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Primo Antonius (0x000277d3)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Primo Antonius
  • Editor ID: PrimoAntonius
  • Form ID: 0x000277d3
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Male
Class Noble (0x00023e63)
ACHR (if unique) PrimoAntoniusRef (0x00028b74)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 1
NPC Health 1
NPC Magicka 100
SCRI Dark08AlarmScript (0x0003786a)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 1
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 1
Magicka Raw 100
Fatigue Raw 140
Gold 15
Level Raw 1
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 20
Confidence 80
Energy 100
Responsibility 80
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 10
Athletics Raw 30
Blade Raw 35
Block Raw 30
Blunt Raw 15
Hand To Hand Raw 15
Heavy Armor Raw 20
Alchemy Raw 5
Alteration Raw 5
Conjuration Raw 5
Destruction Raw 5
Illusion Raw 5
Mysticism Raw 5
Restoration Raw 5
Acrobatics Raw 5
Light Armor Raw 25
Marksman Raw 5
Mercantile Raw 35
Security Raw 25
Sneak Raw 5
Speechcraft Raw 35
Health Raw 1
Strength Raw 40
Intelligence Raw 40
Willpower Raw 30
Agility Raw 30
Speed Raw 40
Endurance Raw 40
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 55
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00092d77 It's... It's finally over. The killer is dead. We just... We just need to get out of here...
0x00028267 So, you finally showed up. It's about time. People of my station are not accustomed to waiting.
0x00028268 I was just beginning to think I had something in common with the other guests. And then you showed up.
0x00028269 Well, here we all are. It's funny how money can bring people together, don't you think?
0x0002826a So, are you ready to search for the chest of gold? I'm confident I'll find it. Not that I need the money, of course. My family is quite wealthy.
0x000286d0 Get away from me, peasant. Someone has been murdered, and I'm rather unnerved by the whole thing.
0x000286d1 Did you hear? Someone has been murdered! One of us! One of the guests!
0x000286d2 I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about all of this. I'd leave right now, if I could. The money means nothing to me. I just thought it would be fun.
0x000286d3 Two people are dead, and for all I know you could have killed them! Just leave me alone, you worthless peasant!
0x000286d4 Two people are now dead. And for what? A trunk full of coins? How pathetic.
0x000286d5 Dear friend, have you heard? Two of the guests now lie dead! If I find out who did it, I may have to take matters into my own hands.
0x000286d6 You... you're still alive... For all I know, you're the killer! You stand your ground, or so help me they'll be blood between us.
0x000286d7 Three people now dead, and yet the two of us still live. Do you think I'm the killer? Because I most certainly wonder the same thing about you.
0x000286d8 Dear friend, three of the guests have been killed! You and I, we must stay close. Band together, for mutual protection!
0x000286d9 You... you murdering dog! How could you have killed all those people? For the gold, is that it? You filthy peasant!
0x000286da I... I don't understand. You're the only one left. Why weren't you killed? No... no... it can't be...
0x00028717 Listen to me! The others, they're all dead! Someone has been coming in here and killing them! That means there must be a way out!
0x00027999 Have you heard? Someone's been murdered! One of us!
0x00029486 What kind of party is this? Someone has been murdered!
0x00029487 Is that why someone invited us here? To kill us? This is horrible!
0x00029488 Are you all right? This murder has us all on edge, I know.
0x0002948a So, here we all are. It certainly is a nice house.
0x0002948b Hello there.
0x0002948c I can't quite decide where I should look. I don't want to break anything but the chest of gold could be hidden anywhere.
0x0002974a Two of us have been murdered! One of us is a killer! But who?
0x0002974b It's not safe to be alone. I certainly don't want to be the third victim.
0x0002974c This house is a deathtrap! We're being killed off, one by one!
0x0002974d So many people dead. I just don't know who to trust anymore.
0x000852bd It's... it's you... you're the only one left. You did it! You killed them all!
0x000852be So that's it. It's down to you and me. I know I'm no killer, so that means...
0x0008670f You and I are the only ones left, but we're not alone in this house. That killer is in here with us, hiding. But where?
0x00092d87 You and I are the only ones left. But we did it. We survived. We... we won!
0x000852b1 You'd be smart to stay with the rest of the group. It's just not safe to go wandering off alone with a killer on the loose.
