Better Cities:Armod Surrion

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Armod Surrion
(RefID: xx003574)
Home City Cheydinhal
House Armod Surrion's House
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 17 Class Priest
RefID xx003574 BaseID xx186EEA
Other Information
Health 104 Magicka 220
Respons. 75 Aggress. 5
Essential Always
Faction(s) Cheydinhal Citizens; RG Recruit Interested Candidates

Armod Surrion is a Dark Elf priest who lives in Cheydinhal. He is familiar with the area and good at planning and organizing, and so is a candidate for Rangers Guild recruitment.

Armod spends most of his time in his house. He rises bright and early at 6am every morning, spends a couple of hours exercising, then eats breakfast at 8am. He spends most of the day at home, either taking care of household tasks or training; at 6pm, he talks a walk to the Newlands Lodge to eat dinner for two hours, then returns home and relaxes for a couple of hours before retiring to bed at 10pm.

He dresses for comfort, in a worn huntsman vest, pants, and moccasins; he is armed with an iron short sword and carries the key to his house and a small amount of gold.

Armod lives in a large house in Cheydinhal, up near the castle. It has two floors; the bottom has an entryway, an empty central area, and a small dining room by the hearth; the upstairs has a sitting room and a large bedroom. The furnishings are functional and comfortable, unprepossessing like their owner. Many tapestries hang on the walls to provide a little decoration.

Armod is friendly and will greet you warmly: "Pleased to meet you! My name is Armod Surrion, formerly from Mournhold, but I moved to Cheydinhal about ten years ago." Aside from the Guild interview, however, he has little else to say.

Related Quests[edit]

  • New Recruits: Find and interview potential new recruits for the Guild.