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Janus Hassildor (0x00028fae)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Janus Hassildor
  • Editor ID: JanusHassildor
  • Form ID: 0x00028fae
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Male
Class Noble (0x00023e63)
ACHR (if unique) JanusHassildorRef (0x0002ec35)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+20
NPC Health 40 + (5+1.4)x(PC+19), PC=1-23
NPC Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+19) (max=250)
SCRI JanusHassildorScript (0x0001cf22)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 130
Fatigue Raw 236
Gold 200
Level Raw 20
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 75
Energy 75
Responsibility 100
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 22
Athletics Raw 60
Blade Raw 65
Block Raw 60
Blunt Raw 27
Hand To Hand Raw 27
Heavy Armor Raw 32
Alchemy Raw 7
Alteration Raw 7
Conjuration Raw 7
Destruction Raw 7
Illusion Raw 7
Mysticism Raw 7
Restoration Raw 7
Acrobatics Raw 7
Light Armor Raw 45
Marksman Raw 7
Mercantile Raw 55
Security Raw 45
Sneak Raw 7
Speechcraft Raw 55
Health Raw 168
Strength Raw 68
Intelligence Raw 52
Willpower Raw 42
Agility Raw 58
Speed Raw 84
Endurance Raw 68
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 55
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00035e58 I've said all there is to be said. Trouble me no more.
0x00035e59 At least your gullibility served some useful purpose. I knew about Mercator, but not his friends. Now none of them are a threat any longer.
0x00038aae I'm sorry. We've not met. I'm Janus Hassildor, Count Skingrad.
0x000a1f62 I'd like to offer you a reward for your efforts.
0x0009811d Please, go.
0x0009811e Please, leave me to my grief.
0x0009811f If you are quiet, you may remain. Now, stand aside.
0x0003e94b This is fortunate, as I also seek the cure.
0x00009180 So, the work is complete. Now we can discuss the information I have for you.
0x00009181 You make progress, but your work is not yet done.
0x00003997 The information I have for your guild will not be met with smiles and hand-shakes, I fear.
0x00003996 Let us speak of the information I have for your guild, so that you may pass it on to your Council, and they may decide how to use it.
0x00056e66 Your Grace.
0x000a3df0 I've been waiting for you.
0x00034470 Greetings, mage.
0x00143f08 Leave me.
0x0005d8ee Return to your guild, and prepare yourself accordingly.
0x0003446a I shall await your return.
0x000624a9 The Count of Skingrad and I are not social intimates. In fact, I don't believe Janus Hassildor has any social intimates.
0x000624aa It's curious. Skingrad's people scarcely ever set eyes on the Count, but he's apparently loved and respected by all his subjects.
0x000624ab A master sorcerer like Janus Hassildor inevitably outlives all his peers. It must be a lonely existence.
0x0003c1f6 I suppose Count Hassildor keeps Skingrad running smoothly, but you hardly ever see the man.
0x0003c1f6 I suppose Count Hassildor keeps Skingrad running smoothly, but you hardly ever see the man.
0x0003c1fc I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.
0x0003c1fc I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.
0x00009227 The cavern is silent once more. I would be foolish to think that this might send a message to those who would encroach on my territory.
0x00033f55 What do you wish to know about it?
0x00009226 More hunters will come in time, I am sure. For now, Skingrad is quiet again, and you have my thanks.
0x00034469 A troublesome lot. I expect you to deal with them.
0x00009223 Perhaps it is a mistake to make that assumption; only time will tell, I suppose.
0x00009224 See to it that your leader, Traven, learns this as soon as possible. I have no love for your guild, but I have no wish to see it destroyed either.
0x000039a3 There is a small nuisance I would have you deal with before I tell you what I know. One good turn deserves another, after all.
0x00009225 He is an old and powerful Necromancer. Traven will recognize the name, even if you do not.
0x00022b6c Now, our business here is concluded. I suggest you return to your Council.
0x00022b6b Well, now they shall have it.
0x00022b6a They've heard the same rumors I have about the Necromancers' Cult.
0x00022b65 Tell your Council that the next time they want something from me, they come themselves. They don't send someone under false pretenses.
0x00022b69 Despite what your Council may think, I've not thrown in with the Necromancers, and would never do so. You may pass along that message.
0x00022b68 I suspected Mercator was involved in their cult, but was unwilling to move against him without knowing the identities of his allies.
0x00022b67 Count Janus Hassildor, at your service. A 'thank you' might be in order at this point.
0x000270ef You have helped me by closing the Oblivion Gate near Skingrad. I will likewise help you by sending aid to Bruma.
0x000270f1 Whatever you may think of me, I still protect my own. This is my city, and Mehrunes Dagon will not have it while I remain Count of Skingrad.
0x000bf1ce Believe me, Mehrunes Dagon will know he was in a fight if he tries to take this city from me.
0x00038aaf Perhaps you'd better speak to my steward. I'm afraid I have little time to spend with visitors to Skingrad.
