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Maglir (0x00024165)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Maglir
  • Editor ID: Maglir
  • Form ID: 0x00024165
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Wood Elf (0x000223c8)
Gender Male
Class Knight (0x00000836)
ACHR (if unique) MaglirREF (0x0002ae31)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+3
NPC Health 38 + (5+2.6)x(PC+2), PC=2-19
NPC Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+2) (max=250)
SCRI FGMaglirScript (0x00033570)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 105
Fatigue Raw 175
Gold 5
Level Raw 3
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 75
Energy 50
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 12
Athletics Raw 12
Blade Raw 34
Block Raw 34
Blunt Raw 34
Hand To Hand Raw 34
Heavy Armor Raw 34
Alchemy Raw 15
Alteration Raw 10
Conjuration Raw 5
Destruction Raw 5
Illusion Raw 28
Mysticism Raw 5
Restoration Raw 5
Acrobatics Raw 10
Light Armor Raw 10
Marksman Raw 15
Mercantile Raw 5
Security Raw 5
Sneak Raw 15
Speechcraft Raw 28
Health Raw 51
Strength Raw 44
Intelligence Raw 42
Willpower Raw 32
Agility Raw 52
Speed Raw 52
Endurance Raw 47
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00024168 What do you want?
0x0002416b You're still around? I've told you why I defaulted on the contract. Not too much else to be said about it. Do what you must.
0x00024169 What is it... brother? They send you to find me?
0x0002416a What is it... sister? They send you to find me?
0x00033566 We're done here. Let's go get paid.
0x00002e4d We're done here. Let's go get paid.
0x00002e52 Oh, it's you. Looks like we're working together.
0x00002e4f Come on. Let's get this mission done and get paid.
0x00071e76 You! You've ruined everything! Why? WHY? I had a job! I had a home! You've taken it all! I'll kill you for this!
0x0002ee5d Got nothing else to say to you. Get out of here before I get angry.
0x0002ee5e You again. I imagine I know why you're here, guild rat.
0x0003375a No sweat.
0x00033775 Ready?
0x00033786 Oh, look. You again.
0x000335d8 What?
0x00033761 It's tavern time!
0x00033777 Payday! Let's roll!
0x000335eb Whatever.
0x00033784 You're wasting your time.
0x00032e5b Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.
0x00032e5b Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.
0x00032e5c Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.
0x00032e5c Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.
0x00032e5d Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?
0x00032e5d Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?
0x00032e5e It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.
0x00032e5e It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.
0x00032e5f I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.
0x00032e5f I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.
0x00032e60 We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.
0x00032e60 We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.
0x00032e61 It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.
0x00032e61 It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.
0x00032e62 We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.
0x00032e62 We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.
0x00032e63 We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.
0x00032e63 We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.
0x00032e64 Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.
0x00032e64 Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.
0x00032e65 We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.
0x00032e65 We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.
0x00032e66 What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.
0x00032e66 What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.
0x00032e67 So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.
0x00032e67 So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.
0x00032e68 I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.
0x00032e68 I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.
0x00032e69 It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.
0x00032e69 It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.
0x00032e6a It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.
0x00032e6a It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.
0x00032e6b We lost Vitellus and a lot of good men against Blackheart. Somebody must be pretty good to take him and all his people.
0x00032e6b We lost Vitellus and a lot of good men against Blackheart. Somebody must be pretty good to take him and all his people.
0x00032e6c Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e6c Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e6d When people learn more about the Blackwood Company's methods, they won't be so eager to hire them.
0x00032e6d When people learn more about the Blackwood Company's methods, they won't be so eager to hire them.
0x00032e6e Blackwood Company is sloppy. They make mistakes. Sooner or later it is going to cost them.
0x00032e6e Blackwood Company is sloppy. They make mistakes. Sooner or later it is going to cost them.
0x00032e6f Everyone needs to buckle down and get the work done. And Vilena needs to get out and push guild contracts.
0x00032e6f Everyone needs to buckle down and get the work done. And Vilena needs to get out and push guild contracts.
0x00032e70 Things are falling apart here. Someone needs to do something about the Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e70 Things are falling apart here. Someone needs to do something about the Blackwood Company situation.
0x00032e71 If a Guild fighter defaults on a contract, he's out. We won't compete with Blackwood Company by defaulting on our contracts.
0x00032e71 If a Guild fighter defaults on a contract, he's out. We won't compete with Blackwood Company by defaulting on our contracts.
0x00032e72 Don't tell me Maglir is acting up again. Has he screwed up another contract?
0x00032e72 Don't tell me Maglir is acting up again. Has he screwed up another contract?
0x00032e7d Our new recruit says Maglir completed the Fallen Rock Cave contract. Oreyn refuses to talk about it.
0x00032e7d Our new recruit says Maglir completed the Fallen Rock Cave contract. Oreyn refuses to talk about it.
