Oblivion Game Data

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Sword of the Crusader (0xKN000f46)

  • Record Type: WEAP
  • Name: Sword of the Crusader
  • Editor ID: ND08WeaponSword2
  • Form ID: 0xKN000f46
  • Source File: Knights.esp.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Weight 31
Value 502
Health 375
Enchantment Weapon: Fire Damage, 6 pts for 2 secs on Touch; Damage Magicka, 20 pts on Touch
Base Item Sword of the Crusader (0xKN000f2f)
Charge/Cost = Uses 750/6=125
Damage 17
Type Blade One Hand
SCRI ND08WeaponSwordSCRIPT (0xKN000da9)
Model Weapons\NDSacred\NDLongsword.NIF
Icon Weapons\ND\NDSword.dds
Speed 1
Reach 1
Resistnw 1
Value Raw 200
Skill Blade
Enchant Id
NDEnchWeaponSword4 (0xKN000dd7)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
WEAP records last updated 11/01/2011