0x000852b3 Wonderful. People are dropping dead and I'm trapped here looking for gold I don't even need! I'll be happy just to find the key and get out of here!
0x000852b4 Stay safe... if that's even possible.
0x000852b5 Don't go far. It's too dangerous to go wandering around this house.
0x000852b7 Where are you going? What are you doing? We need to keep our eyes on each other!
0x000852b8 This is insane. We're being hunted down one by one. There must be a way out of this madhouse!
0x000852b9 Why? What drove you to this madness?
0x000852ba How could you do that to all those innocent people? What did they ever do to you?
0x000852bb So I guess this is it then?
0x000852bc All right then, I guess I'd better start looking. That gold's not going to find itself!
0x000852bf I have a good idea where that chest might be. That gold is as good as mine.
0x000852c0 Hmm? Oh, yes, maybe we'll speak again later.
0x000289f4 It's a regal name, from a rather regal family. Indeed, my father owns more property than the East Empire Company!
0x000286db He's a Nord. Even a complete idiot could see that. So what does that say about you?
0x000286dc There's something about Nels I can't quite place. He's not from money, that's obvious. But I don't think he's quite the buffoon he seems, either.
0x000286dd I think Nels drinks to forget, maybe about some tragedy in his life. He plays the buffoon, but I sense a deep sadness in him.
0x000286de Are you trying to insinuate that Nels might be the killer? Maybe I think you did it. After all, murder is a common crime of the... low-born.
0x000286ed Nels seems just as unnerved as the rest of us that someone has been killed, but he seems to find solace in a bottle.
0x000286ee Before the body turned up, I got the sense that Nels was a bit of a drunkard. But he seems truly unnerved now, and is drinking rather excessively.
0x000286ef Damn it man, two people are dead! Have you nothing better to do than question me about the Nord?
0x000286f0 He's drinking even more than he was before. Is it because he's afraid, or feeling guilty?
0x000286f1 To be honest, I'm not sure if I trust him. He's a hard drinker, but there's something more. Something in his eyes, hard and calculating.
0x000286f2 You want me to think Nels is the killer, is that it? Maybe you did it, eh? Maybe you're just trying to turn me against him!
0x000286f3 I just don't know what to think. I had my doubts about Nels, and he is still alive. Could it be true? Could he have killed all of them?
0x000286f4 I was right about him! He's been doing it, he's the killer! My friend... you and I have to end this. We must kill Nels before he kills us!
0x000286f5 He's dead, and one of us killed him. Maybe it was you, eh? Maybe he found the gold, and you murdered him for it!
0x000286f6 Someone killed the man, but who? And for what reason? We may never know.
0x00028715 I was thinking, maybe Nels found the chest of gold, and one of the others killed him for it! We've got to be careful, my friend, or we could be next!
0x000286df The old woman? I'd put her in the same class as you, actually - a peasant.
0x000286e0 The old woman? She's quite a pest, really. I think she's gotten it into her head that I need mothering, or something. She is sorely mistaken.
0x000286e1 Apparently the poor old woman thinks she is from a well-to-do family. Truth is, I have servants with more nobility in their blood than her.
0x000286e2 Is there something wrong with you? Someone has been murdered! My feelings about that old crone are hardly important right now!
0x000286e3 Something tells me the murder of one of the guests isn't going to stop Matilde from searching for the money. She strikes me as the greedy type.
0x000286e4 Matilde claims to be from one of High Rock's most distinguished noble families, but I have a feeling their fortune has long been squandered.
0x000286e5 What are you doing? Trying to turn me against her? What's the matter, trying to cover your tracks?
0x000286e6 She seems frightened, like the rest of us. I bet now she's regretting ever stepping foot in this house, gold or no.
0x000286e7 If the killer strikes again, maybe they'll do me a favor and take her out next.
0x000286e8 What, are you telling me Matilde is the killer? I don't know what to believe! You just stay away from me!
0x000286e9 At first I thought Matilde was just a cloying old hag, but now I realize she could be the killer!
0x000286ea It's her! Don't you see? She's the only one left! The only one left alive! We've got to get her before she can get us! Do you understand?
0x000286eb No, I didn't really care for her, you commoner scum, but I never wanted anything like this to happen to her!
0x000286ec The old woman is dead! Murdered! Cut down in this very house! But why? Did she find the gold, and someone wanted it for their own?
