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Kud-Ei (0x0002cd1f)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Kud-Ei
  • Editor ID: KudEi
  • Form ID: 0x0002cd1f
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Argonian (0x00023fe9)
Gender Female
Class Spellsword (0x00023c07)
ACHR (if unique) KudEiRef (0x0002f07f)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+0 (min=5)
NPC Health 38 + (4+1.8)x(PC-1), PC=5-30
NPC Magicka 125 + 1.5x(PC-1) (max=250)
SCRI MS05KudEiScript (0x000e9cab)
Model Characters\_Male\SkeletonBeast.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 130
Fatigue Raw 189
Gold 15
Level Raw 0
Calcmin 5
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 75
Energy 50
Responsibility 95
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 5
Athletics Raw 15
Blade Raw 34
Block Raw 29
Blunt Raw 5
Hand To Hand Raw 10
Heavy Armor Raw 29
Alchemy Raw 17
Alteration Raw 36
Conjuration Raw 12
Destruction Raw 36
Illusion Raw 41
Mysticism Raw 17
Restoration Raw 36
Acrobatics Raw 5
Light Armor Raw 5
Marksman Raw 5
Mercantile Raw 5
Security Raw 15
Sneak Raw 5
Speechcraft Raw 5
Health Raw 61
Strength Raw 46
Intelligence Raw 52
Willpower Raw 57
Agility Raw 42
Speed Raw 42
Endurance Raw 44
Personality Raw 61
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00025036 There's nothing I can do for you. You'll have to speak with Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. Only he can lift the suspension.
0x000488d3 Kud-Ei. I'm in charge here, and an Advanced Trainer in Illusion to boot, so I don't have a lot of time to stand around and chat.
0x0018b123 Please go away. I have no wish to speak to you.
0x0003cca0 Now that Henantier has returned, things are as they should be.
0x0003ccac This thing you've done goes beyond what I would have expected from you. You've chosen a dark path, and I shall help you get there sooner!
0x0003cd5e I see you slept well. Welcome home.
0x0002c6d7 It's so difficult to be here and watch him not knowing how much he may be suffering.
0x0002c6d8 Are you prepared to enter the Dreamworld?
0x0002c6da Well, as you can see, Henantier's right here and he's trapped in his Dreamworld.
0x00027f2f It's just this way, not much farther.
0x00027f30 Are you ready to follow me to Henantier?
0x00027f33 What brings you to me today, friend?
0x00027f36 I don't suppose you could help me locate my friend Henantier could you?
0x0002c6a6 Do you have the Mage's staff, Associate?
0x0002c0cf Any luck talking with Varon Vamori yet? It should be no trouble at all once you use that scroll.
0x0002f1f1 Are you ready to earn your recommendation now?
0x0002f1f3 Hello there, Associate. You're here for a recommendation, I presume. Are you prepared to earn it?
0x0002eddb Are you here about joining the Mages Guild?
0x0003cc2e Such a pleasure to be in good company.
0x0003cc80 Welcome back to the true world.
0x0003ccaf There isn't any more to say. Please, lay down and sleep.
0x0003ccb0 This is your last chance to get ready. Once you're asleep, there's no coming back until Henantier awakens.
0x0003ccb1 We've arrived.
0x0003ccc3 Be patient, all will be explained.
0x0003cce9 I hope you've prepared yourself. The journey you're to undertake could be dangerous.
0x0003cceb Were you looking for me?
0x0003cd00 Excuse me, madam.
0x0003cd53 Excuse me, sir.
0x0003cd60 Hello to you.
0x0004cfab I hope you have some good news this time.
0x0004cfac Ah! The triumphant Associate returns!
0x0003ca4c I do hope our paths cross again.
0x0003ca59 Please, you must speak with Henantier. He has the reward I offered.
0x0003ca8e Now is a time for sleep. How I wish I could go with you!
