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Dovesi Dran (0x000277d2)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Dovesi Dran
  • Editor ID: DovesiDran
  • Form ID: 0x000277d2
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Dark Elf (0x000191c1)
Gender Female
Class Commoner (0x00023c0d)
ACHR (if unique) DovesiDranRef (0x00028b78)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 1
NPC Health 1
NPC Magicka 100
SCRI Dark08AlarmScript (0x0003786a)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 1
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 1
Magicka Raw 100
Fatigue Raw 145
Gold 15
Level Raw 1
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 20
Confidence 80
Energy 70
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 5
Athletics Raw 10
Blade Raw 35
Block Raw 5
Blunt Raw 10
Hand To Hand Raw 5
Heavy Armor Raw 5
Alchemy Raw 10
Alteration Raw 30
Conjuration Raw 30
Destruction Raw 20
Illusion Raw 30
Mysticism Raw 35
Restoration Raw 10
Acrobatics Raw 5
Light Armor Raw 30
Marksman Raw 10
Mercantile Raw 5
Security Raw 5
Sneak Raw 5
Speechcraft Raw 25
Health Raw 1
Strength Raw 40
Intelligence Raw 40
Willpower Raw 35
Agility Raw 40
Speed Raw 50
Endurance Raw 30
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 55
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00092d78 Oh, can it really be true? Can the killer really be dead? This has been such a nightmare! I just want to find a way out of this house and go home.
0x0002821f What I mean to say is, before you arrived, we all just sort of glanced around a bit. Now that we're all officially here, we can look in earnest!
0x00028220 It's funny. I don't even know you, and already I don't like you.
0x00028221 This is all so strange, isn't it? I don't know why I was invited to come here, but the gold could really help my family. I do hope I find it.
0x00028222 You seem like a very nice person. I very much want to find the gold, but I wish you luck. May the best guest win. He he.
0x00028223 I'm sorry, but I don't feel much like talking right now. Someone has been killed! Don't you even care?
0x00028224 I... I can't believe it's true. One of us is dead... and everyone else is convinced it was no accident.
0x00028225 Why? Why would someone do this? The taking of a life is against every principal I hold dear. It's something I just can't understand.
0x00028226 Two people dead, and you're still alive. I'm sorry, but you're starting to make me nervous. Please go away.
0x00028227 Two of us, dead! Who would do this? And why? Is that why we're all here? To be killed like vermin? I feel like I'm going mad!
0x00028228 I don't care about the gold anymore. I just want to get out of here. I'm going to try all the windows and doors, and see if I can't get one open!
0x00028229 No.... no! You... you stay away from me! One of you is the killer... stay away from me!
0x0002822a Only three of us left... only three...
0x0002822b Only three of us left. I'm certainly no murderer, and I know it's not you. That leaves one person! We must protect ourselves... find weapons!
0x0002822c You... you're the only one left... By Azura, no! Please, please don't kill me. I beg of you! Spare my life! Aggghhh!
0x0002822d Please. Please help me. I don't want to die. I just want to go home. Go home...
0x0002822e We must escape! Do you understand? We're the only two left! We're next! If we don't find a way out of here, we're going to die!
0x00027999 Have you heard? Someone's been murdered! One of us!
0x00029486 What kind of party is this? Someone has been murdered!
0x00029487 Is that why someone invited us here? To kill us? This is horrible!
0x00029488 Are you all right? This murder has us all on edge, I know.
0x0002948a So, here we all are. It certainly is a nice house.
0x0002948b Hello there.
0x0002948c I can't quite decide where I should look. I don't want to break anything but the chest of gold could be hidden anywhere.
0x0002974a Two of us have been murdered! One of us is a killer! But who?
0x0002974b It's not safe to be alone. I certainly don't want to be the third victim.
0x0002974c This house is a deathtrap! We're being killed off, one by one!
0x0002974d So many people dead. I just don't know who to trust anymore.
0x000852bd It's... it's you... you're the only one left. You did it! You killed them all!
0x000852be So that's it. It's down to you and me. I know I'm no killer, so that means...
0x0008670f You and I are the only ones left, but we're not alone in this house. That killer is in here with us, hiding. But where?
0x00092d87 You and I are the only ones left. But we did it. We survived. We... we won!
0x000852b1 You'd be smart to stay with the rest of the group. It's just not safe to go wandering off alone with a killer on the loose.
0x000852b4 Stay safe... if that's even possible.
0x000852b5 Don't go far. It's too dangerous to go wandering around this house.
0x000852b7 Where are you going? What are you doing? We need to keep our eyes on each other!
0x000852b8 This is insane. We're being hunted down one by one. There must be a way out of this madhouse!