0x00028716 If that's the case then the killer got what he was after, and the rest of us needn't worry about our own safety.
0x00028705 My feelings toward her are really none of your business.
0x00028706 She's quite beautiful, isn't she? A little young, perhaps, and not exactly high-born, but she possesses a unique elegance.
0x00028707 Maybe you could do me a favor? If you speak with her, put in a good word for me, would you? I would be forever in your debt.
0x00028708 Do my ears deceive me, or are you actually suggesting Dovesi might be the one behind the murder? Back away now, cretin.
0x00028709 She seems very upset by the murder. I do hope she'll be all right.
0x0002870a I can tell the murder is weighing heavily on her heart. She seems such a paradox to me. So gentle and beautiful, yet so strong...
0x0002870b She's upset, you bufoon, just like the rest of us! Two people have been murdered! I hope you're not suggesting she could be the killer!
0x0002870c The poor girl! She's too young, too innocent to be exposed to these horrible murders. I hope she's holding up all right.
0x0002870d You know, offer her comfort and support during this difficult time. Besides, I want to watch over her, make sure she stays safe.
0x0002870e You fiend! Are you suggesting Dovesi is the murderer? You'd do well to watch your mouth, and your back!
0x0002870f Dovesi is young and weak, yet the killer left her alive. Why? She couldn't possibly have anything to do with the murders... could she?
0x00028710 How could I have been so naive, so stupid? We must stick together my friend, for Dovesi is surely the murderer! We must strike before she does!
0x00028711 You're not even worthy enough to mention her name, you low-born parasite. Now get away from me before YOU wind up dead!
0x00028712 She was so beautiful. And now she's gone...
0x00028713 Who? Who among us is vile enough to take the life of such a beautiful, precious creature? If I find out who did this, they will pay with their life!
0x0007096c To think, I actually had feelings for that wretched witch! Thank the gods she's dead. Now... Now we're safe. We are safe... aren't we?
0x000286f7 Why don't you go ask him yourself? Or maybe you're afraid? You should be.
0x000286f8 He reminds me of the guards under my father's employ. Strict, no-nonsense, and ready to fight at a moment's notice.
0x000286f9 I also get the sense that he's very eager to find the gold. I can't imagine his life of servitude to the Empire left him with much to retire on.
0x000286fa What are you getting at? Are you suggesting that Neville is the killer? Take your suspicions someplace else, you low-born worm.
0x000286fb He seems on edge, doesn't he? I guess you can take the man out of the Legion, but you can never take the Legion out of the man.
0x000286fc He's a trained soldier, after all. I bet if anyone can figure out what's going on here, it will be him.
0x000286fd Look, I don't know what kind of information you're after, but I won't help you. Just go away.
0x000286fe It seems that with each murder, Neville becomes that much more aware. If I didn't know better, I'd say he's planning on catching the killer himself.
0x000286ff Still, I don't think he's the murderer. No, quite the contrary. I think he takes the murders personally, feels he should have protected the victims.
0x00028700 What are you saying? That Neville is the killer? Why should I trust a low-born dog like you? Get away from me!
0x00028701 I... I thought he was hunting the killer. Now I don't know what to think! I don't trust him, or you! Stay away from me!
0x00028702 I was wrong! Don't you see? I thought Neville was trying to catch the killer! But he IS the killer! We need to find a way out of here!
0x00028703 He's dead, you peasant! There's nothing more to tell!
0x00028704 Neville was strong, a soldier. If he was murdered, this does not bode well for the rest of us!
0x00028714 My friend, I am truly worried! Neville was a strong and capable man, a soldier of twenty years! The rest of us will be easy prey for the killer now!
Item Id Item Count
Gold Trimmed Shoes (0x0001c888) 1
Black & Burgundy Outfit (0x0001c887) 1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Package Id
Dark08PrimoSleepDanger (0x0008598e)
Dark08PrimoExploreDanger (0x0008598d)
Dark08PrimoExplore2 (0x00085989)
Dark08PrimoDinner (0x0008598b)
Dark08PrimoSleep (0x0008598a)
Dark08PrimoExplore3 (0x0008598c)
Dark08PrimoExplore1 (0x000292c4)
Dark08DefaultWander (0x000c5358)
Faction Id Faction Rank
The Doomed House Guests (0x00028e39) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011