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Carahil (0x0002cd1e)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Carahil
  • Editor ID: Carahil
  • Form ID: 0x0002cd1e
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race High Elf (0x00019204)
Gender Female
Class Spellsword (0x00023c07)
ACHR (if unique) CarahilRef (0x0002d06a)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 20
NPC Health 147
NPC Magicka 252
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 152
Fatigue Raw 293
Gold 15
Level Raw 20
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 1
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Illusion
Trainlvl 70
Armorer Raw 7
Athletics Raw 7
Blade Raw 44
Block Raw 44
Blunt Raw 7
Hand To Hand Raw 7
Heavy Armor Raw 44
Alchemy Raw 26
Alteration Raw 68
Conjuration Raw 26
Destruction Raw 68
Illusion Raw 64
Mysticism Raw 31
Restoration Raw 58
Acrobatics Raw 7
Light Armor Raw 7
Marksman Raw 7
Mercantile Raw 7
Security Raw 7
Sneak Raw 7
Speechcraft Raw 7
Health Raw 147
Strength Raw 57
Intelligence Raw 61
Willpower Raw 100
Agility Raw 51
Speed Raw 48
Endurance Raw 86
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00024f66 You've been suspended from the guild. You'd better see Raminus Polus if you want fix things.
0x0003e090 I'm the Wizard Carahil, Mages Guild, master of the Anvil chapter.
0x0002edd7 So, what of the Rogue mage? Has he been found?
0x0002ee3f Hello, Associate. To earn a recommendation from me, you need simply prove you are able-bodied and prepared to learn something in the process.
0x0002edda Hello there. Is there something with which I can assist you? Perhaps you're curious about joining the Mages Guild?
0x00022a92 I see you've returned safely, Associate.
0x0002acbf Have you completed your task?
0x0003c1df I've heard Carahil is a powerful illusionist. No wonder she's the ranking mage here in Anvil.
0x0003c1df I've heard Carahil is a powerful illusionist. No wonder she's the ranking mage here in Anvil.
0x0003c1e2 I understand Carahil knows more about Illusion than any other mage in Anvil. Of course, she only shares that knowledge with the Mages Guild.
0x0003c1e2 I understand Carahil knows more about Illusion than any other mage in Anvil. Of course, she only shares that knowledge with the Mages Guild.
0x000700be I thank you for completing the task I set about to do long ago. His unholy craft will no longer threaten the citizens of Anvil. Well done!
0x0002fd6d And, what better way to learn the many uses of Restoration? Practical application is often the best educator. Even in life and death situations.
0x00053239 Are you prepared now? I have little time to waste.
0x0002ee40 Unlike some frivolous tasks you may be given at other guild halls, this is a serious matter, and has consequences. Are you prepared?
0x0005323e Raminus Polus will want to speak with you. I must say, you will be a credit to the guild. Arch-Mage Traven will be lucky to have you there.
0x0006261f Arch-Mage Traven was right to ban Necromancy, and place restrictions on the addition of new members to the guild. He's served us well.
0x0002d05e I'm sorry, but the guild doesn't accept criminals as members. Get rid of that bounty on your head, and we'll talk.
0x0002d05f As long as you're not a wanted criminal, there's a place for you in the guild. Are you interested?
0x0002d283 They can be done in any order, but they all must be sent in to the Council before you can enter the Arcane University.
0x0002d072 Hmm. Well, that's your choice.
0x0002edf7 Disappointing. Well, let me know when you are ready.
0x0002ee4f You are going to help me do so.
0x0002fd6c It's a sad thing, to think that a mage would kill helpless merchants for the wares they carry.
0x0002ee50 We believe these deaths to be the actions of a rogue Mage.
0x0003020c Though I must say, I doubt it will do you much good in the end. You'd be surprised how easily they forget about the little people.
0x0002fd69 He may have more tricks up his sleeve.
0x0002ee53 These scrolls should provide sufficient resistance to frost magic, when and if you do encounter this rogue mage. Use them wisely.
0x0002fd6a Do not let your guard down. We do not know whether the Inn's staff is involved somehow.
0x0002fd6b You will find her company most welcome, I believe.
0x0006244f Travel to the Arcane University, and speak with Martina Floria.
0x00062455 Martina Floria at the Arcane University has a much better mastery of Illusion spells than I. You should travel there and speak with her.
0x0003e0bd The Anvil Mages Guild is proud to follow the example Hannibal Traven sets for us: mastery and scholarship free of the dark arts.
0x000473f0 It's in the Imperial City; perhaps some day you may be able to visit him there. He's done wonderful things for this guild.
0x0004f228 You are to travel north to the Brina Cross Inn, and speak with Arielle Jurard. She will give you further instructions.
0x0004f226 I have no time for guild recruits that are useless in the field. This will be an excellent way for you to prove yourself.
0x0004f227 As you are new to the guild, you are less likely to be recognized as a member. This may give you an advantage in getting to the root of the problem.
Item Id Item Count
Biography of Barenziah, v 2 (0x00024551) -1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Black & Burgundy Outfit (0x0001c887) 1
Gold Trimmed Shoes (0x0001c888) 1
Package Id
AnvilMGCarahilSleep0x7 (0x000c8532)
AnvilMGDinner21x3 (0x0000c111)
AnvilMGCarahilOfferServices8x12 (0x00014ef1)
TrainerDefaultWander (0x000389b2)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Mages Guild (0x00022296) 7
Anvil Citizen (0x00009274) 0
Spell Id
Minor Respite (0x00027443)
LL2SpellswordLvl100 (0x00056aac)
LL1IllusionMajor100 (0x00037cbe)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011