0x000852b9 Why? What drove you to this madness?
0x000852ba How could you do that to all those innocent people? What did they ever do to you?
0x000852bb So I guess this is it then?
0x000852bc All right then, I guess I'd better start looking. That gold's not going to find itself!
0x000852bf I have a good idea where that chest might be. That gold is as good as mine.
0x000852c0 Hmm? Oh, yes, maybe we'll speak again later.
0x0002824b I'm sorry, but my feelings for Primo are really none of your concern.
0x0002824c He's very handsome. But please don't tell him I said so! Hehe!
0x0002824d It's pretty obvious that Primo comes from a wealthy family. He would never be interested in a girl like me, I'm afraid.
0x00085a64 I do hope Primo and I can be, you know...friends. He's so handsome. And he lives a life I can only dream of. I can make him so happy in so many ways.
0x0002824e You can't possibly think that Primo had anything to do with the murder, do you? That's madness!
0x0002824f Primo seems kind of nice. I just can't imagine him killing anyone.
0x00028250 I... I rather like Primo. He's not like the other boys I've known. He has... class. He could never have killed anyone.
0x00028251 Don't try to turn me against Primo! For all I know, you could be the killer!
0x00028252 Two people lie dead. Primo could have done it, I know. He's young, and strong. Still, I don't want to believe that.
0x00028253 I know Primo could be the killer, but I just don't want to believe it's possible. If... if he likes me, he could take me away with him...
0x00028254 He can't be the killer! He can't! I won't believe it! Get away from me!
0x00028255 Please... No... Primo can't be the killer. But it's either him... or you...
0x00028256 Oh, Azura, no! It's Primo! He's the only one left! He killed them... killed them all! We have to protect ourselves! We have to kill him first!
0x00028257 Get away from me! You're the last person I want to talk to about Primo!
0x00028258 I... I wanted to get to know him. Be his friend. Maybe... maybe more. I can't believe he's gone.
0x0002826c Primo was my chance, do you understand me? He was wealthy! He could take me away someplace! Whoever did this will pay!
0x0002822f It's none of your business how I feel about him.
0x00028230 I wonder what makes him so "Naughty"? He seems nice enough to me.
0x00028231 Every now and then he looks over at me and smiles. I think he's sweet on me. If Nels finds the gold, maybe he'll want some company.
0x00028240 So, you think Nels did it, do you? I would appreciate you keeping your opinions to yourself.
0x00028241 I don't know what to make of all this, but I'm not sure I see Nels as a murderer.
0x00028242 Do you think he could have done it? He comes across as something of a drunk, but you never can tell what someone is capable of.
0x00028243 Look, I don't know who is responsible for this madness, so stop trying to taint my opinion of Nels.
0x00028244 I just don't know what to make of Nels anymore. He plays the bumbling drunkard, but he could very well be the killer.
0x00028245 Can I be honest with you? Nels won't stop looking at me. At first I was flattered. But now he's scaring me! He could be the killer! I could be next!
0x00028246 Either you or Nels is the killer! I can't trust either of you, so just stay away from me!
0x00028247 Please, just leave me alone! Either you or Nels is a murderer. I just don't know who to trust anymore!
0x00028248 It's Nels! He's the murderer! We have to get him before he gets us! Do you understand what I'm saying? We have to kill Nels!
0x00028249 Don't you even care that Nels is dead? Maybe you killed him!
0x0002824a The way he looked at me. It was flattering at first, and then... oh, who could have done this? Why would anyone kill Nels?
0x0002826d To be honest, I started getting a bad feeling about Nels. But now he's dead! I... I should have gotten to know him better. Now it's too late.
0x00028232 She's all right, I guess. Not that it's any business of yours.
0x00028233 Well, I don't really know her, but she seems like a very respectable old lady.
0x00028234 Honestly? I don't think she likes me. It's because I'm a Dunmer. I heard her say something to Neville, and it wasn't very nice.
0x00028235 So what are you trying to tell me? That Matilde is the killer? Why are you trying to turn me against her?
0x00028236 Well, she does seem genuinely upset that someone's been killed. Not that I'm ruling her out as a suspect, mind you.
0x00028237 I don't trust that old hag. She pretends she likes you, and then stabs you in the back. Who knows. Maybe she'll REALLY stab you in the back.
0x00028238 Okay, so I don't like Matilde. What makes you think I like you any better?
0x00028239 Could it be possible? Could an old lady be a murderer? She'd have the stomach for it, of that I'm sure.
0x0002823a At first I thought she was just a cranky old crone. Now I'm beginning to think she's a cold-blooded killer.