0x00032e7e The one bottom boot covered for the other, I hear. It's a tough situation.
0x00032e7e The one bottom boot covered for the other, I hear. It's a tough situation.
0x00032e7f That Maglir is probably parked in some tavern. I never did like that eight-pint hero.
0x00032e7f That Maglir is probably parked in some tavern. I never did like that eight-pint hero.
0x00032e80 Oreyn is pretty steamed up about Maglir. He can get expelled for that, can't he?
0x00032e80 Oreyn is pretty steamed up about Maglir. He can get expelled for that, can't he?
0x00032e81 I don't know what's going on, but Oreyn said Maglir has the contract. Has he lost his nerve?
0x00032e81 I don't know what's going on, but Oreyn said Maglir has the contract. Has he lost his nerve?
0x00032e95 Just got a look at the new Maglir guy. Another 'eight-pint hero', if you ask me.
0x00032e95 Just got a look at the new Maglir guy. Another 'eight-pint hero', if you ask me.
0x00032e9b Maglir? He's the OTHER bottom boot, right? Not the rat guy?
0x00032e9b Maglir? He's the OTHER bottom boot, right? Not the rat guy?
0x00032e9c I hear we have another new recruit. Things are looking up. What's his name... Maglir?
0x00032e9c I hear we have another new recruit. Things are looking up. What's his name... Maglir?
0x00002e5d We've got one. Let's hope this one will pay well.
0x00024293 You found it, huh? Good work, I guess. Well, take it back to Oreyn, then. He can pay you on the contract. Tell him what you want about me.
0x00024292 If you care that much, you go find it. The contract's yours. It's not worth it for what the Guild is paying. I've got a family to think about.
0x00024291 Defaulted? I suppose so. I'm not paid enough to do the job. I was supposed to find Brenus Astis' Journal.
0x0002e59f Defaulted? That all you talk about? I'm Blackwood Company now. Plenty of work, the pay is good, and I don't have Oreyn on my back all the time.
0x0002a573 I'm Maglir. What do you want?
0x0002428e He's around here somewhere. Has been for days. No trouble, really.
0x0002ae30 I understand about duty. Don't get me wrong. Should've been more than one guy on this job, and I've got my family to think about. They come first.
0x0002ae2f Thanks. I'm not trying to shirk my duty, but it used to be two or three men would be on this. I like the Guild, but I've got a family to consider.
0x000366c3 I think he's around here somewhere.
0x000366c4 Maglir? I think I've seen him. Try in the Lonely Suitor Lodge.
0x0002ee6e Honor, huh? I prefer feeding my family. I figure I owe you one for covering for me, so I'll let you leave. Get moving, before I forget myself.
0x0002ee6f That means a lot, coming from you. You think I didn't hear about you ratting me out to Oreyn? Now get out of here before my friend and I get angry.
0x0002ee6b Oh? I know you're the one who ratted me out to Oreyn about that other contract. Go back to Oreyn. Give him my regards. We're done talking.
0x0002ee6c Look, I know that you covered for me before, so I'll give you this one. Talk to Aryarie at the Mages Guild for the job. After this, we're done.
0x00033573 Fine. Let's move.
0x00033572 Hey, if you say so. You do all the work.
0x00002e4b Let's get rid of these guys, so we can get paid.
0x00002e4c Sounds like we'll find the bandits in Hrota Cave.
0x00002e4e Let's find this Fat Newheim guy. Whatever his name is. He apparently knows where these bandits are.
0x00002e50 Sounds like we need to ask around Anvil for any clues. Figures we'd get a mission without any real direction. I'll follow you.
0x00002e5e Can't say I know anything myself, but I heard that Newheim the Portly had some things stolen, and he's been asking around about it. Ask him.
0x00002e5f Hmmm. I don't think I know you well enough to tell you that.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCGoldLowerClass (0x0003e4c8) 1
Iron Shortsword (0x00000c0d) 1
Iron Helmet (0x0001c6ce) 1
Iron Greaves (0x0001c6d0) 1
Iron Gauntlets (0x0001c6d2) 1
Iron Cuirass (0x0001c6d1) 1
Iron Boots (0x0001c6cf) 1
Stitched Leather Shoes (0x000229ac) 1
Dark Green Shirt (0x000229aa) 1
Laced Leather Pants (0x000229ab) 1
Package Id
FGC03MaglirFollow (0x00002e5c)
FGC03MaglirWait (0x00033571)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Skingrad Citizen (0x00028e77) 0
Leyawiin Faction (0x000338ec) 0
Chorrol Citizen (0x00028d98) 0
Bravil Faction (0x0002ca32) 0
Fighters Guild (0x0002228f) 0
Spell Id
LL2Knight100 (0x00037b2d)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011