0x0003ca90 Don't take this sojourn lightly. The recesses of the mind can be the darkest place of all.
0x0003cafa My poor Henantier. Help will be with you soon.
0x0003cc21 Just this way.
0x0003cc29 Please, return quickly.
0x0003cd67 Please, I'm in desperate need of help, and I think you're the only one that I can turn to!
0x0004cfa7 Get that staff back, Associate.
0x0004cfa9 Make sure Varon hands over that staff.
0x00027f34 You hear any word about Kud-Ei's friend? She's offering a generous reward, so hopefully someone will show up and lend a hand.
0x00027f34 You hear any word about Kud-Ei's friend? She's offering a generous reward, so hopefully someone will show up and lend a hand.
0x0003cd52 I saw Kud-Ei moping around outside the Mages Guild yesterday. In fact, I could swear she was crying. I hope she finds her missing friend.
0x0003cd52 I saw Kud-Ei moping around outside the Mages Guild yesterday. In fact, I could swear she was crying. I hope she finds her missing friend.
0x0003cd26 Kud-Ei seems to be in good spirits again after Henantier's return. I heard she enlisted a stranger's help in the search. Good show I say!
0x0003cd26 Kud-Ei seems to be in good spirits again after Henantier's return. I heard she enlisted a stranger's help in the search. Good show I say!
0x0003cd29 Henantier was slain in his sleep. How awful. They should find the one who did it and send him straight to prison.
0x0003cd29 Henantier was slain in his sleep. How awful. They should find the one who did it and send him straight to prison.
0x000465e5 Kud-Ei is very protective of her sisters in the Mages Guild. And she's quite skilled at creating illusions.
0x000465e5 Kud-Ei is very protective of her sisters in the Mages Guild. And she's quite skilled at creating illusions.
0x000465f4 Mages Guild members have said that Kud-Ei is an excellent teacher, as well as a very loyal guildmember.
0x000465f4 Mages Guild members have said that Kud-Ei is an excellent teacher, as well as a very loyal guildmember.
0x0002f1f6 If you want it, you'll need to persuade Varon Vamori, using whatever means necessary, to return that staff.
0x0004cfae Are you so eager to begin? Very well. We can start, if you feel you are ready.
0x00053242 Time for you to see where the real power of the guild lies. Raminus Polus will want to speak with you; head to the Arcane University.
0x0004890a I take my duties as chapter head very seriously... unlike SOME guild mages. It infuriates me how casual some guild heads are about common civility.
0x000465c6 Have you ever spoken with Kud-Ei in the Mages Guild?
0x000465c6 Have you ever spoken with Kud-Ei in the Mages Guild?
0x000465d3 Did you know that Kud-Ei also teaches at the Mages Guild here in Bravil?
0x000465d3 Did you know that Kud-Ei also teaches at the Mages Guild here in Bravil?
0x00062bd0 Each local guild hall has its own way of doing things. That means each hall has its own set of problems.
0x00027f3a Very well, but do return quickly, I fear he's in more trouble than you realize.
0x00027f3b Fantastic! Let's be off then.
0x00027f38 When you're ready to go and see him, let me know. But please, do hurry.
0x00027f39 Henantier's never been one for rules, and so he's continued to perform his latest experiments in secret. If word gets out, he'll be dismissed.
0x0002ba25 Don't say anything to her. I don't want to embarrass her further. Once this is all taken care of, I'll speak to her privately.
0x0002c6eb Alright. Please, come back soon. I'll wait for you here.
0x0002c6ea Henantier once told me that if he's killed in his dreams, anyone that's in there with him will die as well. So, do be careful.
0x0002c6df When you're ready to do this, I'll give you the amulet. Only I know the secret way it can be removed from his neck.
0x0002c6de The only way to save him is to put on the Dreamworld Amulet and go to sleep. Only then can you hopefully find out what's happened in there.
