 That's three more that won't be reporting back to their Master.
0x000a31bd I haven't turned up anything new on my end yet.
0x0004ea44 Are you all right, sire? We're clear, for now.
0x000227b4 Stick close and you'll be alright.
0x000227b5 The Blades have gotten the Emperor out of worse situations than this.
0x0002466f I don't like it. It's too quiet.
0x000227b7 Stand aside, prisoner!
0x00027326 Keep quiet, and stay out of the way.
0x00053713 I told you to stay with the Emperor!
0x00034245 I hope you learn something from Tar-Meena about that book. This might just be the break we need.
0x00034246 It sounds like those books may be an important lead. Get back to me as soon as you turn up anything new.
0x00095890 Follow me. I know how to get to the part of the sewers where we need to meet the Sponsor.
0x000a31ba Make it quick. The longer we spend down here, the more chance we have of being discovered.
0x00065556 I'll see you back at Cloud Ruler Temple. Good luck.
0x000688fb I offer no excuses, sire. But my life is yours. No assassin will take you while I draw breath.
0x000688fe Baurus, good to see you.
0x0002c2ef Stick close and let us do our job, and you'll be all right.
0x0005144a She's dead. I'm sorry, sire, but we have to keep moving.
0x00049814 Very well. Let's finish this.
0x00014a35 For the Emperor!
0x0004ea46 For the Emperor!
0x00014a36 This one's mine.
0x0001c0ff For the Blades and the Emperor!
0x0004ea47 Take them down!
0x0004ea48 Oblivion take you!
0x0004ea49 You thought we'd go down easy?
0x0004ea4a Glenroy! Over here!
0x0001c100 Die you scum!
0x0004fa6f What are you doing?
0x0001ec0d The sacred symbol of the Empire. Only those of Septim blood can wear it, they say.
0x0001e910 You'll find Grandmaster Jauffre at Weynon Priory, living as a simple monk.
0x00034247 Like I said, she's one of the brains over at the Arcane University. Supposed to know everything there is to know about daedric cults.
0x0006c5c4 What I know is that he sacrificed himself to save us all. As a Blade, I'm proud to have served such a master, if only for a short while.
0x0001e8d3 No... Talos save us...
0x0001e8e0 No!
0x0001d0ea For the Emperor!
0x0000abb4 I told you to stay with the Emperor!
0x0000b1a5 Get back with the Emperor! Protect him with your life!
0x0000b1a6 If you want to help, get back and protect the Emperor!
0x00032b13 Looks like this is your lucky day. Just stay out of our way.
0x00015136 You stay here, prisoner. Don't try to follow us.
0x0003263f Leave the Emperor in peace.
0x0004ea45 Captain Renault?
0x00037f59 If you need armor, weapons, or just a place to sleep, the barracks in the west wing is available to any of us.
0x0001e8e2 My order is dedicated to the service of the Septim Emperors. We have failed in our duty to protect him.
0x000178cc Although I admit, things are not going according to plan.
0x00079441 By the way, thanks for recovering my comrades' swords. I'll see that they are given a place of honor in the halls of the Blades.
0x0001e90e By the way, thanks for recovering Captain Renault's sword. I'll see that it is given a place of honor in the halls of the Blades.
0x00079442 By the way, thanks for recovering Glenroy's sword. I'll see that it is given a place of honor in the halls of the Blades.
0x00022f87 I'll stay here to guard the Emperor's body, and make sure no one follows you. You'd better get moving. May Talos guide you.
0x0001e90d Jauffre should know how to find the heir that the Emperor spoke of. The Amulet must reach Emperor Uriel's heir so a new emperor can be crowned!
0x0001e90b Good. The Emperor's trust was well-placed.
0x0001e90a You must get the Amulet to Jauffre. Take no chances, but proceed to Weynon Priory immediately. Got it?
0x0001e8ea There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Acrobat. Am I right?
0x0001e8eb There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Agent. Am I right?
0x0001e8ec There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Archer. Am I right?
0x0001e8ed There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Assassin. Am I right?
0x0001e8ee There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Barbarian. Am I right?
0x0001e8ef There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Bard. Am I right?
0x0001e8f0 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Battlemage. Am I right?
0x0001e8f1 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Crusader. Am I right?
0x0001e8f2 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Healer. Am I right?
0x0001e8f3 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you're an experienced Knight. Am I right?
0x0001e8f4 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Mage. Am I right?
0x0001e8f5 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Monk. Am I right?
0x0001e8f6 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Nightblade. Am I right?
0x0001e8f7 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Pilgrim. Am I right?
