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Mog gra-Mogakh (0x00028f8c)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Mog gra-Mogakh
  • Editor ID: MoggraMogakh
  • Form ID: 0x00028f8c
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Orc (0x000191c0)
Gender Female
Class Publican (0x00023e6a)
ACHR (if unique) MoggraMogakhRef (0x00028f8b)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 5
NPC Health 69
NPC Magicka 117
SCRI PublicanTwoSistersMog (0x0003b355)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 117
Fatigue Raw 198
Gold 50
Level Raw 5
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 100
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 1
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 1
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 15
Athletics Raw 5
Blade Raw 29
Block Raw 39
Blunt Raw 15
Hand To Hand Raw 10
Heavy Armor Raw 15
Alchemy Raw 5
Alteration Raw 5
Conjuration Raw 5
Destruction Raw 5
Illusion Raw 5
Mysticism Raw 5
Restoration Raw 5
Acrobatics Raw 12
Light Armor Raw 36
Marksman Raw 12
Mercantile Raw 30
Security Raw 36
Sneak Raw 36
Speechcraft Raw 36
Health Raw 69
Strength Raw 51
Intelligence Raw 47
Willpower Raw 47
Agility Raw 44
Speed Raw 35
Endurance Raw 56
Personality Raw 25
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00038a84 I'm Mog gra-Mogakh, proprietor of Two Sisters Lodge. My sister and I own the place... 'Two Sisters', see? Need a bed? Good food?
0x0003aa9c I saw Ugak gra-Mogakh earlier. At least, I think it was her. Perhaps it was her sister.
0x0003aa9c I saw Ugak gra-Mogakh earlier. At least, I think it was her. Perhaps it was her sister.
0x0003aa9d Ugak has some good horses to sell. I sometimes can't tell her from her sister, though.
0x0003aa9d Ugak has some good horses to sell. I sometimes can't tell her from her sister, though.
0x0003aa9e Mog gra-Mogakh runs a fine establishment at the Two Sisters Lodge. And her sister has some quality horses.
0x0003aa9e Mog gra-Mogakh runs a fine establishment at the Two Sisters Lodge. And her sister has some quality horses.
0x0003aa9f I like the Two Sisters Lodge, and Mog does a good job running the place. She and her sister are both fine people.
0x0003aa9f I like the Two Sisters Lodge, and Mog does a good job running the place. She and her sister are both fine people.
0x000039bf They're in here to eat every afternoon, and bed down just before midnight. Outside of that, it's none of my business.
0x00038a8c I'm not worried about the Gates. We'll be safe enough inside the walls.
0x00038a8d Don't count on seeing the Count at the castle. He's a great sorcerer, but he doesn't like visitors.
0x0003b346 You need someplace to rest? I can rent you a room for the night for 10 gold.
0x0003b347 The bed's comfortable, right?
0x00038a8f Certainly so. Captain Dione knows her business. And no enemy has ever made it over Skingrad's walls.
0x00038a8e Well. The guards must've been careless. But Captain Dione has the guard on full alert. We'll be safe.
0x00038a93 My sister, Ugak gra-Mogakh, runs the Grateful Pass Stables. She's the quiet one. I'm the talker.
0x0003c18b The Two Sisters is a fine place, and the two sisters themselves are nice people, too.
0x0003c18b The Two Sisters is a fine place, and the two sisters themselves are nice people, too.
0x0003c18c I've always liked the place. Mog does a nice job, although I sometimes confuse her with Ugak.
0x0003c18c I've always liked the place. Mog does a nice job, although I sometimes confuse her with Ugak.
0x0003b34b Okay then. It's upstairs, the room at the west end of the hall. That's to your right when you come out the door. Enjoy.
0x0003b34c No gold, no room. Sorry, but that's the way it goes. I don't make exceptions.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCGoldMiddleClass (0x0003e4c9) 1
Thick Cowhide Shoes (0x00000bea) 1
Quilted Doublet (0x0001c831) 1
Light Brown Linens (0x000229ae) 1
Package Id
TavernServices (0x00068c0d)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Skingrad Citizen (0x00028e77) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011