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Falcar (0x0002cd21)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Falcar
  • Editor ID: Falcar
  • Form ID: 0x0002cd21
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race High Elf (0x00019204)
Gender Male
Class Necromancer (0x000353e0)
ACHR (if unique) FalcarRef (0x0002e547)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 30
NPC Health 245
NPC Magicka 167
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 67
Fatigue Raw 294
Gold 15
Level Raw 30
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 74
Athletics Raw 74
Blade Raw 78
Block Raw 74
Blunt Raw 78
Hand To Hand Raw 78
Heavy Armor Raw 84
Alchemy Raw 8
Alteration Raw 8
Conjuration Raw 8
Destruction Raw 8
Illusion Raw 8
Mysticism Raw 8
Restoration Raw 8
Acrobatics Raw 8
Light Armor Raw 8
Marksman Raw 8
Mercantile Raw 18
Security Raw 8
Sneak Raw 8
Speechcraft Raw 18
Health Raw 245
Strength Raw 100
Intelligence Raw 67
Willpower Raw 47
Agility Raw 47
Speed Raw 81
Endurance Raw 100
Personality Raw 67
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0001544a I should've killed you outright when I had the chance. Well, life is all about second chances, isn't it? I won't waste this one.
0x00024fd4 Should you decide to further waste the guild's time, Raminus Polus at the Arcane University can reinstate you.
0x0004e8ba What are you doing in here? Wander in by mistake? This is the Mages Guild. You want a barn or sheep pen or something.
0x0004e8bb Oh, dear. A budding spellcaster. How charming. I'm Falcar. I'm what a real wizard looks like.
0x0002edea Did you want something? You're not here to join the Mages Guild, are you?
0x0002e5a4 I find it surprising that you're speaking to me again without having completed your task.
0x0002e5a6 What is it, Associate? Don't tell me you're here for a recommendation.
0x000175bd Don't you have somewhere else to be?
0x000175be What do you want?
0x000175bf Find someone else to bother, won't you?
0x0002e5a3 Do you understand, or do I need to use even smaller words?
0x0002e5a5 What, you think you're ready now?
0x0002e5a7 Don't waste my time if you're not ready for this. Are you prepared to do what is necessary to gain a recommendation from me?
0x0004e8bc I am the chapter head of the Cheydinhal Mages Guild. It is quite an honor... but they had no choice, since I'm the only semi-competent one here.
0x00062bc3 The guild is still powerful in Cyrodiil, but poor decisions in the recent past have weakened it. Perhaps killed it. We shall see.
0x0002d27c Is this a joke? Do I look like I associate with common criminals, let alone grant them access to the guild? Begone.
0x0002d27d Are you sure you're up to it? You seem a little... slow.
0x0002d287 Now unless you wish to attempt to impress me with your no doubt staggering intellect, I have actual work to attend to.
0x0002d075 Hrmph. Not much of a loss, if you ask me.
0x0002e5ab It's not a normal ring, you see. You may find it slightly difficult to carry. Don't say I didn't warn you.
0x0002e5a9 Just as I suspected. If you ever believe yourself to be ready, perhaps we'll have reason to speak.
0x0002e5aa The well is locked, so you'll need the key. Deetsan should have a copy of it. Now get moving.
0x0002e5ae Run into him, have you? As I said, he was incompetent. Couldn't pass a simple lesson.
0x0002e5b1 You needn't concern yourself with him. He was unfit to be a guild member, and it's better that he's no longer part of it.
0x000473ee By all means, travel to the Imperial City and get stopped at the gates. You should get used to that sort of rejection.
Item Id Item Count
Gold Trimmed Shoes (0x0001c888) 1
Black & Burgundy Outfit (0x0001c887) 1
Falcar's Key (0x0002e99f) 1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Package Id
MG17FalcarWaitinRuinsAfterFleeing (0x0000c6b4)
MG17FalcarFleetoRuins (0x0001506a)
MG17NecroTraveltoMark (0x0003fd4d)
MG17FalcarWait (0x00000ab7)
FalcarWanderRoom20x2 (0x0006dbc5)
MG02FalcarWanderBasement (0x0001e54f)
CheydinhalMagesGuildDinner (0x00005667)
MG02FalcarSleep (0x0004b8e4)
aaaDefaultExploreEditorLoc3000 (0x0002aa2f)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Cheydinhal Citizens (0x000034ba) 0
Mages Guild (0x00022296) 7
Spell Id
LL2NecromancerLvl100 (0x00056aa7)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011