0x0001e8f8 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Rogue. Am I right?
0x0001e8f9 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Scout. Am I right?
0x0001e8fa There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Sorcerer. Am I right?
0x0001e8fc There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Thief. Am I right?
0x0001e8fd There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Warrior. Am I right?
0x0001e8ff There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Witchhunter. Am I right?
0x0001e901 There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you're experienced enough to handle them. Am I right?
0x0001e8e9 Here. You'll need this key for the last door into the sewers.
0x0001e8e8 Although you may not think so to meet him. He lives quietly as a monk at Weynon Priory, near the city of Chorrol.
0x0001e8e7 Jauffre? He said that? Why?
0x0001e8e6 He must have given it to you for a reason. Did he say why?
0x00022b23 If you learn anything, you can find me at Luther Broad's. May Talos guide you.
0x00022b1e Apparently worship the Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon. I've been tracking their agents in the Imperial City. I guess they noticed.
0x00022b16 Good. Remember, wait for him to follow me. I want to see what he'll do.
0x00022b14 We can't talk now! Just follow my lead.
0x00022b1f So you said. That's very bad news.
0x00022b20 What? They took it from Jauffre? Things are worse than I had thought.
0x00022b15 Don't talk. Just follow my lead.
0x00022b21 I hoped I had heard you correctly. Thank Talos! The Blades will protect Martin until he can claim his throne, don't worry. Or we will die trying.
0x00022b22 Thank Talos he lives! Martin Septim, you say ... We will restore him to the throne! It is the sworn duty of all Blades.
0x00022cf0 Let's go. I know that part of the sewers well.
0x00022cf5 Very well. We'll do it your way. Be careful, and remember, we can't leave here without that book. It's our best chance of getting the Amulet back.
0x00022cf4 Well, don't take too long. I don't think they'll like it if they realize you didn't come alone.
0x00022cf3 Good. Remember, we must not leave here without the book. It's our best chance of finding the Amulet.
0x00022cf2 No, it should be me. I have a blood debt to repay these Mythic Dawn assassins. Besides, I've trained for this kind of thing my whole life.
0x00022cf1 The Blades have occasion to use them in our undercover work, as well as a means to move around the city without attracting attention.
0x0006bd49 I haven't been to Cloud Ruler since I was a young trainee. It feels good to be back. The Blades have always been here, and always will be.
0x0001e912 A chapterhouse of the Order of Talos, a monastic order connected to the Blades. It's located on the Black Road just outside of Chorrol.
0x0000b207 Don't say I didn't warn you.
0x0000b1c7 Do you have a death wish? Trust me, you don't want to try that again.
0x0000b1c5 That's not smart.
0x0000b1c6 You're lucky I like you. Otherwise you'd be dead already.
0x0001e8e1 May Talos guide his soul to Aetherius. Rest in peace, my Lord.
0x000178c9 My job is to make sure the Emperor gets out of here alive, and I intend to do it.
0x000a31b6 They'll pay for the murder of the Emperor. Now that we know who they are, it's only a matter of time.
0x000a31bc I'm glad it was you that put them down. My only regret is that I wasn't there with you.
0x000a31be You should keep working on getting a hold of those other Mythic Dawn books. That's our best lead right now.
0x00032b04 Yessir.
0x00032b0f No sign of pursuit, sir.
0x00015131 Don't know. But it's too late to go back now.
0x00015132 Don't worry, sire, we will get you out of here.
0x000164b6 Help? What makes you think help will get here before more of those bastards? We need to get the Emperor out of here.
0x0004f772 I think that was all of them. Let me take a look around.
0x0004f774 Do you think he followed us? How could he?
0x0004f775 Do you think she followed us? How could she?
0x0000bf14 What about that side passage back there?
0x000227d6 It's a dead end. What's your call, sir?
0x0001d113 Wait here with the Emperor. Guard him with your life.
0x000817c1 For Uriel Septim!
0x000817c2 This one's mine!
0x000817c3 Look out!
0x000817c4 Over here!
0x000817c5 Get my back!
0x000817c6 Stick together!
0x00051d77 The Emperor's in danger!
0x00051d78 Protect the Emperor!
0x00051d79 Prisoner! Help the Emperor!
0x00051d7a Prisoner! The Emperor needs help!
0x000a31c2 Then I'm lucky you're here to save my skin. Come on. Let's do this.
0x000a31c1 I'm glad to have you at my back. Okay. Let's do this.
0x000a31c0 That's right. Everything depends on this. So don't screw it up.
0x000a31bf Listen. I may not survive this. But if I don't, you must. You must recover the book and find the Amulet of Kings.
