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Countess Narina Carvain (0x00035ebb)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Countess Narina Carvain
  • Editor ID: NarinaCarvain
  • Form ID: 0x00035ebb
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Female
Class Noble (0x00023e63)
ACHR (if unique) NarinaCarvainRef (0x00036276)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 10
NPC Health 98
NPC Magicka 112
SCRI NarinaCarvainSCRIPT (0x0000ccb8)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 112
Fatigue Raw 194
Gold 200
Level Raw 10
Calcmin 0
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 75
Energy 75
Responsibility 100
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 15
Athletics Raw 44
Blade Raw 48
Block Raw 44
Blunt Raw 20
Hand To Hand Raw 20
Heavy Armor Raw 25
Alchemy Raw 6
Alteration Raw 6
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 6
Mysticism Raw 6
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 6
Light Armor Raw 34
Marksman Raw 6
Mercantile Raw 44
Security Raw 34
Sneak Raw 6
Speechcraft Raw 44
Health Raw 98
Strength Raw 53
Intelligence Raw 45
Willpower Raw 45
Agility Raw 43
Speed Raw 50
Endurance Raw 53
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 55
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0001822c Have you recovered the Madstone?
0x0001822d I'm pleased you decided to find the Madstone. It will be the highlight of my collection.
0x0001822f Back to take me up on that offer, eh? I knew you couldn't resist.
0x00018231 I trust that the stipend Tolgan gave you whetted your appetite?
0x0003c996 Lady Narina Carvain, Countess Bruma. Welcome. You'll excuse me if I keep this brief, but affairs of the county await me.
0x00018227 Good to see you again.
0x0001823a Hear me out before you make your decision.
0x000980c7 I think I know why you're here, but I'd speak to my herald, Tolgan, first. I believe he has something for you. Then return to me.
0x000980c8 Welcome to Bruma Castle. What's brought you here today?
0x000272bc Greetings. What news from Cloud Ruler Temple?
0x000272bd I will call out my militia if necessary, but must we truly stand alone? I don't think we can survive the daedric onslaught.
0x000276a3 Some help is better than nothing, but my militia are farmers and shopkeepers, not soldiers. I would recommend delaying until more help can arrive.
0x000276a4 But my militia is no substitute for trained soldiers. Can we not wait for more help to arrive?
0x000276a5 You are a diplomat as well as a warrior, it seems! I would prefer more men, of course, but if we must offer battle now, so be it.
0x000276a6 I am ready for battle when you are, champion. What say you?
0x000276a7 Come with me to the Chapel of Talos. I wish to speak with your lord.
0x0003d7f5 Your place is on the battlefield. I have trusted you this far. Do not fail me.
0x000276a8 Your Highness? I am Narina Carvain, Countess of Bruma, at your service.
0x0001c4c9 It's wonderful to see you again.
0x0001c4ca I hope you bring good news.
0x0001c4cb I knew I could count on you.
0x0001c4cc Reconsider?
0x0001c4cd It's a pleasure to see you.
0x0007b7d3 Good day to you.
0x00036006 As you command, Countess.
0x0001c4d0 May luck be always on your side.
0x0001c4d1 Return when you have the Madstone.
0x0001c4d2 May the path ahead be free of danger.
0x0001c4d3 I'm disappointed. But you'll be back.
0x0001c4d4 Please consider my proposal.
0x000980d2 Just speak to Tolgan... you'll see.
0x000980d3 May the Divines smile upon you.
0x000980d9 I overheard a guard mention the Countess is looking for a piece to add to her collection of Akaviri artifacts. Our taxpayer's drakes at work...
0x000980d9 I overheard a guard mention the Countess is looking for a piece to add to her collection of Akaviri artifacts. Our taxpayer's drakes at work...
0x0006249b Millona Umbranox, Arriana Valga, and Narina Carvain seem to rule their counties perfectly well without male assistance.
0x0006249b Millona Umbranox, Arriana Valga, and Narina Carvain seem to rule their counties perfectly well without male assistance.
0x0006249d Bruma is not a fit place to live, but no one can fault Countess Bruma on the quality of her guard or defenses.
0x0006249e I believe the rugged climate of Bruma suits Narina Carvain. She's tough and cold, but you always know what to expect from her.
0x0006249f No wonder Narina Carvain is so cranky. If you had to live year-round in a cold, drafty, soot-stained castle like Bruma, you'd be cranky, too.
0x0001823c Then best be on your way. You won't find it by standing around in here.
0x0001823d It's known as the Ring of the Vipereye. I hope it serves you well in your future journeys.
0x0001c4db It doesn't become you to tell lies. If you've recovered the Madstone, please bring it back to me and you'll be rewarded.
0x0001822a The messenger's diary will make a nice companion to the Madstone in my collection.
0x0001823b Be cautious, and return home soon. Good luck.
