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Sulinus Vassinus (0x000293ed)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Sulinus Vassinus
  • Editor ID: SulinusVassinus
  • Form ID: 0x000293ed
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Male
Class Sorcerer (0x000237ac)
ACHR (if unique) SulinusVassinus01 (0x000293e8)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 15
NPC Health 116
NPC Magicka 230
SCRI SulinusVassinusScript (0x0014c71c)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 230
Fatigue Raw 230
Gold 15
Level Raw 15
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 20
Confidence 100
Energy 50
Responsibility 40
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 1
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 1
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Conjuration
Trainlvl 40
Armorer Raw 6
Athletics Raw 6
Blade Raw 11
Block Raw 6
Blunt Raw 11
Hand To Hand Raw 11
Heavy Armor Raw 49
Alchemy Raw 51
Alteration Raw 51
Conjuration Raw 51
Destruction Raw 51
Illusion Raw 18
Mysticism Raw 51
Restoration Raw 51
Acrobatics Raw 6
Light Armor Raw 6
Marksman Raw 6
Mercantile Raw 16
Security Raw 6
Sneak Raw 6
Speechcraft Raw 16
Health Raw 116
Strength Raw 48
Intelligence Raw 92
Willpower Raw 72
Agility Raw 38
Speed Raw 46
Endurance Raw 72
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00038ac5 I'm Sulinus Vassinus of the Mages Guild, and I'm so pleased to make your acquaintance.
0x0002d928 And let's just keep this little deal between us, shall we?
0x0000bf37 We'll talk more once I've finished getting Erthor back. For now, I have work to do.
0x0002d91e I hear you got quite a task from Adrienne.
0x0004a987 Time for you to cash in on my success.
0x0004a988 No time to talk. I've got a job to do.
0x00048702 Need a hand, Associate?
0x00048700 I'm here to help, if you need me.
0x0003c231 If you're looking to learn a bit about Conjuration, Sulinus Vassinus is a good person to talk to.
0x0003c231 If you're looking to learn a bit about Conjuration, Sulinus Vassinus is a good person to talk to.
0x0003c232 I saw Sulinus Vassinus at the Mages Guild conjure up some sort of creature, right there in the street. Guards took care of it.
0x0003c232 I saw Sulinus Vassinus at the Mages Guild conjure up some sort of creature, right there in the street. Guards took care of it.
0x0002d939 I saw Erthor earlier. Guess someone rescued him again. Hide your scrolls while you can.
0x0002d6e1 Have you reconsidered? I'd still be willing to do that job for you, if you want. It'd only cost you 300 gold.
0x0002d6e2 Heck, I'll even go do the job for you for 300 gold. When Erthor gets back, you can take the credit. What do you say?
0x0002d6e3 So you're supposed to go out and rescue Erthor, eh? I'd love to help out. I just don't quite feel comfortable doing that, though.
0x0002d6e4 Hmm. It's a pity you don't have the right sort of friends. Friends that would be willing to help out with a task like that.
0x000473f5 Adrienne Berene is the person you're looking for. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to help you.
0x00047465 Any sign of Erthor lately?
0x00047463 Have you spoken with Adrienne today?
0x00047466 Where's Erthor? I haven't seen him lately.
0x0006261b The guild can provide you with some training, but the best trainers are usually very hard to find.
0x00062bbe The guild has quite a few connections, and it always helps to know the right people, wouldn't you say? You should think about joining.
0x00038ac6 Interested in training? I do the Conjuration courses, and Druja does the Mysticism.
0x0002d926 Rescued him yourself, did you? Well, good for you.
0x0002d929 He's back to his normal routine now, all safe and sound. Enjoy taking credit for the work.
0x0002d6e9 So he settled down in Bleak Flats cave. Did all of his work there, and came back to town twice a week to check in. Hasn't been around lately, though.
0x0001c1b0 Oh, dear. I just can't seem to remember where that is. What a shame.
0x0002d6eb Oh. Are you sure? Well, think about it, and if you change your mind, let me know. I really do need some money, you see.
0x0002d6ea Pleasure doing business with you, friend!
0x0002d918 Y-yes. I understand. I'll head there right now, okay?
0x0002d919 You don't need to understand. Just tell Adrienne that the new Associate is the one who saved you. Or else. Are we clear?
0x0002d91a What? I don't understand...
0x0002d91b Right, okay. Listen, when you go back to Skingrad, don't tell Adrienne I was the one who saved you, okay?
0x0002d91c Oh, Sulinus! Thank you for coming to get me! I was afraid I'd be trapped here forever!
0x0002d91d All right, Erthor. You're safe now.
0x0003c1b5 All that conjuring gives me the creeps. There are plenty of scary things in this world without bringing more around.
0x0003c1b5 All that conjuring gives me the creeps. There are plenty of scary things in this world without bringing more around.
0x0003c1b8 I don't want to learn how to conjure things. I want to learn how to get rid of things.
0x0003c1b8 I don't want to learn how to conjure things. I want to learn how to get rid of things.
0x00047467 He's probably still out at the cave. Adrienne hasn't let him work here in a long time.
0x00047468 I know, but he usually stops by once a week or so. I don't recall seeing him lately.
0x00047461 I did, in fact. I don't think she was paying attention, though.
0x00047462 That's not surprising. Sometimes I wonder if she forgets to eat, being so focused on that research of hers.
0x00047464 Perhaps I'll steer clear of her, then.
Item Id Item Count
Mage's Robe (0x00064f7f) 1
Silver Shortsword (0x00025220) 1
Green Velvet Shoes (0x000229b2) 1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Package Id
MG01SulinusTravel2 (0x0002d74a)
MG01SulinusFindErthor (0x00005182)
MG01SulinusKillCreatures (0x0001ee39)
MG01SulinusTravel1 (0x0002d749)
SkingradMagesGuildDinner (0x000293e5)
SkingradMagesGuildLunch (0x000293e6)
SulinusVassinusSleep (0x0010d767)
TrainerDefaultWander (0x000389b2)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Mages Guild (0x00022296) 3
Skingrad Citizen (0x00028e77) 0
Spell Id
Weakness to Shock (0x0003c412)
Weakness to Poison (0x0003c411)
Weakness to Frost (0x0003c40e)
Weakness to Fire (0x0003c40d)
Electric Touch (0x000a97fb)
Shock (0x000a97f4)
Frost Touch (0x000a97f0)
Hailstone (0x000a97eb)
Flame Touch (0x000a97e4)
Flash Bolt (0x000a97e0)
Drain Skill: Marksman (0x0003c3e6)
Drain Skill: Illusion (0x0003c3e7)
Magicka Drain (0x0004c90f)
Major Wound (0x0004c913)
Major Enervation (0x0003c3f0)
Corrode Armor (0x000a97a3)
Sever Magicka (0x0003c3dc)
Entropic Bolt (0x000a97b1)
Major Life Detection (0x000a97db)
Ease Burden (0x000a9800)
Open Easy Lock (0x000a9824)
Heal Major Wounds (0x000a9822)
Defend (0x000a97a8)
Soul Trap (0x000aa04f)
Summon Scamp (0x000aa05e)
Remote Manipulation (0x000aa064)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011