0x0003cd5f I wish to never speak of the Dreamworld again. Henantier's free of its grip, and I can't bear a reminder he was ever a prisoner in that dark place.
0x0002c6d9 You'll have to be very careful in there. If Henantier intended it as a training ground, there's no telling what you may encounter.
0x0002c6dd Henantier constructed a magical device he called the Dreamworld Amulet. With this device, one can enter his own mind and experience dreams.
0x0002c6dc Henantier isn't a prisoner in any physical sense. He's a prisoner of his own mind. He's trapped in his Dreamworld.
0x0002c6db Henantier isn't a prisoner in any physical sense. He's a prisoner of his own mind. He's trapped in his Dreamworld.
0x0002d060 You're a wanted criminal. The guild doesn't accept criminals. Understand? Clear things up, and then come back.
0x0002d061 Well, no bounty on your head, and you look able enough. Very well; are you sure you want to join the guild?
0x0002d284 We have a responsibility to look after one another, don't we? I dare say we do, no matter what the costs.
0x0002d073 No? Joining the guild is a good idea for anyone who wishes to become a powerful mage, you know.
0x0003cd45 Thank you for returning Henantier to me. I don't know what I would have done without him.
0x0002c6e9 My poor Henantier. I shudder to think what's happened to him in there.
0x00027f31 We aren't going far, so no need to prepare for a long journey. In fact, he's still in town. More I can't say aloud without risk of others hearing.
0x00027f37 Henantier isn't missing. On the contrary, I know exactly where he is. The problem is he's trapped and there's no way I can free him.
0x0003cd37 I'll always remember what you've done for us. From the bottom of my heart I thank you.
0x00027f32 Yes, I'm the one looking for my friend. His name is Henantier. If you find him, I'll be glad to offer you a sizeable reward.
0x00027f35 I suppose if you're interested, you could head over there and ask Kud-Ei yourself.
0x0002f17a No? Well, then please excuse me.
0x0002f176 I'll need you to have a little chat with Varon Vamori, and you can learn something about the power of Illusion in the process.
0x0002c6a9 And, of course, please keep this just between us.
0x0004cfad You have what you need to help him talk. I admit, it's not standard guild procedure, but I'd do anything for one of my girls.
0x0002f177 Perhaps he thinks it's amusing; I don't know. But it needs to stop. It's making her miserable.
0x0002c67c And, to thank you more personally, I shall teach you this spell. You may find it useful in certain circumstances.
0x0002c67d No staff yet? Well, keep at it. Those charm scrolls should do most of the work for you, if you put them to good use.
0x0004cfa6 Varon Vamori should give it to you once you've persuaded him, if you understand me.
0x0002ba66 Take this charm scroll. With it, you should find Varon more receptive to questioning. Don't come back without that staff.
0x0006244f Travel to the Arcane University, and speak with Martina Floria.
0x0006245f Martina Floria at the Arcane University has truly mastered Illusion spells. You should speak with her about training further.
0x000473f2 If you do what you need to, you'll get there one day. Just don't forget to help those who have aided you on your way.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCWeaponShortswordLvl100 (0x0003abc2) 1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Green Silk Garment (0x000229b1) 1
Green Brocade Doublet (0x000229b0) 1
Green Velvet Shoes (0x000229b2) 1
Package Id
MS05KudEiWatchHenantier (0x0002d055)
MS05KudEiToHenantier (0x0002d053)
BravilMGKudEiSleep (0x000f58ae)
BravilMGEat20x2 (0x00002575)
BravilMGEat14x2 (0x000025a0)
BravilMGKudEiRead9x11 (0x00002535)
BravilMGEat7x2 (0x00002564)
TrainerDefaultWander (0x000389b2)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Henantier's Faction (0x0000cf5a) 0
Bravil Faction (0x0002ca32) 0
Mages Guild (0x00022296) 7
Spell Id
LL2SpellswordLvl100 (0x00056aac)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011