0x00018238 I'm sure the lure of my reward will have you back sooner than you think.
0x00018239 I'm also providing you with a unique key that was supposedly found with the diary. I'm assuming it will prove useful when you arrive at the site.
0x00018237 It's come to my attention that the post did exist and it happens to be the last reported location of the Draconian Madstone.
0x00018236 Not only did this make the Akaviri fight on two fronts, it also cut off access to reinforcements and supplies from the sea.
0x00018235 Well then, history lesson notwithstanding, I hope you can recover the Draconian Madstone.
0x00132aa3 With the information you have given me about Pale Pass, it could take scholars many years to amend the history books.
0x00018229 With the information you have given me about Pale Pass, it could take scholars many years to amend the history books.
0x00018234 Are you familiar with the history of Pale Pass?
0x00018228 The Madstone is finally mine. It's the pinnacle of my collection. Many thanks to you again.
0x0001822e The Madstone awaits, and so does your reward if you retrieve it.
0x00018230 If you retreive the Draconian Madstone for me, I'll be happy to compensate you by rewarding you with another Akaviri artifact. Are you game?
0x00018233 Through my sources, I've learned that the last reported location of the Madstone was the ruins at Pale Pass.
0x00018232 I'm of course referring to The Draconian Madstone.
0x0003c997 Some see only the conflicts between northern and southern cultures, but I see the way they are stronger when woven together.
0x0018d2a2 But you must hurry! I'm afraid of what might happen if the daedra are able to get a foothold here.
0x00027787 Burd! Deploy the troops for battle!
0x00027785 Thank you. I know that delay is dangerous, but it is all for naught if we lose the battle before you can recover the Great Sigil Stone.
0x00027784 As you wish. I will wait here while you prepare yourself for battle.
0x00027783 So be it. Bruma's fate is in the hands of the gods now ... and yours.
0x0002777b There is no need for any formality at this time. I am not Emperor yet. And I am quite new to this notion of being heir to the throne.
0x0002777d Thank you for coming. I know I am asking for a great deal of trust. But this is the only way. I would not suggest it otherwise.
0x0002777e Your champion has already explained the situation to me. I have agreed to it. We will not win this war through caution.
0x0002777f You have a rare gift, to know when desperation is the path of wisdom. I will do everything in my power to defend your city, my Lady.
0x00027780 If Bruma falls, the Empire falls with us. So be it.
0x0002777a I will meet Martin at the Chapel. When all is ready, I will order my men to stop closing the Gates and prepare for battle.
0x00027746 And now it seems there is an heir to the throne after all, hidden at Cloud Ruler Temple... and perhaps a hero as well?
0x0002771c A desperate plan indeed. This ... Prince? Emperor? Martin would risk my whole city to gain a Great Sigil Stone?
0x0003b3f0 She holds public audience in the Great Hall on weekday mornings. If you need to speak to her, that's the time to do it.
0x0004f20c I'd prefer to only discuss the property with serious buyers.
0x0004f210 It's a quaint little house conveniently located just off the main gate.
0x0004f216 What a shame. I guess I have to look for another buyer.
0x0004f215 I'm fairly certain that Suurootan at Novaroma here in Bruma can acquire the things you'll need to make it look like home.
0x000980f8 Look, there's no need to be rude. I just thought it might have been interesting to you.
0x000980f7 I beg to differ, history can be quite enriching. Hmph. I figured you to have more brains than brawn, but so be it.
0x000980f6 His alliance with Lord Vivec during the Akaviri invasion is just one example of his cunning and ingenuity.
0x000980f5 If you're interested in assisting the Countess, you can always seek out Tolgan. He's usually in the Castle.
0x000add41 He served Emperor Uriel for many years, and so far he has done well in an impossible situation.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCJewelryNoble100 (0x0018ba21) 1
LL0NPCGoldNobleClass (0x0003e4cb) 1
Castle Bruma Key (0x00035e44) 1
Castle Bruma Interior Key (0x00035e45) 1
Blue Suede Shoes (0x0002319e) 1
Blue Silk Shirt (0x00064fe5) 1
Blue Silks (0x00064fe4) 1
Package Id
MQ13NarinaCarvainToMartin (0x000376b9)
MQ13NarinaCarvainToBrumaChapel (0x0002711e)
MQ13NarinaCarvainThroneWaitForPlayer (0x00097a71)
BrumaCastleFormalDinner20x4 (0x0003636e)
BrumaNobleSundayWorship18x4 (0x00036367)
NarinaCarvainThrone8x10 (0x00036369)
BrumaNerinaCarvainSleep0x6 (0x0000ab02)
aaaDefaultExploreEditorLoc768 (0x0001dc54) *
Faction Id Faction Rank
Bruma Citizens (0x00035ea9) 0
BrumaCastleFaction (0x00035eba) 0
Nobility (0x00022431) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011