0x00033f57 I cannot arouse further suspicion by offering leniency to you, should you find yourself on the wrong side of the law.
0x00033f58 The citizens will likely know more. I imagine many have noticed their presence here.
0x000039a5 Of course, should you be caught murdering them in the streets, the guards will respond accordingly. I can't be connected with this, remember?
0x000039b4 They have given in to their instincts, and are little more than animals. They need to be exterminated, one way or another.
0x00033f56 The cavern is a short distance east of the castle. Far enough from town that few residents have reason to pass by it, thankfully.
0x000039a4 You, however, can act with impunity, and so will take care of this for me. Then I will tell you what I know.
0x00033f54 And miss the opportunity to take advantage of your help? I think not. I assure you, the information I have will be worth your time.
0x00034468 Very well.
0x0003c19f I've heard rumors about him, but I don't believe they're true.
0x0003c19f I've heard rumors about him, but I don't believe they're true.
0x0003c1a0 Maybe there's something strange going on, but Skingrad is a well-run city.
0x0003c1a0 Maybe there's something strange going on, but Skingrad is a well-run city.
0x0003e955 So I would ask that you take up the search on my behalf. If you are successful, I will reward you in whatever small way I can. Will you aid me?
0x0003e954 I wish to tell you a story, so that you might understand why I would trust you with my secrets. Would you hear it?
0x0005c2fc I have told you what I require from you. There is no more to say now; speak with Hal-Liurz when you have found this woman. Excuse me.
0x0003ed3e I have stories of old, implying they could cure someone of vampirism. I know nothing more than that. I hope you can learn the truth.
0x0003ed3f Unless directly crossed, I do not believe so. They have been known to help those in need in times past.
0x0003ed40 It is my hope that this woman you seek will know more.
0x0003ed3c As you wish.
0x0003ed3a If you are successful, perhaps you shall. For now, that is not necessary. I have no wish to endanger her.
0x0003ed39 I do not know. In her weakened state, it may well end her life. Even that would be a relief for her, after these many years of torture.
0x0003ed3b She is safe, hidden within the castle. That is all you need know for now.
0x0003ed3d I know very little about them. They operate outside the bounds of normal society.
0x0003ed38 I will tell you what I can. What would you know of her?
0x0003ed35 I shall do what I can in the meantime. Please, excuse me. I have other matters to attend to.
0x0003ed36 I shall do what I can in the meantime. Please, excuse me. I have matters to attend to.
0x0003ed37 If you are successful in finding a cure, report to my steward. You have my thanks.
0x0009813c What? Janus... please, no. Let me sleep. Please, let me sleep.
0x0009813d It's all right... it's all right. I've come to give you peace at last.
0x0009813e I can... rest? Truly?
0x0009813f Yes, my dear. Just drink this, and it will all be better.
0x00098140 Oh, Janus. Thank you... thank you for saving me.
0x00098141 Rona, my dear, it's time to wake up.
0x000a3df6 I understand. Accept this knowing that you have my thanks. And farewell.
0x000a3df7 Once you have the disease for several days, rest and let the effects take hold. And please, be careful. Good luck.
0x000a3df2 Thank you again. I shall rest easier now, knowing that Rona no longer suffers.
0x000a3df4 Thank you again. I shall rest easier now, knowing that Rona no longer suffers.
0x000a3df5 Which would you prefer?
0x000add37 I don't envy the High Chancellor his position. It can't be easy trying to rule an empire without an emperor.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCGoldNobleClass (0x0003e4cb) 1
Skingrad Castle Key (0x0002c461) 1
Skingrad Castle Silver Key (0x0002c460) 1
Black & Burgundy Outfit (0x0001c887) 1
Gold Trimmed Shoes (0x0001c888) 1
LL0NPCJewelryNoble100 (0x0018ba21) 1
Package Id
MS40HassildorTalktoPlayerEnd (0x000a3df1)
MS40HassildorSitInChamber (0x0009815a)
MS40HassildorTalktoPlayer (0x0003e952)
MG13HassildorTalktoPlayer (0x00009184)
MG09GreetPlayer (0x0000c638)
MG09CombatExplore (0x00035c30)
MQ11SkingradCountFindPlayer (0x00056e6d)
SkingradJanusHassildorSleep (0x0002c465)
SkingradJanusHassildorDefault (0x0002935f)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Janus Hassildor Faction (0x0000a0aa) 0
Skingrad Castle Faction (0x0002a09c) 0
Nobility (0x00022431) 3
Skingrad Citizen (0x00028e77) 0
Spell Id
Vampire's Seduction (0x0003bed9)
Hunter's Sight (0x0003beda)
Vampire Skills (0x0002c2ab)
Vampire Attributes (0x0002c2aa)
Vampirism (0x0002c2a2)
Porphyric Hemophilia (0x0003db3d)
Embrace of Shadows (0x0003bedb)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011