0x0002823b So you're telling me I should believe you? That Matilde is the killer? Why should I trust you? Get away from me!
0x0002823c I have no doubt that Matilde is capable of murder. But what about you? You're as much suspect in my eyes as she is.
0x0002823d It's her, you understand me? It's Matilde! She's the killer! She's the one doing this! We've got to kill her first! Do you understand me?
0x0002823e I... I never trusted her. But I never wanted to see her dead. Have you no compassion at all?
0x0002823f It's hard to believe she's dead. Why would someone want to murder an old woman?
0x0002826f Good, I'm glad she's dead. I can tell you that because we're friends. Matilde didn't like me just because I'm a Dunmer. She got what she deserved.
0x0002826e Not much to tell about me, really. I'm from Morrowind originally, but my family moved to Valenwood a few years ago.
0x00028259 I really don't know anything about him, so you'd be better off asking someone else.
0x0002825a He's a very serious man, but I guess that's normal for a retired soldier.
0x0002825b Neville may not be in the Legion anymore, but who knows what atrocities he committed.
0x0002825c I'm sorry, but someone has been murdered! I really don't want to talk about Neville right now.
0x0002825d Does being a soldier make him a good person? Does it make him above murder? I hardly think so.
0x0002825e I heard the others talking. Neville was a soldier for twenty years. He's used to killing, if you know what I'm saying.
0x0002825f Two people are dead. Could he really have done it? I... I just don't know...
0x00028260 Two people have been murdered, and neither of them was Neville. Watch your back around him.
0x00028261 Neville is a trained killer! That fascist pig killed those people, I just know it!
0x00028262 He's the killer, you idiot! Can't you see? He murdered all of those people!
0x00028263 He's the killer! Don't you see? We have to protect ourselves! We'll be next!
0x00028264 He killed them! All of those people! We... we have to get him before he gets us! We have to kill that murdering swine!
0x00028265 No, I didn't like the man. But why should you care? Please, just go away.
0x00028266 I... I don't understand. Who would kill him? And why? Is this about the gold?
0x0002826b All right, so I didn't like Neville. But the man was a trained soldier. He knew how to handle himself. Who could possibly have killed him?
0x00085865 I think I'll head down to the basement and get something to eat. I think there's some cheese down there.
0x00085864 Oh, I certainly hope so. I still want to find the gold, of course, but is it even worth it? I just want to go home.
0x00085863 Yes. Yes, this whole thing has taken quite a bit out of me. I think I'll go to my room for a bit and get some sleep. Thanks for the talk.
0x00085a6b No opinion, huh? Maybe I'll just stay close to him for a bit. You know, hover about and see if he notices me. Maybe then we can talk.
0x00085a6a Yeah? You think? Okay, I'll just try to calm down. Calm down, Dovesi, calm down... I'll just take it slow. I can do that. Thanks again, dear friend.
0x00085a69 Oh, you think so? I mean, it is rather forward, but I like it! All right then, I'll wait for him in his room upstairs! Oh, thank you, thank you!
0x00085a66 Well, thanks for listening. I know I'm just being a silly little girl, but the heart wants what it wants, as they say.
0x00085a65 But... but I thought you were my friend? How could you say such a horrible thing? Just leave me alone, you monster!
0x00085a63 He... he did? Oh my goodness, what should I do? Should I talk to him? Or maybe play hard to get? Or should I, you know? Or would that be too forward?
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Black & Burgundy Outfit (0x0001c887) 1
Gold Trimmed Shoes (0x0001c888) 1
Package Id
Dark08DovesiCheese (0x0008586c)
Dark08DovesiFlirtPackage (0x00085a68)
Dark08DovesiSadPackage (0x00085a67)
Dark08DovesiSleep34Dead (0x0008597e)
Dark08DovesiRest (0x0008586d)
Dark08DovesiWander34Dead (0x0008597f)
Dark08DovesiEat (0x00085866)
Dark08DovesiSleep (0x00085879)
Dark08DovesiDinner (0x00085876)
Dark08DovesiSearch3 (0x00085874)
Dark08DovesiSearch1 (0x0008586a)
Dark08DovesiSearch2 (0x0008586b)
Dark08DovesiRead2 (0x00085875)
Dark08DovesiShadow (0x00085a6c)
Dark08DovesiRead1 (0x00085869)
Dark08DefaultWander (0x000c5358)
Faction Id Faction Rank
The Doomed House Guests (0x00028e39) 0
Spell Id
LL1MysticismMajor100 (0x00037cc8)
LL1DestructionAllMajor100 (0x0004c91a)
LL2WitchLvl100 (0x00056aae)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011