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Herminia Cinna (0x0002e5c6)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Herminia Cinna
  • Editor ID: HerminiaCinna
  • Form ID: 0x0002e5c6
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Female
Class Sorcerer (0x000237ac)
ACHR (if unique) HerminiaCinnaRef (0x0002e5c7)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+2
NPC Health 43 + (4+1)x(PC+1), PC=3-38
NPC Magicka 113 + 7.5x(PC+1) (max=250)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 127
Fatigue Raw 166
Gold 10
Level Raw 2
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 50
Energy 50
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 5
Athletics Raw 5
Blade Raw 10
Block Raw 5
Blunt Raw 10
Hand To Hand Raw 10
Heavy Armor Raw 37
Alchemy Raw 33
Alteration Raw 33
Conjuration Raw 33
Destruction Raw 33
Illusion Raw 11
Mysticism Raw 33
Restoration Raw 33
Acrobatics Raw 5
Light Armor Raw 5
Marksman Raw 5
Mercantile Raw 15
Security Raw 5
Sneak Raw 5
Speechcraft Raw 15
Health Raw 36
Strength Raw 41
Intelligence Raw 51
Willpower Raw 46
Agility Raw 31
Speed Raw 31
Endurance Raw 48
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x000476a2 Herminia Cinna. Amateur scholar of the ancient Elves, dabbler in the arcane arts. How can I help you?
0x000a6576 The king of Nenalata was the "last" simply because all the other kings had been destroyed or driven out of Cyrodiil.
0x000a656c If it isn't already too late, we would all be better off if you found a different Ayleid Crown for him.
0x0002e5cb You want to buy my Ayleid Crown? It isn't for sale, at any price. I would think Umbacano would know that by now.
0x000a55fd I hope you'll make the right choice. Umbacano must not have the Crown of Nenalata.
0x000a5608 Here. I happen to have the key you'll need to enter the royal burial chamber in Lindai. I hope you'll make the right choice.
0x000a5607 Their ultimate demise was wrought by their own civil strife at least as much as by the rebellion of their human slaves.
0x000a5606 But what if... what if you brought him another Ayleid Crown?
0x000a5605 Yes. I understand. He wants an Ayleid Crown. But does it have to be my Ayleid Crown? What if you brought him... another crown?
0x000a5604 However, my studies of the ancient texts make clear that it is the key to dangerous magical powers which should be left dormant.
0x000a5603 You may think so, in your ignorance. But I take a larger view. As a scholar of the Ayleids, I have no wish to see their evil power return.
0x000a5602 In the wrong hands, the Crown of the Ayleids could be very dangerous. And Umbacano is definitely the wrong hands.
0x000a5601 And if you know anything about Ayleid-ruled Cyrodiil, that should make you very uneasy.
0x000a5600 I will never allow the Crown to fall into Umbacano's hands. He is far more dangerous than you realize.
0x000a55ff I will never allow the Crown to fall into Umbacano's hands. He is far more dangerous than you realize.
0x000a6575 It's at least worth a try. I know I don't want to find out what terrible power Umbacano could unleash using the Crown of Nenalata.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCGoldMiddleClass (0x0003e4c9) 1
Herminia Cinna's House Key (0x000177f2) 1
Burgundy Linens (0x0001047c) 1
Burgundy Linen Shirt (0x00000b86) 1
Doeskin Shoes (0x0001c883) 1
LL2NPCJewelryMagic100 (0x00088826) 1
Package Id
MQ16MartialLaw (0x000aef8e)
HerminiaCinnaVisitCheydinhalNight (0x00022d8d)
HerminiaCinnaVisitCheydinhal (0x00022d8a)
ICArboretumSun8x4 (0x00022b73)
HerminiaCinnaWanderPalaceDistrict10x8 (0x0001e769)
HerminiaCinnaSleep (0x0000b9f4)
aaaSleep0x6 (0x0001cb88) *
aaaEat18x2 (0x0001cb87)
aaaEat6x2 (0x0001eb72)
aaaDefaultHomeOwner (0x000294ae)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Elven Gardens Horse (0x00068452) 0
Herminia Cinna Faction (0x00016239) 0
IC Citizens (0x00009275) 0
Cheydinhal Citizens (0x000034ba) 0
Spell Id
LL0BoundArmorMinorLvl100 (0x0002748e)
LL2Sorcerer100 (0x00037b3b)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011