Item Id Item Count
Ale (0x000b1200) -1
Baurus's Akaviri Katana (0x0006b843) 1
LL0NPCGoldMiddleClass (0x0003e4c9) 1
Blades Shield (0x00023922) 1
Blades Boots (0x00023921) 1
Blades Cuirass (0x00023318) 1
Blades Gauntlets (0x0002391c) 1
Blades Greaves (0x00023329) 1
Blades Helmet (0x00000c09) 1
Leather Bracer (0x000229a9) 1
Leather Boots (0x0002319b) 1
Belted Braies (0x0002b90b) 1
Green Wool Shirt (0x0002ecb0) 1
Strong Potion of Healing (0x00009311) -3
Package Id
MQ16BladesWaitInTemplePostQuest (0x000af06c)
MQ16BladesWaitOutsideTemple (0x00129be4)
MQ16AccompanyMartin (0x000146f5)
MQ16BaurusPaceAtPalace2 (0x0004a99b)
MQ16BaurusPaceAtPalace1 (0x0004981b)
MQ16BaurusWaitAtPalace (0x0004981a)
MQ15KneelToPlayer (0x00094071)
MQ15BaurusWaitForPlayer (0x0007c25d)
MQ14CheerPlayer (0x0008fd0d)
MQ13BladesWaitBeforeBattle (0x0003e23b)
MQ13BladesAccompanyMartinToBattlefield (0x0002b6fd)
MQ13BaurusWaitInChapel (0x0005c00a)
MQ13BladesAccompanyMartin (0x0003abc5)
MQ05BaurusToCloudRuler (0x000ca388)
BaurusCloudRulerSleep (0x000376b8)
BaurusGuardMartinCloudRulerGreatHall (0x0008b61c)
BaurusGuardMartin (0x00022efd)
BaurusWanderInGreatHall (0x0006b847)
MQ05WaitForPlayerToGetBook (0x00022efc)
MQ05BaurusTakeBackup01 (0x00097703)
MQ05BaurusTakeBackup (0x00022cf9)
MQ05BaurusTakePoint (0x00022cf7)
MQ05BaurusGreetPlayerInSewers (0x00035c64)
MQ05BaurusWaitForPlayerInSewers (0x0006461d)
MQ05BaurusGoToSewerGate (0x0009589d)
MQ05BaurusOpenSewerDoor (0x0009589a)
MQ05BaurusGoToSewerLowerHall (0x00022b8f)
MQ05BaurusMeetPlayerAtSewer (0x00022b8d)
MQ05BaurusLunchLutherBroads (0x00022b92)
MQ05BaurusDinnerLutherBroads (0x00022b8e)
MQ05BaurusSleepLutherBroads (0x00022b91)
MQ05BaurusWanderLutherBroads (0x00022b90)
MQ05BaurusWaitNearBody (0x00022b18)
MQ05BaurusHeadForAmbush (0x00038aec)
MQ05BaurusLeaveLutherBroads (0x00022b0e)
MQ05BaurusAtLutherBroads (0x0001f10c)
CGBaurusToPlayerB (0x0001ec0f)
CGBaurusToPlayerA (0x0001e8e4)
CGBaurusGuardEmperor (0x00067195)
CGBaurusToDeadEmperor (0x0001e8e3)
CGBaurusToAssassin (0x0002686c)
CGBaurusToMarkerK (0x0001d120)
CGBaurusToMarkerJ2 (0x000227cc)
CGBaurusToMarkerJ1 (0x0001d114)
CGBaurusGreetPlayer (0x0004f201)
CGBaurusFollowEmperorToF (0x00017d7d)
CGBaurusSearchAmbushBRoom (0x0004f77c)
CGBaurusToMarkerE2 (0x0002ad04)
CGBaurusToMarkerE (0x0001654c)
CGBaurusToMarkerD (0x00015138)
CGBaurusToEmperor (0x0004ea4c)
CGBaurusDefendEmperorAmbushA (0x0004f236)
CGBaurusToMarkerC2 (0x00033335)
CGBaurusWaitMarkerC (0x0001513d)
CGBaurusFollowEmperorToC (0x00032b17)
CGBaurusToA2 (0x000538d0)
CGBaurusToA1 (0x00032aeb)
CGBaurusToMarker9 (0x00032b46)
CGBladesWaitToMove (0x00032b47)
aaaDefaultStayAtCurrentLocationSkipFallout (0x00014790)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Character gen Blades faction (0x0001ee1e) 0
Emperor faction, for Uriel and Martin (0x000150bc) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011